Number Six Looks Just Like You

This story was commissioned and they were kind enough to let me publish it for all to enjoy! I have done other commission work which has been for private viewing only at their request. 

Summary:  In the not too distant future technology and medicine have allowed women to transform into massive, maternal motherly figures once they decide how they want to look, and men are shrunk down to diminuitive and helpless forms. It seems science and medicine have solved all of humanity's problems... or at least so they try to convince you. 

Contains: F/m, size comparisons, 7-10ft tall amazon woman, thick bbw bodies, femdom, smothering, "mommydom" talk, orgasm denial, teasing, outercourse.

DARK THEMES: Mental abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, manipulation, corrupt therapy, medical malpractice, medical themes. 

The vidscreens were as vibrant as modern technology could make them. Like everything else, everything was better in the future. Each showed David - or rather, a visualization of who David could be. Would be, if his mother had anything to say about it. 

David, however, was nose deep into a book - one his father had left him. Dostoevsky. His father had been adamant that his son be well read, to expand his mind; that he learn to think for himself. 

Now it was just him and mother. His mother had never agreed with his father on many things, least of all their son David.

“I can’t decide which I like more, six or nine…”

David wasn’t really listening. Ever since her transformation, he had found it oddly difficult to ignore her entirely, for… obvious reasons. 

“What do you think David?”

He took a moment to pretend he hadn’t heard her, but it was hopeless. Soon his peripheral vision was awash with monumental thighs which simply beggared belief. 

Or they would have back before the advent of the body transformation. Now women like her were the norm rather than the exception. Indeed, most girls transformed as soon as they were 21, as soon as they were able to. 

Clad as ever in tight clothes which accentuated her perfect body, his eyes travelled up his mother’s perfectly shaped mons to her full and pouty tummy. Soon, though, the massive swell of her breasts filled what little space there was between them and totally blocked the book in his lap. 

The canyon of cleavage her massive bosom offered seemed to last forever as he nervously met her gaze. 

“Well?” His mother asked vacantly over the rim of her wine glass.

“Oh, sorry I… wasn’t looking.” He finished, hurriedly averting his eyes from the buxom goddess-like body his mother now inhabited. 

“Well pay attention David, this is so important to your future.” His mother announced, swirling her wine glass idly. 

At eight feet tall, and sporting measurements which would have made a clothier a century ago blush, she was now like most other women in society. Tall, powerful, thickly built. Each was a venusoid goddess in her own right. Every inch of her was perfectly crafted, perfectly honed to be picturesque, an absolute epitomy of womanhood. 

Her face was the same, but something had changed in his mother. Or maybe it had always been there, whatever it was, behind her bushy blonde bob and wired smile. David wasn’t a particularly large guy, even by pre-transformed standards. Even if he had been, his mother would have easily towered over him. 

It wasn’t just her body that was different, David reminded himself. His mother had always been overbearing, domineering, like all mothers were. However since her transformation all of those aspects of her personality had been amplified - along with her physical assets. He occasionally wondered whether her new body had caused the change in her personality, or if those changes came as a part of her transformation… 

A quote from one of his father’s old books had stuck with him from when he had first read it as a child. ‘Power corrupts’.

“You must have some idea by now, David, surely.” She mused, looking up at the vidscreens as David reluctantly  closed his book.

He wasn’t looking at the screens, though, but past them. Their apartment on the edge of the city overlooked a beautific scene, although the house was surrounded on all sides by a massive concrete wall. You couldn’t see over it unless you were indoors, as the apartment rested atop a hill. It reminded him of the beauty that was out there. Nature, untouched by man. Life out there was as it had always been. That much at least he did like about the place. However, it was very isolated. He rarely saw friends anymore, and they got even fewer visitors. That seemed to be just how his mother had liked it. 

His father had been reluctant to move so far out of the city, but mother had insisted the fresh air would be ‘good for them’. Of course, the fact the place was built to house a transformed woman may have entered into her mind at the time. That was back before she transformed, but his mother had always seemed to have a plan for the future. In the end, as she always did, his mother got her way, as it seemed women always did.

The rooms were extremely spacious, indeed David couldn’t help but feel like a child wandering through the cavernous spaces. Despite being one floor the roof towered over what many regular homes would have. 

“So? What do you think?” She asked again, and tilted his chin up to the vidscreens blocking an otherwise beautiful view of the world. 

“I looked at them before…” He murmured, squirming in place. 

David had been reluctant to begin talking about transformation at all, yet his mother had been talking about it for years. She had transformed when he was still young, indeed he barely remembered the old her. Yet it hadn’t been long after her own transformation that his father had gotten one, and indeed, not long after that she had begun to envision his own some day. 

He had always thought the day would never come, the day when he would be old enough for the law to declare him eligible. It always felt so far away, and now… well, now the day had come. His 21st birthday hadn’t even ended before his mother was shoving pamphlets into his hands and proclaiming how wondrous it would be. 

David however had always had an issue with the idea. 

“Well there really is no sense in waiting, you ought to figure out what transformation you want and get it done sweetie!” She announced cheerily, squeezing her arms around her prodigious chest and crossing her hands in front of her in a way that made her bosom swell in ways the laws of physics were scarcely designed to account for. 

His mother stood with her massive thighs barely parted, hands resting on her waist as she ogled the boy on the vidscreens anxiously; perhaps a little too anxiously. 

“You’ll be so cute, Davey…” She murmured dreamily. 

“Don’t you like how I look now?” He croaked, not realising he’d said it until it had came out already. 

His mother rounded on him with a quizzical look, but her features softened with infinite compassion. 

“Oh well of course, sweetie… I love you more than anything in the world. You’re my special boy.”

She lifted him easily, despite being a mostly grown man, into a truly terrifying hug. Just as she had when he was young, she smothered him between her breasts behind her thin, low cut top. 

“Mom!” He exclaimed, but she held firm for a few moments more before releasing the thoroughly reddened boy. 

“Sorry, I just forget sometimes you’re all grown up now… well, at least for now anyway.” 

She giggled at that, her eyes drifting back to the screens. 

There David looked upon the fate society had envisioned for him. Small, weak, frail, diminutive forms. In each he looked to be no younger, yet he was so much slighter. The smallest was barely four feet tall! 

“You know, I do think number six looks best.” She cooed in his ear, her massive breast gently pressing into - and then flowing around and over - his shoulder as she moved in behind him. “In fact, number six looks just like you.”

David swallowed. With mousie hair and thin shoulders, he knew he would be practically helpless at that size. Although he grimly acknowledged as his mother’s firm grip tightened on his shoulder that even as he was he was already a small guy in a world of giantesses. This would simply be completing the look. 

“You’d be so small, just like all the other boys…” She sighed, and he felt her massive form beginning to slowly press atop his, and he couldn’t help but shrink beneath it. “So cute… so adorable. The girls will be all over you after they’ve transformed. They won’t be able to… help themselves…”

He saw his mother lick her lips a little at that, and he shied from under her grip in her moment of distraction, but irritably looked down when she saw David had taken another book from the shelf. 

“Oh David, what are you looking at now?”

“It’s you. From before.”

She settled in beside him on the massive plush chaise that was sized more for her benefit than a normal man’s size. 

“I forgot we had this old photo album.” She noted, before gasping. “Look, aren’t you so cute in that photo? Your first day at high school… oh you were so nervous, remember you sat in the car for an hour before I could convince you to go in?”

David nodded, but pointed down. 

“Yeah, but I was looking at this old photo of you.”

“Oh… the old me. Back when I was barely any bigger than you.” She huffed slightly, and squeezed his shoulder. 

As he looked back down at the photo, David noticed his mother’s hand on his father’s shoulder, and her eyes fixed on him. Her fingers digging ever so slightly into his father’s shirt, like a bird of prey. That was before his father had gotten the transformation, too… She had gotten it first. It had been sudden, although David was too young to remember most of it. After that, his father had, too.

There in that photo he could see she was the same woman then. Even then she had a firm grip on his father… 

Just as she did with David now. 

“Mom, if a guy didn’t want to get the transformation…” 

He looked up at the screens for a moment, but looked away almost in fright as the thought of losing so much of himself occurred. However, his gaze landed squarely on his mother, and her utterly mind-melting body. 

“Oh I hope you’re not going to continue with that silly nonsense again David!” She spoke in soft, vapid tones, with a sweet coo as if speaking to a child. “You know this is what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it?”

As she asked that, she was slowly running her hands over her own body, as well as his thigh. Years of being bombarded by her bodily presence flashed through his head, and the topics of many shameful sweaty nights in his bed came with them. 

“W-well… uh…”

“You wouldn’t have to leave home, of course.” She added, voice like velvet as she took another sip of wine. “You could stay here with Mommy if you preferred… I’d cuddle you and keep you warm, and you’d be so small compared to Mommy…”

She spoke breathily, evidently excited by the idea. 

“So cute…” she whispered, as if the idea was just too exciting for her to handle. 

David blanched. 

“It’s just…” he murmured, “I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to, do I?”

His mother grinned politely, fixing him with a long stare before finally shaking her head. 

“Of course not. Nobody can make you get the transformation, sweetie.” Her fingers curled around her glass, clutching it gently and yet possessively. “But I think you’ll want it before long. All boys do in the end.”


TV entertainment, as usual, was an endless parade of dolled up transformed glamour models. David’s father had told him it hadn’t always been so, but they hadn’t had a way to play any of his old movies. Apparently you needed a special machine for the discs. 

Now though massive transformed women dominated every aspect of entertainment. Everything was always perfect in the world of the screens. David usually grew tired of it before long, but there wasn’t much else to do. 

Yet as he reclined in front of the television on their gargantuan sofa, he didn’t hear the silken approach of a silent predator. Even as her presence loomed over him, a greater and greater mass soon occupying the space behind him, David remained blissfully unaware. 

With alarming alacrity, hands snaked down to cup under his arms, only to flurry their fingers for a moment with pure ticklish sadism, rendering him utterly senseless in glee, clamping his arms down around the intruders. 

Yet in a well practiced move, that made it only too easy for his auntie Mabel to lift him off the sofa and smother him in a bosomy embrace. Soon his face was sinking into her prodigious breasts as she was so often want to do whenever she visited. 

“MMMFH!” David squealed in mirthful disapproval, yet his auntie feigned ignorance. 

“Oh my special nephew, how are you Davey?” She asked in a singsong tone as she blanketed his face in kisses. 

Eventually she relented, putting the boy back down on the sofa as she rested her head in her hands. The body she had selected for her transformation was for more toned than that of her sister, his mother. Even so, she towered over him, even taller than his mother was. Her more muscular form just made it even easier than it already would have been to treat him as if he was still just a child. Hell, from a distance one would have assumed he was compared to her. 

“I haven’t seen you in so long! My my you’ve grown up…” His auntie said softly, yet she sounded almost disappointed that he had grown at all. 

“Yeah… it’s been years.” David said weakly. 

He did love his auntie. Yet he had always felt a little uneasy around her. Unlike his mother, there was a sharpness there, with far more going on below the surface. 

“Now what’s all this I’ve been hearing about you?” She asked gently, before sitting on the massive sofa’s armrest as easily as an untransformed person would a stool. “You know your mother is very worried.”

“It’s just… the transformation. I don’t think I want to do it.”

“Aww, sweet boy…” she cooed, and slid down onto the sofa next to him. 

He shuffled over as her body began to press into his, but she put an arm around his shoulder to softly but firmly keep him right where he was. David’s heart beat a little faster as, by necessity, his cheek was now firmly pressed into the side of his Auntie’s truly massive breast.

“Why on Earth wouldn’t you want to?”

“I don’t want to change, I want to just be… well, me.”

“Oh come now, I’m still who I was before, right? I just look different. I look great! Don’t I?”

“Well… yeah.” David admitted, blushing furiously as his auntie squeezed him tighter, pressing his face just a little more firmly into her breast. 

“I think you’ll love the new you.” She cooed, and kissed the top of his head. “And so will your mother and I… not to mention all the other girls. All the girls your age are going to be transformed soon, you know.”

“I know… but I like who I am now.” He groaned, ducking out of his auntie’s grip at last and falling back on the sofa cushions. “Don’t you?”

“Well of course I do. So does your mother. The only difference is you’ll be a sweet, cute boy ready for everyone to pluck him from his feet and have her way with him…”

“You already do that.” David smirked ruefully. 

“True.” His auntie grinned, and leaned closer to him. “I think it’s about time you tell me where you’re getting all these ideas.”

“Well… Dad always-”

“Your dad was a lovely little guy.”

“I know he was, but… before, he and I talked a lot.”

“So? You and I are talking now. You can still talk to people after you’re transformed.” She tickled under his chin at that with a smug grin.

“No I mean really talking. About life. About bigger ideas. Not this flashy stuff on the vidscreens, see?”

“Is it so bad to just talk about things we enjoy?”

“Well no, but… there has to be more to life than just… giant woman, beautiful bodies… Ever since I was young that is all the world has been. That’s all I’ve ever known. That’s all any of us has ever known.”

“What’s so wrong with that? All the boys I know who’ve been transformed love their new lives.”

“Life has to be about more than just… massive, beautiful women.” He said at last, before staring up into her eyes. “I want more from life than that.” 

His auntie looked at the screens for a moment with their endless charade parades, and levelled her gaze at him, her lidded eyes spelling out her thoughts. 

“You know what I think? I think you’re not feeling well. I think my little nephew needs a little instant smile…”

David’s eyes widened in fear as those words, in that tone of voice, summoned memories of when he was younger. Those plush lips curling with intent as massively bosomed women slowly unbuttoned their shirts… 

“N-no! Uh-” He stammered, and tried to pull away from his auntie, but she had a firm hold on his wrist. 

“I know just what will make those worries in your tummy go away…”

Chewing his lip in pure anxiety, David wrenched against his auntie’s silk-wrapped steel grip. 

“Please, uh, come on Auntie Mabel I’m- I’m too old for that now.”

“Little boys are never too old for their Mommies to make them smile… or their Aunties.” She added with a smug grin.

With a firm grip, she soon had the boy sunk into the gap between her pillow-soft and pillow-thick lap, his entire leg barely covering one of her thighs. As he tried to stammer out objections, she was tugging patiently at the neckline of her soft, knitted blouse, slowly revealing more and more of her creamy, bronzed flesh and the cavernous cleavage therein. 

Hushing him as one would any fussy child - and to her that was essentially the case - she grinned knowingly as under the strain of sheer gravity her blouse gave way and her titanic breast fell forth. 

A squeak was all he managed before her prominent nipple was prodding insistently at his lips, and she deliberately interpreted his exasperated groans as those of excitement. 

“It’s been so long since I got to do this with my good little boy…” She added with a smirk, a wry tone she always seemed to reserve for when she made him blush. “Now open up for auntie. You know it always makes you feel sooo much better…”

He forced his lips together tightly, pursing them as he shook his head what little he could in his auntie’s grip as her arm crept under his neck to pull his head firmly into her breast. 

“Now now, you know it always puts an instant smile on your face. It makes good little boys all silly and… giggly.

She slowly curled her fingers against his neck, as her other hand moved down between her lap to tickle at his inner thigh. 

David grunted in frustration, his throat tightening, but as memories of his younger days came flooding back he knew it was hopeless. He also knew just what euphoric hell awaited him, though, and delayed it as much as he could. 

“Now now, no fussing, good little boys are never too old for their instant smile…”

As her lecherous fingers wandered, finding new ticklish spots to try to pry his lips apart, she eventually bit her tongue between her lips as an evil idea occurred. She gently began to trace her nails along the outline of his balls as she kept his thighs wedged apart with an arm, and no matter how he tried to force his legs together her bicep alone was enough to keep them spread. 

Instantly he was shaking with the sheer overwhelming sensations flooding his body as his ultra-sensitive skin was subjected to a feather-light but voracious assault. It was only a matter of time. No guy could have hoped to hold out forever. He inhaled deeply, felt his lips part in mirth, and before he could screech in laughter his auntie had seated her thick, turgid nipple deeply within his lips. 

“That’s it, that’s it…” she gushed triumphantly, having so easily overcome his meagre resistance, “such a good boy, and now… smile for me.”

As gouts of milk instantly flooded his throat, he felt warmth begin to spread from deep within him almost immediately. One by one, his muscles relaxed as each felt as though it had recieved the massage of a lifetime. Indeed, as she softly cooed, he felt his eyes roll back as a wave of pleasure wracked his body, soon followed by another. 

He winced with exasperation but couldn’t deny a lifetime of engendered response. Slowly but surely, a dumb grin spread across his lips.

“There’s that smile…” his Auntie whispered, playing at his cheek with her finger. 

What irk remained was washed away in a sea of bliss as her heavy cream settled in his stomach and flooded his system with a wave of chemically induced giddiness. He giggled and twitched with boyish delight at her infantile teasing, only moreso when she cooed at him as if he were just a child. 

“That’s a good boy… see? Wouldn’t you love to feel this way all the time? This is what your whole life will be like after you get the transformation.”

It really had been years, in truth, since he had last felt this way. He had managed to avoid any excuse to be fed any milk, or instant smile as it was so often and condescendingly referred. For years he insisted on preparing his own lunch to take to school and had narrowly avoided his teachers who seemed to love finding any excuse to ‘cheer up’ their male students. 

Total bliss. The more he drank, the better he felt, riding an endless tide of pleasure as it coursed through every inch of him - several inches in particular. His cock was practically thrumming within his loose shorts, to no small degree because of the attention his auntie had been paying it not a few moments before. 

Yet deep within him something burned, he railed against the very joy which was being forced upon him like a trapped beast. His very soul seemed to fight to stay afloat amidst the rising tide of creamy bliss. 

When at long last his auntie removed her engorged nipple, long and thick enough to tickle the back of his throat with each throbbing gout of milk it poured forth, he was left gasping. Not just because of his frantic and euphoria-induced swallowing having left little room to breathe, but because his entire body was now so sensitive that even the tiniest movements of his clothing against his skin, or his auntie’s delicate but lecherous touches, were leaving him practically breathless. 

“There… I knew I could put a smile on your face.” She soothed him, and petted his hair. 

He began to forget just what he’d been so worried about before. 


The days passed and yet David’s melancholy only worsened. His mother was insistent that he had to make a choice and she seemed intent on not taking no for an answer. She did leave him to himself from time to time, but only ever came back stronger willed, trying to make him choose. Indeed it was only the news that his friend Alice would be visiting that gave him any solace at all. 

Had he known the nature of that visit, though, he may have regretted his anticipation. 

David had known Alice since they had first gone to school together. David, her and a few other students from school had been friends for as long as he could remember. David had been the odd one out, reading old books his father left him. He knew he was seen as a bit of a rebel, and his teachers hadn’t always been very approving. After all, he didn’t take what he was taught at face value. 

Hell he read far more from his dad’s old library than he did his schoolbooks. Everything they read now was so glossy and glamorized. There was no substance to it. No realism. There was more exploration of the world and discussion of the esoteric in the first page of The Brothers Karamazov than he had found in the entirety of his schooling. 

As they had grown older, though, David started to feel a bit more isolated. The influence his rebellious streak had on his friends dimmed with time as they became more accustomed to their society. Indeed, as they got closer to graduation their teachers always seemed to emphasize just how vitally important transformation was, what a wonderful opportunity it offered to young men… Only David seemed to question it by the end. 

One by one, after leaving school and especially as he lived so far from the city, he had lost touch with his friends. Now it was just him and Alice really. 

Beaming a smile as she always did, she hugged David tightly and brushed past him as she entered their home. She was beautiful - to David anyway. He always told her so. Yet she seemed to make every effort to improve her appearance regardless. 

The world around them didn’t seem to make her feel as beautiful as she was. That was what worried David. So many people looking outward rather than inward. 

“Oh Alice, welcome.” David’s mother bent down to hug her too, and the pair shared a brief glinting smile. “So lovely to see you.”

“Thank you Mrs Beverly!” Alice grinned.

“Now, you promised to call me Lara! Remember?” She spoke through pursed lips, admonishing her sweetly. 

“It’s been so long.” His auntie Mabel added, and kissed her cheek. 

As the pair went to the living room, his mother and auntie followed behind. David was well used to having little privacy in his home, indeed, any request to the contrary was always met with accusations of his ‘hormones’ acting up and a feminine titter. 

“Maybe you can help David out a bit, Alice.”

David shot his mother a weary, furrowed grimace, but didn’t want to come across childish in front of Alice. 

“Why? What’s the matter?” Alice asked, innocently, taking in the view from their window - though she was watching David in the refelction. 

“David has been worrying about the transformation.” His auntie spoke before David had a chance to respond. 

“Aww, David, you know it doesn’t hurt.” Alice said, taking his hands and smiling. “I’ll be getting transformed soon. If I thought it was a bad thing do you think I’d be doing it?”

“Maybe you two will be more than just friends after you’re both transformed, hmm?” His mother said wryly, leering at the pair as she licked wine from her lips. 

David blushed furiously, staring at the floor. Alice however just smiled politely, and gripped his hands a little tighter. 

“Is it so bad to want to look a little better?” Alice asked, leaning down so he could see her face. “People use make up, they change their clothes, cut their hair… heck, people get tattoos, they get plastic surgery. All because they want to look a little nicer. How is this any different? It’s just better technology, David.”

“I know that’s what our textbooks say, Alice, but don’t you see? People don’t need it. It’s… it’s different.”

“Is it so wrong to want to look pretty, David?” Alice asked, leaning a little closer. 

He couldn’t help but look up as she did so. She was so beautiful. 

“You already do.”

Alice seemed to pause for a moment, her smile dimming just a little. The blemish was soon lost, though. 

“Awww, you’re too nice David.” She said, and cuddled him tightly.

“You two really are an adorable couple.” Auntie Mabel said earnestly, and subtly turned the vidscreens behind her on. “Imagine how much more you will be afterwards.”

As they came to life, the display was no longer of just David’s future body… but Alice’s. Soon her gaze was drawn away from David to a multitude of idealized images of herself, flashing by one by one. 

“Oh David, look…” She murmured, and he did so. 

What he saw filled him with a deep dread he couldn’t put words to. 

He watched as one by one, models of himself were paired up with models of Alice. Him made shorter, weaker, more manipulable. Her tall, broadly built, thick thighs, and as each image passed she seemed to sport larger and larger breasts, thicker thighs, a broader ass. He couldn’t tell if it was just because her model was getting larger but… his seemed to keep getting smaller. 

She gasped in anticipation. “Oh I love that one… go back.”

His auntie pushed a button and the image shimmered back to what it was a few moments before. There Alice stood, easily three feet taller than David was now, and larger still than the much reduced boy he was in the image next to her. 

“Don’t we look just… perfect.” Her voice was dripping with fixation, and her grip on his wrists felt more like shackles. 

He tried to pull himself free of the girl who was his best friend… at least, she was for now. 

“You really are being awfully silly David.” His mother chided. 

“You can’t make me do it.” He said with finality, tugging his hands free at last and standing apart from them. “There’s no law saying I have to. Even if there was, I wouldn’t do it. I won’t.”

“Now David please be reasonable.” His mother spoke exhaustedly as she emptied her wine glass. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”

“Maybe that’s the problem.” His auntie mused, and whispered in his mother’s ear. 

As the two spoke in hushed tones, David’s decision didn’t waver, although his confidence certainly did. 


David was feeling not a little forlorn. Watching the sun setting behind the concrete wall that encircled their home, he couldn’t help a sense of being trapped. 

His mother, however, was never far from his mind - or indeed his body. 

“Did you have a chance to look them over, David? I know you want to make the right choice, but you can’t wait forever.” His mother called from down the hall. 

“Not yet.” He said, just loudly enough to be heard. He knew that to raise his voice too much would only act as an invitation for his mother. The confinement of his frustration grew ever more. 

Yet it seemed his effort was in vain as she appeared at the door of his bedroom. Resigned, he looked up from his book to see her smiling as she entered. 

“Well, I’m about to head out for a while. I wanted to introduce you to two people.”

David just blinked, unsure what she meant, until two women followed her into the room. Each was a transformed woman, dressed in casual wear and sporting bodies that - like all the others - were enough to bring any man to the boil. David was no exception. 

“This is Melissa and Carra. They’ll be helping around the house with one or two… problems.” She said smoothly, and smiled to the pair standing either side of her.

“Oh?” David asked, weakly. 

“Now, do be on your best behaviour, David! Be polite.” She said in her airy tone, quite simply, as she walked out. 

David was left sat upon his bed with two bombshells stood just in front of him. Melissa was tall, with pale creamy skin and bleached blonde hair. She sported a truly immense bust, her breasts were perhaps some of the largest he had ever seen, and they were barely contained within a loose fitting silk top. Carra on the other hand was more slight, with a defined face and short cut auburn hair, a little more bronzed. She was a little shorter, but broader in all the right places. Where Melissa had a body that was thick but svelte, Carra’s body was pure excess, filled out in every possible way as her soft body seemed practically poured into her clothes. 

“It’s so nice to meet you, David.” Melissa offered, and held out her hand. Without thinking, David shook it as she moved to his side. 

“So nice.” Carra agreed, and the pair smiled to each other. “We have a little… job to do, but you don’t need to worry a thing. We’ll take care of everything.”

“Yes, you just lie back and relax.” Melissa said softly, lacing her fingers with his as she leaned a little closer to him. 

Just as his heart began to race, the pair were on their feet. 

“Just think of us as your new nannies.” 

With that, they set about cleaning his room. He usually kept it spotless, and yet they seemed to find any excuse at all to bend down and clean every square inch of his room. 

He tried to focus on his book, truly. Nobody could have given it a better effort. But he simply could not keep his eyes off the pair as they went to increasing lengths to show off their bodies all under the guise of cleaning. 

“My my, such a messy room.” Melissa admonished. 

David tried to speak up but the moment he did Carra spoke over him. 

“Such a mess, I think this little boy is lucky we came along. He needs women like us to take care of him.”

“Absolutely.” Melissa agreed, not giving him any chance at all to object as she stretched her arms behind herself, thrusting out her utterly absurd breasts as she did so. “I think he’s very lucky we came along when we did.”

She sauntered back over to his bed and placed a finger on his book, slowly tilting it down to his chest. 

“Very lucky indeed…” She said with a voice dripping like caramel, and slowly began to tease a single finger along the neckline of her shirt. 

“You know Melissa, I heard something very strange about this little boy…” Carra offered in a hushed sing-song tone, as she moved to his other side, sitting on his bed. Her weight alone was enough to set his small mattress creaking. 

“What’s that?” Melissa asked, placing her finger to her lips and gently prodding them as if to demonstrate their sheer plush softness. 

“I heard…” she said softly, leaning a little closer to David and enclosing upon him as she moved, “that he doesn’t want to get the transformation.”

“No… surely not.” Melissa responded, moving to his other side and swiftly dominating what little free space remained to him. 

Biting her lip, Melissa pressed into his side just as Carra did the same, pinning him between them as their titanic breasts spilled across his chest and pressed together, weighing him down with their sheer mass.  

Each lifted and then rested one leg before pressing their thighs atop his legs, tracing their feet down his calves and prying his legs apart due simply to their sheer size forcing the space open between them. 

When he stammered out a protest, the girls were more than eager to thrust their breasts into his face. Two prominent, turgid nipples - one rosy pink and the other a dusky brown - were hardening in front of his eyes as they drooled thick mind-churning cream. Pursing his lips, he tried in vain to worm his way further back, but he was blocked by the pillows behind him and to no small extent was utterly trapped beneath the two transformed womens’ combined bodyweight. 

As their lecherous hands roamed his trapped body freely he felt his body reacting of its own accord. Hell, an entire lifetime of being bombarded by and subjected to an endless reel of gorgeous transformed women had practically trained his body to respond to their touch - indeed it almost guaranteed it. Of course the subtle additives in the food supply did nothing to hurt things either. 

“Oh my…” She gasped in faux-susprise as she paid his now throbbing cock a sideways glance. “Someone is very excited by the idea of transformation now it seems, hmmm?”

She leaned in close, smothering his face with her breast as her nipple produced a flood of milk to drip down his chin. 

“Wouldn’t you like us to take care of it for you?” She whispered in utterly sultry tones. 

Every ounce of his being wanted to scream yes. Perhaps thankfully however her breast was smothering his face almost entirely, so he couldn’t give in despite wanting to. Even so, she slowly traced her nails down his stomach, eliciting a shrill peal of heavily muffled giggles from the boy who was already so absurdly sensitive to touch. 

“Wouldn’t it feel so good to let go? To just buck your little hips and give in to those wonderful feelings?” 

Her words sounded beautiful in his ear, but were nowhere near as wonderful as the electric feelings of her hand now cupping his throbbing cock through his thin shorts. At least he thought it was her.

“Wouldn’t it be so nice to just forget everything else…”

It was getting hard to tell who was saying what with their tongues practically buried in his ears. 

“Just spending every day being a good little boy… his Mommies could do all his thinking for him.”

He felt his hips rolling in response to a mix of their touch and tantalising words. As if to reward him, Carra placed her palm firmly against his cock to give him something substantial to grind against.

“Such a horny boy…”

“Well who can blame him? All good boys get nice and hard for women like us.”

“That’s right, they just can’t help but be small, sweet, docile little things who want nothing more than a Mommy to… take them in their hand.”

With that, she began to rub her hand up and down beneath his cock with obvious promise. Gasping at the sensation, blinded as he was by the massive breasts fighting to fill his view, he instantly found his mouth filled with the swollen flesh of Melissa’s nipple. Instantly he felt his body responding to another forced feeding of Instant Smile. His skin came alive as every inch of him became as sensitive as his cock, and his cock became almost painful to the touch, throbbing madly with his overwhelming need. 

They couldn’t make him get the transformation… and he didn’t want it. Even if it did feel this good. At least, that’s what he told that riotous part of his mind as it quietly raged against his libido, slowly getting quieter with every delicious rub of her hand on the underside of his cock. 

“That’s it… such a good boy for your Mommies…” she cooed as she slid his shorts down.

His traitorous cock sprang free, responding eagerly to even her slight touches, evidently responding to the pheromonal influence of their cream. Hell, his hips were already shaking with pure lust, desperate for any sensation at all. 

“Awww, does my good little boy want to hump hump our fingers like a cute little boy?”

Nodding into her breast defeatedly, he couldn’t deny the sheer biological urge he was feeling, forced or not. It was hard to frame what she was doing in his head as wrong. She was a woman, it felt so natural for her to do this to him - although even a few minutes ago he may have protested. Her milk made it so hard to try to rationalise what she was doing as anything other than normal. 

Indeed as their bodies shifted further over him, pushing him deeper into the mattress beneath them, he felt just as weighed down by the thick cream cloying in his throat and pooling in his belly. It was so heavy and full he felt exhausted just from the effort of swallowing it. 

However, his lethargy was interrupted when Melissa tickled his balls with her perfectly manicured nails, sending the boy’s twitching thighs into a frenzy. 

“He doesn’t need any big boy thoughts, does he… no, good little boys just want to suck, and swallow, and buck their little hips and squirt squirt!” 

Carra giggled merriously at her onomatopaeic entendre, yet while her teasing touches were very much appreciated by his cock, they were far from enough to cause such an erotic eruption even in his heavily drugged state. 

“Oh my, such a jumpy little boy… I wonder if there’s something he wants?”

He groaned at the infantile language, but his body was responding instinctually to their maternal touched. 

“Mmmmfh…” he mumbled.

The moment he made any noise at all, she merely shifted the weight of her breast, and thus her nipple, back to his lips and forced it ever deeper between his lips. 

With her free hand she let go of his cock - much to his dismay - and tugged her other breast free. She wrapped her forefinger and thumb around her other nipple and began to tug on it gently, mimicking the very masturbation she was denying to his dripping, pleading cock. 

Indeed, under such ministration her nipple quickly engorged and began to drip, then drool a steady flow of thick cream all over her fingers. 

“Oh my I wonder what my little boy would like…” she mused. 

His hips flexed as much as they could, bouncing up and down what little it could underneath their combined weight. 

“I think I know.” Carra cooed, stroking his cock ever so gently with her thumb and forefinger forming a loose circle. “He wants to be a good little boy and feel like this all the time.”

“Yes, he wants to be our good little boy forever. He wants to submit to beautiful women like us who always know best… isn’t that right?”

Melissa giggled as she gently withdrew her nipple from his lips at last, strings of saliva connecting the turgid thing to his throat. However as he panted for breath she merely seated her other nipple - fresh and throbbing with milk - back into his waiting mouth. 

“I’m afraid he can’t answer, he has his mouth full. He’s drinking his Instant Smile like all good little boys do…”

“Aw, that’s okay.” Carra said, her words dripping with intent. “He can tell us he wants to be a good little boy like this. If I hold my fingers here, right around the head of his cock, then he can pump his little hips to his heart’s content. If he wants to be a good little boy he can just pump pump pump and cum his silly little brains out!”

The pair giggled evilly as Carra did just as she said. Wincing with effort, he tried not to instantly succumb to her temptation as even the gentle squeeze of her finger and thumb around the head of his cock was enough to make him leak copious pre-cum. Yet the pair were obviously not looking to play fair. Melissa began to tickle right behind his balls, making his sensitive purse contract and bounce as it tried to escape her torturous nails. Carra meanwhile was now outright licking his ear, lavishing it with luscious attention. 

“Just thrust your cute little cock into her hand and we’ll take that as a sign you agree, okay sweetie?”

He bit his tongue, trying to use pain to block out the mind-melting pleasure and torturous tickles, but it was hopeless. Resigning to his fate, he told himself it didn’t matter if he did what they said. He didn’t have to get the transformation. It wouldn’t really be agreeing with them… right? 

In moments his hips were bouncing, his own legs locked in the fleshy prisons of their thighs, and he was eagerly thrusting into the delicious ring of Carra’s fingers around his cock. 

The pair gushed at his submission, as if admiring an adorable child at play. Indeed, some dark part of his mind wondered if transformed women ever saw men as anything else. 

“So cute! That’s it, such a good boy for us…”

“Thrust up into her hand sweetie, that’s it, squirt out all your cummies for us.”

She needed no lubrication, as her milk had already soaked her hand and his precum was flowing at a rate only possible due to the hormone-laden milk they were forcing him to drink. Indeed, his balls were churning with an utterly maddening need to cum. Yet whenever he felt his heart racing and his stomach tightening Carra would loosen her grip just enough to leave him thrusting aimlessly into the feather-light touch of her fingers. 

The second time she prevented his orgasm like this it was enough to make groan in anguish into the nipple she had lodged so firmly into his mouth. 

“Awww, poor little thing… do you want to cum so badly?”

“Sweet little boy, all you have to do is what you’re told!”

“Yes, only good little boys who do as they’re told get to cum.”

“Oh yes, we only do that for good little boys who obey their Mommies.”

Their poisonous words seeped into his ear, soaking into his oh-so-vulnerable brain as they frustrated his every attempt to reach orgasm. When he was perilously close to cumming, so much so that even the delicate graze of Carra’s fingers would be enough to send him over the edge if he could just keep thrusting, they would shift their weight to pin his hips in place and make it impossible for him to do anything but strain under their weight. 

“Awww, poor boy, he just doesn’t know what he wants does he?”

“He should listen to his Mommies instead. Mommy always knows best, right my sweet little thing?”

While his pride raged against their words, his body equally contrasted his intentions. His cock jumped at every slight touch, and eagerly chased whatever meagre pleasure they visited upon it. They would giggle amusedly as he fruitlessly humped the air each time, before resuming their slow torturous attentions. 

“Well, if he wants to show us he agrees, all he has to do is cum!” Melissa announced, seeming to take pity on the lad at last. 

“Mmmm you’re right Melissa,” Carra added, “and of course if he didn’t want to be a good little boy forever and ever, all he would have to do is not cum, right?”

“Exactly.” Melissa licked her teeth at their sheer shared wickedness. 

David was at his wits end. He just wanted to cum, no matter what it meant to his fledgling ego. As the pairs’ teasing, tantalising touches became steadily more insistent, a finger found each of his nipples and were circling them with silky soft touches. Devastating what little self control remained to him, his hips jerked automatically into the firm grip of Melissa who now seemed intent of milking every drop of his remaining resistance from him, in addition to the obvious. 

With a practised touch that spoke to years of experience milking boys like this, her hand moved rapidly and with a fluidity that was near inhuman. Indeed, her transformed body was no doubt capable of much that she wouldn’t have been before. Her fingers seemed to know just how to work his cock until the poor boy was drooling. 

“That’s it, such a good boy for us…” Carra cooed, kissing his neck passionately. 

“Just give in…” Melissa whispered into his ear as her hand was a blur, forcing him inexorably to orgasm. 

What will he had to fight was long gone, and as his chest began to tighten and his breath quickened, he surrendered to inevitability. 

The girls squealed in delight as their captive erupted in orgasm, squirting rope after rope between their fingers as they encouraged him both verbally and physically. 

“Such a good boy!”

“That’s it, squirt it all out for us.”

For some time he just lay in their embrace, sandwiched between their absurdly fattened and soft bodies. It was hard to feel anything other than contentment, yet slowly his apprehension did return. He didn’t want to change, and yet he couldn’t deny how wonderful this felt. 

Were they right? Did transformed guys feel like this all the time? Did it feel… even better?

Wincing, he frowned. 

“I’m sorry, I know my mom was hoping you could convince me, but…”

The pair looked down at him from either side, seemingly unconcerned, and he looked from one to the other uncertainly. 

“Well I just… I don’t want to change. I don’t want to get the transformation. I’m sorry.”

“Awww, well that’s okay sweetie, nobody can force you. Every boy who got the transformation chose it in the end.” Melissa said softly, squeezing his cheek with affection. 

“Yeah,” Carra added, “the transformation is only boys who want to be small, and weak, and cute, and cuddled and milked and fucked senseless all day. If you don’t want it now, you don’t have to. Besides, there’s plenty of time. I’m sure we’ll convince you eventually.”

David smiled at their reassurance, but paused at Carra’s words. 

“Eventually?” He murmured.

“Well of course! Your mother hired us as her new maids!” Melissa beamed, her lidded eyes glowing with intent. 

“We’re going to be living here from now on. Taking care of the house… and you.”

“Until you decide to get the transformation, of course.” Melissa noted, stroking his chest and making him squirm in discomfort. 

“Well, I’m sure your mother will want to keep us on after that too. You’ll be seeing a lot more of us from now on.” Carra smirked, her tongue rolling around every word with glee. 

David could only whimper. 


“What is it you find so fascinating about those old books?” His mother asked, swirling wine lazily in her giant glass. 

Wincing, David turned the page, yellowed and curled from his endless poring over it. He had hoped she would give him some time alone - a forlorn hope it seemed.  

“I just enjoy them, that’s all.”

“Well there’s more things in this world to enjoy than just books, David…” His mother drawled in her vapid tone. 

Crossing the massive room with long yet casual strides, she gently but firmly pulled the book from his grasp. 

“Why don’t you watch The Love Match? Hmmm?”

David rolled his eyes, but didn’t dare express any further contempt lest his mother decide to take things further. Without waiting for his answer she turned on the TV and placed his book up on one of the higher shelves where he would no doubt need to ask herself or one of the maids to fetch it. He didn’t fancy what he might have to do to earn such a favour…

Even as the thought occurred, the two maids appeared and took a seat at either side of him, sandwiching him between themselves entirely even if it was unintentional. Their sheer mass simply took up so much room on the already absurdly over-sized sofa. They grinned at him as they held aloft the TV remote and flicked it on.

The Love Match was both a product of their society and of its main failing. The hypersexualisation of women and their fixation on men made it excellent fodder for female viewers, and of course they delighted in subjecting males to watching it with a mix of horror and fascination. However it was in its own way a necessity. It was simple numbers, women outnumbered men, and owning your own boy had become something of a status symbol. Indeed it was why so many mothers were so… reluctant to ever let their boys leave home. 

“That’s right folks, it’s six o’clock, you know what that means! It’s…” 

Mumbling under his breath at the well rehearsed line, his mind began to deflate as flashing lights and overly-graded colours bombarded him with dull nonsense - quite by design. Like it or not the show was perfectly crafted to appeal subconsciously even if one outwardly despised its insipid overtones. 

“THE LOVE MATCH!” Roared the crowd in response, and so resigned David settled back into his seat. If he was to be forced to watch it, he would at least be comfortable. 

As game shows went The Love Match was hardly the most lurid, yet was really quite typical of modern society. He had never cared for just how… hungry the contestants always seemed. 

“We have with us tonight four eligible bachelorettes, whos transformations have left them with beautiful, perfect, stunning bodies. Yet every one of them is missing that special something - or should I say, someone!”

The host was a former TV presenter, Olga Marisen. For most of his adolescence she had been most young boys’ dream partner, and to no small extent for most a nightly object of fascination and obsession. Indeed, one could almost imagine from her predatory grin she was well aware of the utterly devastating effect she had had on the minds of young men throughout her career. From utterly titanic breasts for which the idea of cup sizes were a joke, to thickly built thighs and a swelling ass, she seemed to have been designed purely to attract the interests of men. Hell, with the advent of transformation that may have been pretty close to the truth. 

However the four contestants just behind her were hardly lacking for beauty either. 

“Let’s meet our contestants. Ladies, please introduce yourselves!”

Contestant number one, Sam, was quite typical of transformed women, however David never seemed to get used to them no matter how often he was around them. For a moment, he considered how odd that was… why the normal never seemed normal. Indeed, typical did not mean unattractive - quite the contrary. She was in every way the epitomy of what the transformation process could make her. A beautiful body, rounded ass, massive breasts which dwarfed her head and were supported by a large eight foot frame - long legs and thick thighs. She was typical only in how typically exceptional she was. 

The second contestant was a younger looking woman, Stacy, with what one might call an athletic build by post-transformed standards. Her body was toned and, while far from muscly, it was obvious she took great pride in her fitness. Even so she still sported proportions which no doubt made her former self seem minute in comparison. She was shorter at only seven feet or so tall, but had a determined look. 

The third contestant was Rachel, a tall, lithe woman with a firm look about her. She was quite thin until you reached her waist which ballooned outwards. Her massive derriere accompanied thighs which were probably each at their thickest point as wide as the length of David’s own legs.

Yet last of all was the most striking. A woman named Delilah whos breasts were quite simply some of the largest David had ever seen. Even the utterly absurd pornography which was now possible with modern technology couldn’t hold a candle to her simply monstrous bust. Long and bushy brown hair fell in curls down across the endless swell of her cleavage, her top cut so low that it was a wonder how it contained her breasts at all. 

“Well it’s so lovely to see such eager and amorous girls ready to claim the man of their dreams! Tonight you girls are in luck, we have just what you’re looking for…”

The crowd of transformed women gasped and jeered at the pause as the camera took time to sweep across them, as if to emphasize just how many there were, and how large they had become.

“Tonight’s special guest is a young man who has been looking for a woman to take care of him.” She spoke longingly, eyes drifting over the crowd which cooed and sighed in a mix of pity and amorous intent, before settling on the contestants who - for their part - seemed positively ravenous. “Bring out Ryan!”

Carried aloft on the shoulders of two transformed women was a young guy whose nervous grin spoke a hundred conflicting emotions. He arrived to a thunderous welcome from the hundreds of massive ladies in attendance. Yet it was the contestants who seemed most eager of all to lay eyes on their presumed prize. 

As he was brought onto the stage atop two truly amazonian escorts, he was gently but firmly sat into a padded chair which had a near perfect outline of his comparitively smaller male form embedded into it. As such once sat inside it he practically sank into it. 

While Ryan’s broad smile was evident, David had long since learned to look past the obvious when it came to their modern programming. He remembered how his father would scowl and shake his head so often when his mother insisted on watching tv. 

‘It’s not real. None of it.’ His father would always rue, as his mother sank a grin behind her wine glass.

In the few moments of close up the camera showed of their erstwhile captive, Ryan’s gaze flitted between the two women who had settled him into the seat but had lingered just long enough to ensure he was snugly fitted into it - and perhaps to let their touch linger against him too. 

The boy’s grin seemed far too broad to be genuine. 

“Tonight’s prize is Ryan,” Olga Marisen the host continued, trailing her fingers along the outline of the chair in which Ryan sat, easily able to circle round the massive seat which made Ryan seem positively tiny within, “a young man who as you can tell has not yet undergone his transformation. He’s saving himself for his future, hmm… partner.”

The crowd murmured as a few whooped and cheered. Ryan seemed to open his mouth to speak, but Olga whisked her microphone well out of reach. 

“You’ll all have a chance to get up close and… personal with Ryan soon enough. And of course, one of you will be getting to know him very well after tonight.”

The crowd roared at that, and Ryan seemed to shrink into his already sunken seat. 

“Now let’s move on to Round 1, to see who gets to take this sweet boy home with them…” Olga cooed, beaming as she leaned in close to the boy’s trapped face. 

Lights flashed and, to Ryan’s evident surprise, his seat was suddenly lifted up several feet as the floor rose beneath it, lifting him up like a prize on display - which in reality is what he was. 

Four podiums appeared from the floor, two either side of him, as his four amorous competing partners-to-be circled like predators. Despite his elevated position they could still look down at him as they passed just a little too closely for comfort. Indeed, the boy yelped as a rogue hand apparently snuck its way to grope him as they moved, though from the knowing grins each contestant sported it was impossible to tell who had been responsible. Perhaps it had been more than one.

“Our first round will allow you all to get to know our guest,” Olga mused as she stared at the boy who seemed to be trying his best to look calm, “Oh… and of course most importantly for him to get to know our contestants better…” she added with a sly wink to the audience. 

“Question one!” Olga announced, holding gold-leafed cards in front of her. “What would you say is your best quality, the reason Ryan here should go home in your arms?”

She turned to Sam, the first contestant, who smiled as the cameras turned to her. 

“I would say my best quality is how much love I have to give…” she offered, as the crowd awww’d appropriately. “Of course, a woman sets the terms of that love for her boy…” at that, the crowd giggled conspiratorially. 

Stacy, the younger girl, spoke next. “I feel that my best quality is how eager I am to have a boy of my own.” The crowd whooped at that and she grinned with pride. 

“I can offer a boy structure and discipline… and a few other things.” Said Rachel, grinning only slightly from behind her business attire and glasses, as the crowd murmured approvingly. 

It was Delilah who got the most reaction, however, as her eyes never left the boy held aloft between the women. “Well as I’m sure that boy sitting there can imagine, I can feed even the hungriest boy as much Instant Smile as he can drink.”

The crowd screamed in delight as the buxom woman merely leered lecherously over her lectern. 

Ryan, for his part, appeared to be squirming what little he could in the confines of the padded chair.  

“Question two, what do you look for in a male?”

“Someone I can make happy… and who can make me happy.” Sam smiled. 

“A boy who can keep up with me, or maybe one I can catch…” the young Stacy added wryly.

“Obedience…” Rachel said simply, her grin broadening. 

The crowd enjoyed each answer, but Delilah waited a moment to allow the tension to grow. 

“I love a boy who knows his place… right on my lap.”

The crowd cheered and whooped at that, and Ryan seemed to be trying to look anywhere but at her colossal breasts. 

“Last question… how would you care for Ryan if he was your boy?”

“I’d ensure he had whatever his heart desired, and that his heart desired only me.” Sam offered. 

“I’d keep him healthy, happy… and very exhausted.” Stacy mused. 

“I’d keep him leashed to my side… or my bed. Like a good pet.” Rachel whispered. 

Yet again, however, the crowd seemed poised and waiting to hear Delilah. 

“I’d carry him around, of course… right here, stuffed between my tits.”

It took a solid minute before the crowd could contain themselves, and Ryan seemed to have made his mind up. He was trying to extricate himself from the chair but finding it almost impossible. No doubt there was no purchase to be gained from the material he was sunken into. 

“Well let’s move on to something a little more… involved.” Olga beamed into the camera. “Now our contestants will demonstrate how they will take care of… I mean, care for their new boy more directly.”

Ryan’s chair was lowered again to be flush with the floor, bringing him down far enough that he had to look up at the powerful giantesses looming over him and surrounding him. Indeed, each of the four contestants now crowded around his chair, yet that merely left Ryan as the centrepiece. 

From the floor ahead of them a dais rose as Olga moved ahead of them, gesturing to it as she smiled to the crowd. 

“Now these ladies will demonstrate to Ryan just what he can look forward to in their homes.”

With that, she sauntered over to the raised platform which had risen to be just in Ryan’s eyeline. Smiling sultrily to him all the while, she revealed a neon pink dildo which she ceremoniously affixed to the surface of it and gave the tip a loving kiss. 

“This lovely creation is a perfect replica of our guest Ryan’s equally lovely cock!” Olga exclaimed as the crowd of massive women were beside themselves with a mix of mirth and sexual frisson. “Now in your own time ladies, please take turns demonstrating what Ryan has to look forward to.”

Sam grinned as she took Olga’s place, mirroring the kiss Olga had given with several of her own before slowly beginning to stroke the phallic simulacra. Her eyes drifted from Ryan to the cock in front of her, then back to Ryan’s own crotch in a none-too-subtle implication. Then again subtlety was hardly the name of the game. At this point the show was practically just pornographic. David did his best to ignore it, to view it as objectively as he could, but part of him couldn’t help but be in awe and jealous of the attention that dildo was receiving at that moment.

When Sam was satisfied she stood back a little, wiping the copious lubricant from her hand on a towel as Stacy, the younger of the four, leapt quite literally at the opportunity. She recovered quickly, despite her comparitively smaller stature at seven feet tall she still needed to kneel to reach it. Tentatively at first, then eagerly, she coaxed Ryan’s replica with her fingers as with youthful gusto she rapidly stroked the pink member on display in front of the poor boy being subjected to their libidinous debauchery. The audience delighted at his bashful response - though if anything he seemed close to alarmed. 

What she lacked in subtlety she more than made up for with energetic enthusiasm, yet her airy demeanous made it seem as if her frantic stroking was little more than an exercise to her. Indeed, given the sheer competition for males it wouldn’t surprise him if Stacy and many other women spent hours at the gym perfecting their stroking techniques, the sweat-strewn gymnasiums awash with the slick sounds of phallic masturbation as each woman imagined their future male captive beneath their fingers. 

At last, with some reluctance, Stacy dragged herself away to allow Rachel - the black clad woman with a firmer demeanour - to take her place. In contrast to her fellows, she rested herself calmly on her own legs, bringing the replica cock into perfect position before fixing Ryan with a glare. Then and only then did she begin and maintain a steady and relentless pace, stroking as if milking a cow, mechanically. One could hardly describe it as a dispassionate technique, however, as she seemed to put evident care into ensuring her grip was as lavish as it was merciless. 

Transfixed, Ryan couldn’t look away as her jet black eyes seemed to capture his very soul. Indeed much like the audience he was enraptured with each movement of her hand, the audience looking on with envy as she seemed to almost have the boy hypnotised with nothing more than a determined gaze and steady strokes. 

Having sufficiently impressed, Ryan blinked a few times before he realised the show had stopped and Rachel was already standing politely back - yet all the while her hungry gaze hadn’t left the boy she was so determined to have all to herself. 

Delilah’s massive chest shuddered with each step as she sought to outdo three already fantastic performances. Yet a devious smile on her lips had the audience eager to see how she, having already proven herself the fan favourite thus far, would make her mark upon the now squirming boy before her. 

As she kneeled before the dais, all were quiet as they watched on, yet none more so than Ryan as the giantess hooked a finger round each side of her soft cotton top’s neckline. With a swift tug, she unleashed her truly mammoth breasts and delighted in the shrieks this elicited from the crowd. Her already massive arms struggled to keep the sheer mass of breast flesh held aloft, barely able to fit around beneath them as they spilled forth no longer contained by her clothing. With a self-satisfied smirk, she smugly dropped them lower and utterly enveloped Ryan’s erstwhile comparitively small cock within the overwhelming wave of mammary she had revealed. 

Point sufficiently made, the crowd cheered and roared, yet that was far from the end of the ordeal for the poor boy. Olga stepped in front of the camera to address the audience present and watching from home. 

“We hope you’ll join us all after the break! Let’s see which one of these lovely ladies will be carrying our sweet little Ryan home with them!”

At that David blinked as the bombardment of colour and sound hadn’t quite ended, but at least the adverts which followed were at least less intense - if often even more bawdy. 

“Does your male try his best to keep up but his little legs are just too short?” 

A gushing voice over accompanied the footage of a transformed male struggling to keep up with his transformed partner who had him by the hand as she walked down the street, and who for good measure it seemed had him on a leash. 

“Now there’s a solution that’s comfortable, fashionable, and very secure.”

As a blonde, busty beauty easily eight feet tall ran her hands down her naked body a screenwipe revealed her wearing a set of form-fitting nylon straps around her hips, thighs, and hooked up behind her back. Each strap also featured some dangling ribbons. 

“Easily adjustable to every size, you can carry your beloved boy with you everywhere you go!”

Another screenwipe showed a transformed male struggling futilely in his presumed girlfriend’s hands as she easily strapped his legs into the wraps around her thighs and secured his waist to her own.

“The brassiere comes with wrist cuffs that ensure your boy can always feel your bosom gently reassuring him with every step!”

His hands were fed through cuffs that left his arms pinned beneath each of her breasts as his head was slowly swallowed up by her colossal cleavage. With a muffled squeal his face was cut off and his body was essentially bound to her own. 

“Of course, if your boy is a little too worked up or you want to let him nap in your chest, you can always use the cuffs at the rear to have him held in reverse!”

A final wipe showed him trying his best to keep his head back, but the woman fitting him to her chest just placed a soft but firm hand on the back of his head and buried his face in her monumental tits before securing a strap around the back of his neck.

“Order the Boy-Carrier now and we’ll throw in this delightful sheer neglige!”

The model displayed her body for the benefit of female viewers, yet the message was equally well delivered to David. Of course, given the semi transparent material, he could just about make out the boy still trapped beneath her clothes, smothered in her breasts and struggling pathetically to free himself from the infantile prison he was in. 

As the screen faded to black, David could only swallow, wondering where that guy was now. David felt his heart begin to beat again, only just having noticed he’d been holding his breath. As he looked between his two twin tormentors sat either side of him they were both looking down on David with unabashed hunger in their eyes. Each had a had over their breasts as they stared down at him longingly, gently stroking the head of a phantom captive between their breasts and no doubt imagining David strapped and imprisoned against themselves. David heart pounded all the harder as he imagined his life being lost, simply stuffed down the cleavage of either of those women. 

As a new commercial popped up their attention was drawn back to the screen and gave both them and him a welcome distraction. Them from David, and David from his anxiety. On screen was a truly massive transformed woman staring directly into the camera whilst dressed in a deep black leotard; the official uniform of the Women’s Earth Defense Force. 

“Our society is perfect, and the only way to keep it perfect is to keep it safe. Protecting our people, especially our men who cannot protect themselves, is the duty of every woman in our society - but above all it is the sacred duty of the Women’s Earth Defence Force.”

As the voice over played, the smiling leotard-sporting female soldier saluted while behind her images and videos began to play across the background. At first a transformed soldier was hugging someone at a parade, and then next a WEDF soldier is handing out food to men sitting in rows, though whether they were there for charity or against their will wasn’t clear. From their frightened expressions he was tempted to think the latter. 

An image of a white picket-fenced home appeared on screen as a uniformed woman arrived home, heavy duffel bag strung over her shoulder, to the idyllic suburban scene from a long lost age. There hadn’t been such homes on Earth in a century, not since… David tried to remember the reference as it danced at the edges of his awareness. He knew he had read about it once, out it but it seemed to slip from his mind like wet sand. As a result, or perhaps resulting from, he was again distracted by the deep cleavage of the busty, transformed woman soldier as she set her bag on the ground and removed a dazed looking young man from it. 

He was barely conscious as he looked around, an almost rictus grin marking his face as the soldier placed him on her hip and displayed the home to him in a sweeping gesture before hugging him tightly to her tremendous bosom. 

“Take up a new home on one of the recently liberated colonies and start a new life with your new partner today!"

The maids at either side of him sighed in erotic sympathy at that thought. 

“Do your part and preserve our society as it is. Ensure that radicals who seek to change our perfect system cannot take root.” The calm but authoritative female voice continued. “All our troops are automatically approved for a state mandated partnership with the male of their choice, availability pending.”

“Availability pending,” Melissa repeated with smirk in her voice, absentmindedly stroking her hand over David’s lap with her long, experienced fingers. 

David, desperate to keep her attention off him for a change, quickly piped up. 

“Huh? What do you mean?” he asked innocently, as her fingers moved down and began to relentlessly and skillfully play with his weak spots. 

“There’s a lot they don’t tell you.” Cara sighed in a mix of forlorn satisfaction, running her fingers through his hair causing shivers to run down his spine while she kept watching TV. “We’re still on the waiting list for our partners, even though we were discharged almost… what was it Melissa, three years ago now?” Carra said casually running her tongue up David’s ear. 

“Almost four now, Cara,” her old squadmate replied, lightly tickling David across his thighs and making him squirm in response. 

David tried to keep them talking, curious about what they were saying despite his anxiety. He’d never met anyone who had been to the outer colonies before, let alone spoken to them. He only hoped he could keep them distracted long enough that he would escape without having to undergo another session of sexual relief by the pair. Ironically the endless relief was makinghim exhausted. 

“Oh you were in the WEDF… what did you do?” He asked, scooching back in his seat as much as he could to buy himself a few moments more away from their wily fingers. 

However, Melissa and Cara stopped at his question. They looked at each other for a moment and began to laugh. 

“I’m sorry David, but I’m afraid if I told you…” Melissa whispered while tickling his nose,“I’d have to scramble your brain.” 

She chuckled to herself as Carra joined in on what was obviously a private joke.

“Can’t you tell David?” Carra asked while petting him like a cherished treasure. “We were a premiere…reduction team. We were level 1 Re-educators. You could send a man to us and within a few days he'd have any old silly thoughts about rebelling wiped away.”

“We we so very good at our jobs, too. And we really enjoyed it…” Melissa added, lost in a pleasant memory. 

“Level 1, so you were the highest level?” David asked quietly.

Melissa laughed out loud at that

“Oh no, not by far. Level 2 Re-educators were for the tough cases.” Cara began tickling the underside of David’s permently erect cock as he squirmed between them. “Then there were Level 3 for high value targets…”

Melissa kept stroking her fingers through his hair as she continued where Carra left off. 

“And of course, for the special cases they would bring in the specialists. Level 4.” 

For a moment the pair seemed to have a far off look in their eyes, remembering something that was obviously appealing to them both and yet… tinged with disturbance.

“Hope you never meet a Level 4 David. I dont know if you little mind could take it.” Carra said softly, squeezing David closer to reassure herself.

David’s muffled groans as he was smothered into her prodigious chest, soft flesh enveloping his face, belied his deeper concerns. Though it was hard to think at all while buried so deeply in inhumanly large breasts, his mind continued to race. A Re-educator? Rebellion? What was going on on the outer colonies? Were things… different there? 

Or maybe… maybe it was Earth that was different. Maybe out there things were how they used to be.

A sudden jingle from the TV got all of their attentions as, with some effort, David managed to extricate himself from Carra’s chest. 

“Transformation is the peak of our scientific progress. It is the basis for our perfect society. However, our top scientists are constantly seeking for ways to improve upon perfection. No matter how perfect we are, we can always be better!”

Carra and Melissa slowly let their attention drift back to the advertising as David reluctantly did the same, though he continued to mull over the implications of what he had learned. He wasn’t sure whether they had intended to leak the information or not, but either way he was both fascinated and disturbed. 

“Our newest methods are just that little bit better than before, and the latest models can be yours! Now women can be taller, stronger, bigger, bustier… more beautiful in every way. Luxury options are always available for anyone looking to be the best version of themselves that they can be.”

The grinning model of a transformed woman gave a wink to the camera, before she disappeared, and the camera paused a moment before panning down to reveal a much shorter male, appearing almost utterly intoxicated with bliss.

“Of course, we have more options for males now too. They can be… whatever you want them to be.”

With a wince, David looked up to see both maids staring down at him intently at that sentiment. While it was difficult to see past their massive bodies closing in on either side of him, each had a hand between their thighs rhythimically moving to an end that was none-too-difficult to figure out, even had the slick, wet sounds of their thighs gently gyrating not given it away. 

David shrank in his seat. 

The next advert began, and unlike the others, it opened in far more cinematic fashion. The camera swept in over a large, gleaming white structure as birds tweeted, the sun shone over green grass… yet as the camera closed on the front entrance, David felt his stomach tighten a little as his cock throbbed noticably in his shorts. Scantily clad transformed women in utterly revealing Nurses and Doctors uniforms stood outside the doorway of a medical facility. 

“I am Doctor Valnurana,” one of the women said, stepping forward to smile to the camera, “and here at Valnurana’s Institute for Male Rehabilitation we pride ourselves on being the most professional, and most successful, Rehabilitation facility in this part of the world.”

She had a pre-government accent, something rather rare in this day and age. It was as sharp and harsh as her demeanour, a product of being an older model of transformation. Defined cheekbones, sunken cheeks, it was an odd contrast to the friendly and motherly look which dominated so prevalently today. 

While transformation essentially did away with aging, if you looked closely you could spot the occasional sign of it in earlier models. Subtle lines and traces which gave away the barest hint of their true age. Most women chose to upgrade as they got older to modern models, indeed she could have had a nearly identical model which hid even those slight signs, but for some reason she hadn’t. It made the doctor an anomaly, something just a little out of place in a world where it felt like everybody looked the same. There was something captivating about the Doctor Valnurana, and yet David couldn’t help feeling a little frightened of her. Despite his best efforts he had become accustomed to, even comfortable in the endless morass of similarity and glamour society thrust into his view. 

However, the footage cut away from her at last, and now the screen showed a transformed woman helping a male out of his chair as he smiled.

“Our staff are experts in all fields of male Rehabilitation, from the simplest case to the most severe. We know just how to treat males to help them be the best male they can be.”

Now several nurses, equally busty and absurdly proportioned as those before, surrounded a male on a luxurious looking bed, pampering him and caressing him lovingly as he seemed to practically melt under their touch. 

“Yet rehabilitation is no easy process. We strive to ensure that while males are treated with the deepest dignity and respect, there can be no healing, no treatment, unless we get to the root cause of their issues.”

The screen changed to show a younger male, maybe twenty, strapped to a chair by the ankles, wrists, even his chest and forehead, holding him utterly trapped. Wires were attached to his head and other parts of his body as he writhed in the bonds holding him in place. Just barely visible in the background a figure in a white lab coat was dispassionately observing the scene with a clipboard in hand. In front of their captive a screen played a montage of smaller males being doted on and cared for by much larger women, interspersed with graphically sexual pornographic images and clips. All the while, nurses around him were softly and teasingly stimulating all the most sensitive parts of his body while he frantically, desperately, and yet hopelessly tried to escape from his bonds. 

“Our treatments range from physiological, biological, to psychological. This can involve psychological therapy…”

A male was shown resting on the lap of a much larger woman in a stereotypical psychiatrists office, her holding his head to her breast as she spoke to him. The woman in a skimpy doctor’s garb casually stroked his hair. The young man had heavy bags under his eyes, however, and looked exhausted… as though he hadn’t slept in days. Despite that, or perhaps because of it, he had a dreamy smile on his face as he snuggled into his doctor’s massive chest and subtly nodded along as she spoke soundlessly to him.

“Immersion therapy…”

Next a male was shown being entombed within the clothing of a nurse, fastened to her body as medical bandages were wrapped around him by a second nurse, binding him to her body with his head held firmly between her breasts. A pair of headphones were placed over his ears, and a VR headset strapped across his eyes as his entire world was reduced to her all-encompassing bosom and whatever sights and sounds were being piped into his brain. Indeed he soon began to jerk his head as if trying to escape what he was being shown in a panic. 

“To our world-renowned bliss therapy, where males who for one reason or another, either being fussy eaters or simply biologically intolerant, struggle to drink their Instant Smile to a sufficient degree are helped to develop a greater taste and appreciation for it.”

A truly massively breasted woman was seen easily overpowering a squirming male who was dressed in an almost infantile onesie-stroke-hospital gown, was forcibly being breastfed a true deluge of her breastmilk.

His fist beat futilely against the mountainous breasts overwhelming his smaller body, and she simply reached down to stroke the face of the young man forced aginst her, barely noticing his struggles as she grinned at his helplessness. Slowly, his desperate struggles seemed to subside as his limbs gradually relaxed as he failed to swallow the torrential flow of milk. She was forcibly feeding him suhch a deluge that David could see each gout of milk pumping down his throat as the excess drooled down his chin, a little jet of cream leaking out of the side of his mouth each time. 

“Our testimonials are universally stunning.” Doctor Valnurana interrupted the scene, stepping into the screen and smiling with wicked intent to the viewer. “Please listen to some of our grateful customers.”

The screen cut to a massive woman sitting in a plush armchair, a nude male cuddling up to her side lovingly. 

“My son used to run away from me when I told him it was time for his feeding, and now I can barely get him to let me go… not that I’m complaining. He’s so much better behaved now. Calm and content, especially when his tummy is full…”

Another woman sat on her sofa had a smaller guy on her lap and was gently stroking his hair as she pressed him to her chest.

“This little guy used to squirm so much, but after Doctor Valnurana’s conditioning treatment he’s so quiet and submissive now just by being close to my breasts.”

From the blissed out vacant smile on the guy’s face, it was obvious whatever they had done to him had worked. 

“Now whenever he sees a big, soft, heavy, jiggling pair of tits he practically starts drooling…”

A third woman appeared on screen holding a man on her hip wearing a tight purple dress, with her cleavage on full display. Her man’s arms were wrapped tightly around her neck, his face turned into her side.

“When I was given Marc to take care of by his mother I thought I was the luckiest woman in the world. But soon after we moved in together, he became fussy and soon refused to even cuddle. One day I came home to find him gone. Luckily he got picked up by the Defence Force trying to stow away on a ship leaving Earth.” 

She paused to clutch the man tighter to her side as though the memory of the event still frightened her. 

“As you can imagine I was out of my mind with worry, I knew he was scared and confused but no matter what I did or said I couldn’t get through to him that this was his life now, a better life than any male could ever dream of. Thats when I called the clinic, and after a week of treatment well…” smiling, with some difficulty she managed to get the man off of her and put him on the ground at arm’s length. 

The second he was apart from her his eyes filled with fear and panic. For a moment he looked off screen, as if contemplating escape, but began to hyperventilate for a few seconds before throwing himself at the woman wrapping his arms around her calves, desperately kissing her thighs with a needy, manic frenzy. He clutched at her in a pleasing manner, much to her delight. 

She smiled for a moment before lifting him back up and firmly burying the small man’s face in her breasts running a soothing hand up and down his back. 

“Now you just try and get him away from his mommy.” She smiled, kissing the top of his head. 

Doctor Valnurana stepped out into the sunshine in front of her Rehabilitation centre once again, smiling warmly to the camera, but once more there was a cold tinge to her eyes that sent a chill through David. 

“If your male has any of the problems we have mentioned here, has problems which a trained male psychiatrist has recommended treatment for, or if you just feel your male needs to be… corrected in some way… please contact us immediately at 012694208008. Our goal is to help all males to be healthy, happy, and content with their lives. Let us help you.”

Her grin broadened at that last remark, and her gleaming white teeth were the last thing he saw before the screen turned black. 

Watching from the doorway, unnoticed by David so enveloped was he in the bodies of the two gigantic women sat either side of him, his mother was swirling wine in her glass as ever. Yet as she watched her eyes were on David rather than the screen. No matter what happened, no matter what the TV showed him, she saw her son stoically trying to ignore the lecherous attentions of the women groping him, she took the time to write something down on her arm with her crimson lipstick before leaving them to their viewing. Carra gave her a sideways glance, and grinned as she saw what his mother was doing. Yet her smile seemed a little… sad. 

David noticed her look, but soon regretted catching her attention as the woman suddenly pulled him into a breathtaking hug. Quite literally breath-taking for David, as her massive breasts made breathing nigh impossible for a few moments until he squirmed his way into a position where he could just about breathe through the fuzzy fabric of her sweater. 

As marvelous music washed over them, however, she loosened her grip just enough for him to escape once more to the relative freedom of merely being squished between their massive, tire-thick meaty thighs and pendulous breasts at his eye-level ever threatening to envelop him. 

A fantastic multi-coloured sunrise rose over blue-tinged foliage and almost neon pink sands. After a few moments of almost dreamlike peace, the voice over gently began. 

“Do you dream of more?”

For the first time since he’d let go of his book David was paying attention, or at least paying attention to something for a reason beyond the tittilation of his senses. 

“There’s a place for you here on the Venus colony.”

An idealic resort appeared on screen as the sun rose behind a picturesque mountain range in the distance, rays of sunlight alighting the misty morning air. 

“You can be yourself here. You can be everything you want to be. You can be everything you are capable of being.”

The view panned over utterly breathtaking views, before settling on a massive hotel resort which seemed almost from another age, a bygone era. For a moment it felt almost nostalgic. He could have sworn he’d seen places like this in his father’s old books. 

“The Venus colony is beautiful. It’s relaxing. And above all… it’s safe.”

The exterior walls were huge, daunting even. David’s hopes blossomed even as he felt something cold sink into the pit of his stomach. 

“Be the woman you were born to be.”

The camera panned over luxurious spas and poolside resorts. Women and their men both were being pampered to absurd degrees. 

“Of course, the colonies have never been safer. Our facilities are perfectly secure. 

As dozens of transformed women - including many in uniform - appeared on screen, David literally sank into the sofa in defeat. For just a moment it had sounded… different. Different to here. Like his books told him the old world had been.  

For a moment David allowed himself to dream of a life far away in a different place. A different world. Where he could be… well, more than what he seemed destined to be. One where his only future wasn’t solely as the treasured pet of some amorous amazon. 

For a moment… just for a moment. He could imagine himself exploring a strange world beyond the solar system, stowing away on some transport ship to the outer rim. Maybe finding others like him. Maybe there were people out there who felt as he felt. That they didn’t have to do this. To live like this. This plastic coated bliss. 

“I knew a girl when we were in the Forces.” Cara mused. “She knew someone whos man went missing on the Venus colony… They never knew what happened to him.”

That notion sparked a little hope in David. Perhaps that man hadn’t simply gone missing at all. Perhaps instead he had found an opportunity to go missing.

“Such a shame. It’s much safer there now, but still, the thought of losing a boy like that is so scary.” Melissa spoke with palpable dread, not that David noticed. 

However his contemplative revery was jerked away from him as Cara, seeing him lost in his own world, used the opportunity to snake her long fingers under David’s shirt to begin lightly ticking his sensitive ribs and send him into a involuntary spasm of laughter. As she did so, Melissa held him tight into her body. 

Any deeper thoughts fled from his mind under forced mirth. That seemed to be the cycle of his existence that he was doomed to endure. 

His only relief came when, at last, the commercials ended and the show came back on. Olga greeted the returning audience. “Welcome back!” She exclaimed, before commenting on the commercials which no doubt were financial backers of the show. “You know when it comes to the Boy Carrier, I can say from personal experience that they aren't just a great sponsor, but a great product…”

With an ominously casual move, Olga reached down to her straining top and pulled the hem of the material apart. Slowly she revealed to the cameras the head of a man firmly strapped onto one of the bubbly host’s massive breasts, before allowing the stretcht material to snap back into place just as the trapped man seemed to notice his temporary exposure. 

In the brief glimpse David had of the covered man he could have sworn he saw a thin stream of white milk escaping the side of his mouth… and tears dripping down his cheeks. Then again perhaps it was just a trick of the studio lighting reflecting off of the perspiration coating the confident host’s prodigious chest. After all, it was hard to keep track as his two tormentors returned to casually teasing him, the temporary relief as they had ceased their ticklish onslaught to return the majority of their attention had come to an end as their hands resumed their teasing caresses of his trapped body. 

Olga caressed the side of Ryan’s face who by now, as the clear prize of the show, seemed to have begun to regret volunteering for it. Perhaps he had begun to see through the visage of the society he had been raised in only now, at last, when it was all too late. Like a rat in a maze, he was entirely at their mercy. His widened eyes and sweated brow suggested he had long since begun to panic at the prospect of being a captive of one of these massive women for the rest of his life. 

“We have just two rounds left tonight! Who can tell me what’s up next?” Olga asked, putting one hand to her ear as she held the microphone towards the crowd. 

The camera cut to the audience who jubilantly shouted back. 


“That’s right! Within the walls of our maze, all four of our contestants will compete to show off just how eager they are to be the one to take Ryan home with them tonight!”

As she stepped back, the walls of the studio behind her opened up to reveal a truly massive labyrinth. Surrounded by cameras and floodlit like a sports arena, the gargantuan walls of the maze stretched out before them all. 

At least a kilometer square, and with each wall at least eighteen feet tall, it rendered the until-then relatively modest setting of the studio practically minute by comparison. The maze was of course sized for even the largest transformed woman, hence the sheer size needed for the construction. The walls and even the floor were constructed of a rather dense spongy foam which one couldn’t hope to cut through without an axe, but which was soft enough that anybody taking a fall would not be injured. They were coloured a dull pastel yellow, uniform throughout, so that one could very easily become lost. 

For both those at home and in the audience they would rely on the screens relaying their locations and footage from within once the contestants entered. 

Ryan gripped the sides of the chair which held him captive anxiously as two assistants on the show, each a similarly tall and busty transformed woman, approached to lift his seat up and wheel it into the centre of the maze. As they walked, sections of wall lowered themselves to sink into the floor, before raising up again behind them. The maze itself was modular and could be changed so that each time it was used it had a new configuration. 

Satisfied, the two assistants made sure Ryan was ‘comfortable’, which just happened to involve as much lecherous touching of his body as possible. As they did so, Olga narrated the upcoming challenge. 

“The Labyrinth is simple. Our contestants must make their way through the maze to locate Ryan who will be sat at the heart of the maze. The first one there will get a chance to convince him to let them be the one to take him home with them!”

The crowd cheered and whooped at the obvious implications of her words. 

“I think we’re about ready to begin. Ladies, take your positions!”

Sam, Stacy, Rachel and Delilah took positions at doorways which appeared along the same wall, casting each other sideways glances - all except for Delilah. She instead had her focus squarely on the screens above her. 

“Three, two, one…” Olga counted down, the audience joining in, before screaming “GO!”

Stacy, the younger and most athletic of the four, had adopted a sprinters stance and took off into the maze at a blistering speed. The entryway shit behind her as she passed over it, as it did for each of the others. Sam entered at a quick jog, while Rachel, the sterner woman, casually strolled inside after pausing for a moment to stare at Delilah. 

That was unsurprising as Delilah had not moved an inch. She instead stood outside her entryway, not entering the maze at all. As such, the doorway in front of her remained open. 

As the crowd cheered, each of the three other women proceeded according to strategies which the audience - and Olga - were swiftly able to divine. 

Stacy had, unsurprisingly, decided to play to her strengths. She sprinted down one corridor after another, taking turn after turn, presumably hoping to just cover as many paths as possible and hopefully be the first to arrive. 

Sam opted for a more conventional strategy: follow the left hand wall. She trailed her hand along it, moving at a reasonable pace. 

Rachel was moving slowly, calculatedly, having cottoned on to Delilah’s strategy if not her goal. She was watching the screens to see the layout of the maze from above, and indeed, whenever the camera showed Rachel a view of herself she used it to orient herself towards the centre of the maze where Ryan lay. 

Yet for a moment she looked back the way she had come. Rachel was curious… why hadn’t Delilah entered the maze? Was she trying to memorize it? Surely that wasn’t possible in the time they had. Even if she did the others would be more likely to find Ryan by chance before then… 

As Ryan listened to Olga narrating his imminent capture, he seemed to be struggling mightily in the form fitted chair. Indeed, so much so that he was beginning to make some progress in freeing himself at last. Once he managed to extricate his arms he was able to slowly but steadily lift himself to a standing position, but was only able to pry his body free by gently lowering himself to the ground. 

Only when the camera cut to Ryan, kneeling on the floor and regaining his breath from the sheer exhaustion of extricating himself from his captivity was it suddenly clear to Rachel what Delilah had planned. With a visibly cold scowl, she set off at a swifter pace. 

Delilah smiled. Pride, almost, at seeing the boy free himself. She moved a little closer to the entryway, but didn’t move inside. Now she merely had her eyes on the interior of the maze, and she sat there waiting. 

Ryan had recovered, and could hear the panting breaths of the horny giantesses throwing themselves down every corridor. Ahead of him he could see the only entryway to the centre of the maze. For a moment he looked up at the screens, hoping to gain some idea of which way to go, but when the cameras merely took the opportunity to focus in on his grim visage he bit his lip and ran for it. 

Stacy was, understandably, beginning to retrace ground. Indeed she was certain she had passed many corners multiple times already, but kept going. As she passed the slower moving other women, though, she began to lose heart, as they became the only two landmarks in an otherwise endless series of pale yellow walls and corners. It occured to her that the fourth woman, Delilah, was nowhere to be seen. She began to worry that she had found some path which left her isolated from the rest of the maze - and which may be the correct solution. 

Pausing for a moment to catch her breath after nearly six full minutes of sprinting, Stacy rested back against a wall, before turning around a corner to plan her next move. 

Only for Ryan to stumble around a corner fifty meters ahead of her, flitting his head around warily before locking eyes with her. For a moment the two just stood there staring, neither believing their luck, before the audience screamed in approval and broke the silence. 

Stacy took off in pursuit, and Ryan ran for his life. 

Sam and Rachel looked up at the screens in dismay, assuming the prize had been claimed… only to see Stacy chasing the boy down and gaining on him slowly but surely with every corner she took. They both set off in similar pursuit, hoping to intercede the pair somewhere in the maze. 

Outside, Delilah was grinning broadly, watching as the map kept track of the other three contestants and poor Ryan, like a rabbit in the eyes of a predator.

She giggled at that. The analogy wasn’t too far from the truth. Still, she showed no signs of urgency. Delilah merely waited there, occasionally letting her gaze drift up to the screens before returning to the doorway ahead of her. 

Sam saw Ryan pass right in front of her at top speed, and made to chase after him but Stacy whipped past her so quickly it took her off kilter for a second. Ryan seemed to be taking corners wherever he could, seemingly hoping with his shorter stride that he could keep some distance from his pursuers. 

Yet he could hear the footsteps getting closer. As he rounded one corner Rachel was there, and he barely ducked under her grasping hand. She had been waiting for him in ambush, he thought fleetingly, as panic flooded his body. 

However he looked up to the screens and saw an exit. There was a way out! If he could get out of here then maybe he could get out somehow, run back home or maybe somewhere far from there. Maybe he could object to what was happening to him. He could scream to the cameras, tell them this merry ride was out of control! 

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, three ravenous women on his tail. It hadn’t occurred to him that he hadn’t seen the fourth yet. 

At home, David was leaning forward, trying to see past Cara and Melissa’s massive tits as they too seemed to lean in eagerly to watch. No doubt, David mused, they were rooting for the women. He however hoped to see Ryan make it out. However futile, such a sign of defiance would fan the flames in his heart.

It didn’t matter to Ryan. So what if he hadn’t seen Delilah. He was so close! He could hear the audience’s screams getting louder and louder. Then he saw it! An opening that wasn’t yellow! The light of the studio beaming through was all the encouragement he needed. The girls behind him were close but if he could just get through that door-

Delilah stepped out in front of him and lowered herself to her knees. Arms open, she grinned evilly as Ryan’s own momentum kept him going, stumbling directly into her arms just inches from his freedom. “Come to Mama…” she gloated as he skidded into her breasts, her hands wrapping triumphantly around his back.

It was like watching a man struggle in quicksand, and the inevitability of the boy’s submission cloyed at David’s throat.

 “This is your home now sweetie… right where you belong,” she whispered down to him as Ryan slowly sank into her cleavage.

“Noooo!” He squealed in defiance at the sheer unfairness of it all. 

Yet he was swiftly submerged into the massive mammaries of Delilah who delightedly engulfed him in her bosomy clutches, arms wrapping around him to utterly envelop him in tits that were half as big as himself. 

The audience was practically berserk with glee. They delighted at the gladiatorial spectacle, the cunning and skill. Seeing the poor boy trapped when he had been so close to escape touched something deeply within the amorous psyche of every woman in attendance. 

Nothing brought them so much joy as seeing a boy’s agency stripped from him, reducing him to nothing more than a toy within their grasp… 

Olga congradulated the winner and, as promised, took a few moments to leave Ryan and his captor alone as the other three women - exhausted but in good spirits - applauded with the audience. 

The cameras cut away as Delilah further entrapped her prisoner against herself, as the maze wall closed behind her. 


As the final commercial break began Delilah knew she had to move quickly. She had been on a waiting list for more than 10 years now and was losing hope. She had seen the reports. Declining male birth rates and sagging numbers of ‘liberated’ males from the outer world pacification squads. She knew it was only going to get worse. Boys like Ryan were at most three years away from being beyond worth their weight in gold. By then only the richest or best connected would be able to get thier hands on one. Already so many women had to share males between themselves. 

It had cost her almost everything she had to bribe her way onto the show. Women were getting more and more desperate to get their hands on a fresh male and Ryan was her chance to finally be what she had always dreamed of being since she had picked out her transformation model on her 18th birthday. What she was meant to be, she told herself.

Reaching under her right breast she removed soemthing from behind a well hidden bandage. Once she had the small vial concealed there in her grasp she quickly unscrewed the top, instantly enveloping both her and her captive Ryan with the smell of cream, fresh baked cookies, flowers and a dozen other scents mixed with a sickly sweetness that made even Delilah’s enhanced brain swim for a moment in relaxed bliss. 

She smiled as she looked down on Ryan who, understandably, was too overwhelmed being buried in breasts larger than his own torso to notice. Beneath her calm demeanour she was giddy to think that after a year of plotting and scheming she would finally be whole. 

Pulling Ryan out of her cleavage for a moment her smile broadened as he began to gulp great lung full’s of air. Yet as his dazed expression at last drifted up from her monstrous tits he had barely noticed the vial she was holding before she tipped the contents of the vial onto her breasts and quickly spread it around her massive cleavage. Making it shine brightly under the stage lights.

“Wha…” Ryan mumbled dumbly as, despite himself, he watched with fascination as she worked the mystery substance into her already distractingly large breasts. 

Soon the acreage of her bosom was slick and sheen, with the odd substance especially pooling in her cleavage. She merely smiled at him innocently as she finished spreading the mystery liquid across her prodigious chest. Already the fumes were beginning to make him dizzy as the scent of fresh baked bread and a warm cup of cocoa invaded his senses. Soon his already weakened mind began to slow further, flooding his brain with dopamine and oxytocin. The light playing across her glistening breasts began to sparkle and shine under the bright studio lights, dancing in his vision. 

“No time to explain right now my sweet boy, let’s just say that Mommy needs to make sure her little boy makes the right choice at the end of the show, okay?” 

Ryan looked up into her eyes as the breath caught in his throat. Her eyes seemed to glow with a soft warm light that brought a tear welling to his eye. She was so… beautiful to him now. Her delicate, motherly laugh echoed in his mind as her dazzling smile made him feel like he was the most loved person in the world.

Delilah tittered as she clinically observed the effects that the pheromone compound had on Ryan. His dime-sized dilated pupils indicated that the mild hallucinagen had began to kick in, and any moment his brain would begin to release a potent cocktail of dopamine and oxytocin that would render his unprepared little mind far more open and pliable for her. If she had done her job properly then in a few moments his limbic system would resemble that of a baby duck about to imprint on its mother. All of that, combined with the mild hypnotic she had sprinkled in, should ensure that Ryan would be in a proper state to absorb the truth she would impart to him.

She couldn’t help but giggle as his mouth sagged open, a thin line of drool painting the corner of his mouth. Ryan smiled stupidly at having made the most beautiful and wonderful woman he had ever seen happy. Gently pulling his head into her cleavage again he was assaulted with a direct dose of the powerful, mind-altering chemical concoction already so deeply affecting him. He tried to struggle for a moment, on some level instinctually resisting the envelopment; but soon he was breathing that wonderful scent deeply, and actually even trying to nuzzle his face deeper into the deep and perfumed valley of her cleavage.

“That’s a good boy… nice deep breaths for me… in and out…” She murmured, her words trickling into his ear and being greedily absorbed by his vulnerable mind. “Such a goooood boy, listening to Delilah.” 

After a few deep breaths she could feel his little tongue begin to lick and kiss at her bosom, a sign of his growing desire for the intoxicating intimacy of her breasts. It had taken her years working in secret at the Ministry of Science to secure an office of military research. All those long, lonely nights working in the chem lab were about to pay off if she was able to keep her focus. The small tounge and worshipful kisses of her prize were not making it easy though. Indeed, the compound she had developed was having an effect on her as well. Yet she steeled herself. She had only one shot, and she would not throw away a chance like this no matter the wave of lust she felt at his submissive supplication. 

Slowly she pulled Ryan out of her cleavage, even as he struggled feebly to keep kissing the sweet flesh of the goddess that held him. 

“Ryan… look into my eyes baby.” 

Ryan tore his eyes away from her cleavage long enough to stare into her deep, green eyes - and was instantly transfixed. They glowed and sparkled like two gems in the light as a corona of white light framed her gorgeous face like an angel. He felt his heart ache with love as he gazed up at the glorious creature holding him. 

She pitched her voice lower and gently swayed them together in a subtle, hypnotic way. One she knew would cause his chemically addled brain to see the lights dance across her eyes. 

“That’s a good boy…” she intoned lightly, rubbing his lower back in time with her rhythmic swaying. “Ryan… you want to be my good boy don’t you?” 

Ryan stared at her worshipfully, but blankly. Gently she brought her hand up to the back of his head to nod along with her. 

“Yes of course you do.” Delilah cooed softly, grinning wickedly as she let go of his head and Ryan gradually nodded on his own, still gazing at her with that slack jawed expression.

Delilah hesitated for a moment and wondered if perhaps she had done too good a job on the addled young man. Too late for that now, she thought, plowing ahead as she knew she only had moments to burn herself into his mind. 

“Ryan, you think I’m beautiful right?” 

He nodded

“You love the way my huuuge breasts make you feel, right honey?” 

Ryan’s gaze dropped to her monumental chest again as his drool began to moisten her breast as he pressed against it. Delilah smiled as she tilted his head forward, enveloping him in weapons grade pheromones. 

“So when the nice lady asks you who you want to belong to… what are you going to say?” Delilah asked, gently prying his head from her bosom, but she poke with a subtle authoritative tone which underlined her otherwise blissfully sweet demeanour. 


It wasn’t clear if Ryan was answering her, or stuttering a confused question. Regardless, Delilah persisted. 

“Not yet sweety. No, you need say ‘Delilah’… understand?” 

Ryan nodded. 

“Good boy. I promise, after this you’ll never have to leave my breasts again if you dont want to.” She said softly as she reluctantly let him go, placing him on the ground at her feet as a pair of show assistants arrived to interrupt their alone time. “You can spend every day in my tits and breathing in mommy’s special smell. In fact, we’ll make more of it. I bet other mommies would love to use it, and other boys would love if their mommies smelled like me. Oh yes… you’ll be my little helper…” 

She slowly readjusted her top to partially hide her glistening chest from the cameras, but ensured to dip her fingers into her cleavage as a final tantalising promise. 

“You can help mommy design all kinds of new things to make other boys happy… doesn’t that sound nice?” 

Ryan wobbled unsteadily on his feet, his vision swimming as the wall of the maze came down behind them and he was led away from Delilah and back to the main stage. His head was so fuzzy… he couldn’t remember what she had been saying. It must have been those tits of her, so big… he must have gotten lost in them. 

Yet something itched at the back of his mind, subtly working its way into his subconscious. When he closed his eyes to shake his head clear, all he could see in his mind’s eye were Delilah’s massive tits… and all he could think of was her name. 


When at last Delilah emerged, the boy was practically beside himself. Flushed red with embarassment and seeming beyond exhausted in his own right. He still had a dazed, dreamy smile on his lips and swayed a little unsteadily on his feet. It seemed that if it were not for Delilah’s firm hand on his shoulder he would collapse like a rag doll onto the ground. 

Olga seemed to set aside her showmanship somewhat, adopting a gentler, more maternal tone. 

“Well Ryan, we all thank you so much for coming on the show. Everybody is so proud of you. We all would love to take you home with us. You deserve to be happy, content, loved, as all males do… Now, though, it’s time for our final round.” She lifted his chin up with a fingertip to meet her gaze. Those eyes, though, gleamed with wicked intent, in contast to her words. “The Wheel.”

The crowd roared back to life, and a massive vertical wheel was revealed from behind a deep burgundy curtain. While it was around the same height as the women in attendance, it dwarfed the smaller guy by nearly twice his height. 

Adorned with the images of the four women in attendance, it was divided into four. 

“Now Ryan, you must choose who you want to go home with tonight. Who will claim ownership of you, take care of you… forever.”

Ryan eyed the wheel nervously, stammering.


“Ah, it’s okay to be nervous. Most males are by now. They get so frightened at such big changes in their lives… but deep down all good boys know its up to women to make big choices for them, right? Big important decisions can’t be left to boys who don’t know what’s best for themselves. However, this woman is going to be the one who makes those decisions for you from now on - so you have to choose who that will be.”

Confused, Ryan again tried to speak, but Olga merely continued. 

“Of course, if you don’t want to choose, or you can’t choose… the Wheel will decide for you.”

The audience jeered, screaming in glee. 

“Take your time Ryan. You have until… the Wheel stops spinning to make your choice.”

With that, not taking her eyes off Ryan for a moment, she grasped a rung on the wheel and spun it with the inhuman strength of her kind. 

Lights flashed, and exciting music began to play, as the audience lost all control. 

Ryan panicked, but had nowhere to go. He looked from the audience, to Olga, finding no respite in either. Merely the gleaming toothy smiles of women more than eager to see him enslaved to one of the four women standing behind him. 

Shakily, he turned on the spot to look at them. Each now did everything in their power to make their last attempt at seducing the boy who was now so close to being within their clutches. 

Sam batted her eyelashes at him, running her hands across her shapely body. Stacy, by contrast, stood out so as to show off her athletic tone as much as possible. Rachel let a smile play across her lips as she merely pointed down to the floor in front of her, a very clear ‘come here’ order. 

Delilah, though, merely grinned at Ryan. As he caught her gaze, he found himself once again struggling to look away from her… and of course, his gaze naturally fell to her utterly incomprehensible rack. 

“It’s slowing down Ryan…” Olga teased, leaning down as far as she could to bring her face next to his, and turning his attention to the wheel. 

The lights had begun to flash slower, and the ticking of the wheel as it span began to come further and further between. The rapid beat grinding to a halt in time with the rotating structure itself. 

Unable to process the sheer panicked emotions he felt in that moment, he almost broke down where he stood. Tears welled in his eyes. Forced to choose to whom he surrendered every ounce of his livelihood, to decide who would control him utterly from then on - mind, body, heart and soul - was a choice no man could make. 

Yet he had to choose, or the choice would be made for him. His tears slowed as a grim resignation seemed to take hold. After all, as Olga had made clear, this might be the last chance he ever got to make a choice for himself. 

As the wheel slowed to a halt, it’s sounds died away. Tick… tick… … tick … 

David rushed forwards at the last moment, eyes closed, not knowing what he was doing. Not caring. Was it a bid for escape? A choice made in protest? Or a blind roll of the dice?

The audience, Olga, David and the maids, and perhaps even Ryan didn’t know. 

The only one who did was the woman who, smiling, embraced the boy as he ran headfirst into her thick, womanly body. 

Ryan’s heart was pounding so hard, with so much adrenaline pumping through him, that he didn’t hear anything at first. A distant roar like waves crashing on rocks slowly faded in as his face, hot and wet from tears, began to feel the warmth against it. 

It was the audience roaring in approval. And that heat was the bodily warmth coming from between the thighs of the woman who was now for all intents and purposes his owner. 

Delilah grinned ominously down at him, and Ryan wilted. 

“WE HAVE A WINNER!” Olga screamed in joy, as sirens wailed and lights flashed. 

The audience were on their feet, applauding and cheering mightily. Yet behind it all, Sam, Stacy and Rachel clapped happily as Delilah lifted Ryan up off his feet and pressed him to her chest. 

“Thank you all so much for watching! We hope you’ll join us all again tomorrow, when another lucky boy is gifted into the hands of a very lucky woman… forever.”

Olga fixed the camera with a determined grin at that. Behind her, David thought he saw Delilah begin to part her clothes, and he squirmed in his seat at what he knew was about to befall that boy. The woman’s lips moved as she di so, and he was almost sure what she had said was: 

“Now you’re mine.”


As the credits rolled, the camera swooped over the audience, and Melissa and Cara at long last returned their full attentions to him. All throughout, their hands had roamed his vulnerable body trapped between their massive forms. As a result, and to no small degree due to what he’d seen on screen, his arousal hadn’t diminished in the slightest - much to their delight. 

“Oh my, I guess someone really did enjoy watching TV with us after all!” Cara delighted, gripping the head of his cock between her fingertips gently before moving them up and down at a teasing pace. 

“He’s not alone…” Melissa said breathily, leaning over to kiss Cara passionately, yet that simple act caused both women’s massive chests to smother the poor boy caught between them. 

Buried beneath breasts, he felt their hands continue their work as they seemingly saw no reason to relent in their make-out session, embracing each other tightly and in so doing further entombing the boy between them. 

Shifting their own legs a little, they easily prised David’s waist and legs free only to sit him atop the plateau of their thighs which they now pressed together. His legs held firmly apart by the sheer mass of flesh beneath them, they pinned his ankles between their thighs and secured him firmly between them as two massive pairs of breasts soon enveloped him from either side. Before long he was buried within their bodies, with only his waist and thighs exposed and utterly at their seldom-seen mercies. 

“Some day soon that’s going to be you, David.” Cara taunted, scrabbling her nails against his exposed and sensitive inner thigh, sending the poor boy into hysterics. 

“Oh yes, you’ll be so much happier David. Just like that boy on tv… doesn’t it sound so nice to just stop worrying about everything, just be the boy you were born to be?” Melissa took the opportunity to liberate David of his shorts, easily parting the material to reveal David’s now turgid and throbbing member. 

Groaning with frustration, both at their words and his hopeless situation, his cries were little more than muffled moans from beneath the mountains of feminine flesh which entombed him. The pair paid it little heed. After all, women knew what was best for males. His discontent was little more than a cute afterthought to them. 

“Why don’t you show us how much you want to be like that boy on TV. Show us how much you want it.”

“Oh what a lovely idea!” Cara added. “Mmm show us what you really want David. Show us you don’t want to be a big boy anymore. Hump your cock into our hands and show us you really want a woman to make your choices for you.”

With little ceremony, the pair proceeded to subject his cock to whatever torturous touches their whims decided. Melissa encircled the head of his cock with a forefinger and thumb with a feather-light touch, rotating her fingers back and forth to drive the poor boy wild. Cara meanwhile was merely twirling a single fingertip around and over his head, tickling his sensitive cock with pitiless efficiency. 

He held out as long as he could, screaming into their enveloping, sweaty breasts with the sheer effort it took to restrain himself, but in the end it was hopeless. David whimpered in defeat as he couldn’t help but see his current situation as a microcosm of his own life. He was doomed to be forever under the thumb of one woman or another - quite literally in this case. 

“Oh good boy, that’s it. Hump hump my fingers!” Melissa encouraged, gushing smugly at his self-induced defeat. “All good boys love to buck their hips like that. They love to play this bouncy game with much bigger girls like us.”

“Mmmm good boys don’t have silly thoughts. They just want to fuck and cum and be good for their Mommies. Doesn’t that sound delightful?” Cara cooed reassuringly, as if it was the perfect life she was describing. 

Some instinctual part of David couldn’t help but agree. The idea of a life of total bliss, endless sexual ecstasy spoke to a powerful part of his mind. In a mix of sheer sexual bliss and hopeless frustration - David could only weep. 

“Such a good boy… here, why don’t we give you a hand?” Cara offered. 

“He already has our hands Cara!” Melissa giggled, and the pair tittered at their joke.

“I mean lets show him how much fun it is to not have to think at all. He doesn’t even have to move. We’ll do everything for him - like this.”

Cara tensed her thigh beneath David, and in so doing the massive bulk of flesh tightening lifted him several inches up, leaving him tilting over to one side. 

“Oh what a marvelous idea. Here let me try. One… two…” Melissa counted down.

When the pair both tensed their thighs in unison, David was gently but firmly lifted up several inches in the air, before their softening flesh relented and he dropped back down. 

“We can just hold our hands like this…” Melissa whispered, and David - blinded by the massive breasts keeping him pinned to their bodies - could only frantically imagine what they had in store. 

“Perfect!” Cara soothed, rubbing David’s thigh reassuringly, but it did little to calm his nerves. Indeed it only made his throbbing cock beat all the harder. 

“Lets try it. Ready?”

With that, the pair tensed and relaxed their thighs over and over, slowly building up a rhythm which forced David up into the air each time. As Melissa and Cara held their hands in place, David’s cock was forced into the tight ring of their fingers, only to be dragged back out again by gravity. Robbed of even the ability to set his own thrusting pace, David squirmed what little he could, groaning and weeping as even that tiny fragment of agency was so cruelly robbed of him. Yet it was all utterly buried under his rapidly mounting lust. 

“Awww, I think David likes our bouncy game!” Cara grinned, picking up the pace as Melissa matched it. 

“Oh my, look at his cock, it’s practically leaking! We’re going to have to play this game more often…”

“Such a good boy…”

“Such a sweet thing…”

As the pair descended into an endless stream of infantile nothings, their baby talk was soon reduced to pure gibberish. Interspersed with mothering noises and shushing tones as David’s increasingly frantic groans emanated from within their cavernous cleavage, the pair forcibly controlled every aspect of David’s body now, relentlessly pumping him up into their milking grip with nothing but the power of their own thighs. 

David’s heart ached at the sheer helplessness flooding his thoughts. He was utterly powerless beneath these women, and out there in the world all women were now like this. Deep down it was becoming very obvious to him that he was going to wind up trapped like this forever one day. 

Even as his rebellious urges were dimming, his libido was roaring. The fact he wasn’t able to control the pace of his thrusts was in some way so much more erotic. He couldn’t anticipate the sensations of their milking fingers at all, and they seemed to delight in slowing down deliberately whenever they thought he was a little too close to cumming. Indeed, after the third time they had brought him oh-so-close to climax before backing off he was no longer concerned with any thoughts of self determination. No, the only thing he wanted to do for himself was reach down and stroke his cock like a man possessed. Yet his tormenting minxes were holding one of his arms captive each underneath the oppressive weight of their breasts, each heavier than his entire body. 

Soon, though, they made their intentions clear. 

“Well I guess the only way David could tell us he wants to be a good boy is to shoot his little squirties all over our hands…”

For a few moments, they stroked his cock in unison, moving their hands down along his shaft to meet his cock each time they forced him up into their grip. David gasped in ecstasy, but they soon brought their thighs to a halt. When he tried to thrust up into their fingers on his own, though, they just loosened their grip and moved their fingers in concert with his cock and rendered his movements useless until he collapsed back against them, sweat pouring down his body - both theirs and his. 

“Oh but he doesn’t seem to want to. He hasn’t made a single squirt at all!” Cara sighed with mock disappointment. 

“Well, that’s not entirely true. He’s drenched our hands in precum by now…”

“Ohhhh yes, it must feel so deliciously slick. We didn’t even need lube, our good little boy is just so happy when we milk his cock isn’t he…”

“Yet he still hasn’t cum. Maybe he doesn’t want to be a good boy after all…”

Their words, echoing through their titanic bodies, sent warring messages through David’s mind. On the one hand they tempted him with the orgasm they kept holding just out of his reach, frustrating his every effort. Yet they had made clear the price of his release would be submission. If he came, that would be signalling his acquiescence to their words… yet if that was their game, why not just force him to cum? 

Then it hit him. They wanted him to surrender of his own accord. Did their cruelty know no bounds? He was already helpless, utterly defenceless under their care, and yet they were not satisfied. They never would be. They would just push him further and further until he ultimately surrendered. 

“He would have to show us how much he wants to be a good boy…”

“Be a good boy for us. Fuck away all your cares and worries. Hump our fingers like a good little boy.”

With that, they moved their hands back into place, and enveloped his cock in an oh-so-delightful grip. 

Biting his lip, he knew it was hopeless. The sheer guilt and shame of being so easily controlled by these women washed over him, but did little to abate his lust. Indeed, on some level the two were becoming subconsciously intertwined. 

With one last heart-wrenching groan of defeat, he at first reluctantly, then with delirious eagerness, thrust his cock into their promising fingers. Already so close to orgasm, he felt his chest tightening in moments, and as they cooed sweet poisonous words into his ears to encourage him his climax arrived with the force of a freight train. 

Unable to breathe for a few moments, he drove his cock into their slick milking digits again and again, before at last sinking his cock as deeply into their grip as he could in an utterly primal desire to breed. Yet their sheer size and control of him rendered his carnal movements a mockery, like an animal on display, a pitiful example of what man had once been rendered nothing but a plaything within their grasp. 

“Such a good boy!” They cheered in unison, milking his orgasm to its utmost with their expert touches. 


The next few days were an exercise in utter frustration for David. Every time he refused to give his mother an answer, whenever he was evasive on the topic of transformation, hell whenever he made the slightest hint of reluctance his mother would just smile and pass him off to Melissa and Carra. She would merely tell them David was ‘tired’, or ‘cranky’, as if he was just a child needing comforting, and the pair would drag him off for a seemingly endless session of libidinous debauchery. 

Indeed they hardly needed her instruction. His new minders, or ‘maids’ as they insisted, seemed to be everywhere. He never got a moment’s peace. In his mother’s absence they now ran his home. When he had feebly tried to exert some meager authority, claiming it was his home and they should respect his privacy, they merely cooed mocking babytalk at him as if he were just a fussy child. Indeed they had merely added it to their list of reasons to judge him as such, dismissing any and all of his fears or apprehensions as nothing but the flights of a young man surrounded by beautiful women. 

That was something they told him he was going to have to get used to. He supposed in a way they were right. 

They seemed to delight in interrupting any intellectually stimulating activity he undertook by simply insisting that something had to be cleaned, which of course involved them stretching their bodies well within his view no matter which way he turned. 

If he hid under a blanket they would simply find an excuse to clean it, either by removing it or worse, simply using it as an excuse to molest the boy underneath. 

Of course, the moment he became aroused, somehow they simply knew. Given they had replaced his diet with nothing but Instant Smile - that was now practically all the time.

The one time he had asked - no, demanded - that they let him eat real food, well that expeirnece had taught him not to defy them. 

“Well, we are here to take care of you… if you want us to feed you more than just our milk, then of course little master…” Melissa had mulled conspiratorially, winking to Carra. 

David had stared after them anxiously as they sauntered from the room, otherworldly thighs and round bodies swaying so enticingly. He resisted the urge to frantically masturbate, to grant himself some sexual relief that didn’t come at the cost of enduring their constant verbal and physical assault upon his reistance. Yet he found found to his dismay he was too nervous to even read, despite having longed for the chance to do so uninterrupted. 

For over an hour he lay there, trapped, wrapped up in his own indecision. A prickle of sweat formed on his head at the thought of just what they might have in store. 

Yet when they finally reappeared pushing a trolley with a serving dish atop it, he felt a momentary swell of hope. The meal they had prepared smelled divine even from under its stainless steel cover. As they rolled it close to him he felt his mouth watering - though he had to admit it was at least partly due to the swaying, heavy bosoms of the women pushing it… and the thick, heady cream which swelled within as he was all-too-aware.

The pair exchanged a bemused grin before revealing what was, he had to admit, an utterly delicious looking meal. In fact, it was practically a platter of his favourites. But… how could they have known?

He pinched himself internally. Of course his Mother had told them. Dimly, he wondered just how much else she had told them about him… or perhaps instructed them. 

“No need to get up.” Melissa said as he made to pull the covers back, sliding into place beside him. 

Groaning, he realised they had no intention of simply allowing him to enjoy his meal. Yet he felt suitably chastised so as not to complain. After all, they had obviously gone to a lot of effort. Besides he didn’t want to give them any more reason to treat him as little more than a disagreeable child. 

Carra easily lifted and then placed the massive folding tray in front of him on the bed. Melissa, however, had lifted him with remarkable ease and had begun to slide her massive form in behind him. One of her massive thighs soon filled his entire side up to his armpit, before the other settled in on his other side, forcing his arms up on top of them with their sheer bulk. Thick, pillowy thighs now dominated either side of his body, as the thrumming heat of her sex was now resting gently against his back - sending the poor boy into a shiver. 

Sat behind him, Melissa rested her hands on his shoulders as her colossal bosom pressed in behind him. Slowly he felt his head sinking into the cleavage between each monumental mound, and was trying to grip her thighs to keep himself from sinking further. She merely kept a gentle pressure on his shoulders until, inevitably, he was practically buried in her chest with only his face visible. 

“W-wait… how am I going to eat if I can’t reach the tray?” He stammered in confusion. 

As Carra crawled up the bed towards him like a stalking predator, he got his answer. She lifted the fork free of the tray without a word and handed it to Melissa. 

“Now don’t you worry yourself, sweet little thing.” Carra soothed him, running her hand up his thigh provocatively in contrast to her words. “Let us take care of everything…”

His brow furrowed uncertainly, but as Melissa lifted a fork-full of steak and potatoes to his mouth, his hunger eased his worry. Once he tasted it, of course, his worries disappeared almost altogether. David wasn’t sure if it was just days without a solid meal and nothing but thick, creamy milk to feed him, but it tasted simply divine. 

Soon any embarassment he felt at being fed like a child evaporated as he hungrily devoured everything he was given. While Carra’s touch was soothing, it was undeniably also arousing. Beneath the tray over his lap, hidden from his sight, her fingers were delicately tracing the contours of his thighs and his increasingly rigid cock. 

Indeed, she seemed to be delighting in tickling the underside of his cockhead every time he went to take a bite, giggling with joy every time it caused him to struggle eating. When she began to trace her nails up and down like a spider’s grip on the head of his cock however he choked on his food, and inevitably he spilled it down his chest. 

“Awwww,” Melissa admonished, lifting a napkin to his lip and dabbing it. “Poor little boy, even when we’re helping him he can’t eat without making a mess!”

“It’s okay sweet thing,” Carra mused, eyes glinting with delight at her success, “soon you’ll always have someone to take care of you like this, after your transformation.”

“But I don’t- mmmfh!” He grunted, but Melissa simply fed him another mouthful to replace the one he had lost. 

Carra, however, had only redoubled her efforts beneath the tray. In fact, precisely because David couldn’t see what she was doing, it made him jump at every imagined and actual unexpected touch. Even had she not been playing his cock like a fine instrument with her nails through his thin shorts he would have still been jumping at every touch. As it was he could hardly keep still. 

“Such a squirmy boy, do you like it when big, beautiful women take care of you hmmm?”

Carra’s cheshire grin spoke to just how much she was enjoying tracing the nails of each hand around one of his sensitive testes, all while Melissa dutifully ensured there was always a fork waiting whenever he tried to protest. 

“I don’t know Carra, I don’t think he’s able to be a big boy. Maybe he’d be better off as a little man forever.”

“Oh I like that idea…” Carra cooed, and her tactics swiftly changed. Now she was stroking his cock fervently with one hand as she sought to free it with the other. “I think he would be much happier as a transformed boy, don’t you?”

“Mmmm, you’d be so cute. Imagine being even smaller than us than you already are…”

“Well, small in all ways but one…” Carra corrected, licking her lips as she lovingly caressed his cock. 

“Mmm- b-but-” He groaned, as the passionate handjob he was now receiving was such a shift from the extended erotic teasing that his mind had short-circuited. 

“Not your butt, cutie, that will be just as cute!” Melissa added, reaching between herself and her captive to squeeze his ass a little and making the poor boy yelp. 

Carra squeezed her forefinger and thumb around the head of his cock and used her other thumb to run circles around his slit, sending David into paroxysms, although trapped between Melissa’s thighs and breasts they registered as barely more than a squirm.

“I think he really likes that idea… wouldn’t you just love to be a good little boy for us all the time?” Carra asked with pursed lips, her soothing tone in stark contrast to the utterly electric sensations she was forcing the poor boy to endure. 

“Mmmm, such a cute boy you’d be too… your mother showed us the projections you know.”

“That’s right… in fact you’d be so adorable I don’t think anyone would be able to keep their hands off you…” Carra said, just as her hands began to truly milk his cock in earnest, gently bumping the underside of the tray with each upwards stroke. “Let alone Melissa and I.”

It took a monumental effort of concentration, but he was able to force his mind to the fore. Exhaling with the sheer exertion of doing so, he willed his arousal down to merely a simmer from the boil it had been at. His hips stopped moving, and he stopped thrusting into the wonderful grip Carra had on his cock. Further, with much effort given he was trapped betwixt Melissa’s cavernous bosom, he forced his head from side to side and avoid her dextrous feeding hand. 

“Awww, is our little boy being fussy again?” Carra asked with sly disapproval. 

“Silly boy, he should listen to his Mommies…” Melissa whispered down to him from above, yet her voice sounding deafening as it spoke directly to him. “Maybe… maybe he doesn’t want to be a good little boy, hmmm?”

With that, Carra released his slick and dripping cock, and left it throbbing and aching as it pressed up into the underside of the tray. However, she didn’t take her eyes off him at all. Instead her gaze had grown cold, distant almost… with a sharpness there he couldn’t quite define. 

“What happened to the good little boy I wonder, hmmm?”

A sudden sensation directly on the underside of his cock made his eyes widen in shock as, to his dismay, Carra began to gently tickle right below his head with a single nail. 

He was soon writhing in place, twitching from side to side as his hands grasped at Melissa’s thighs trying to free himself. Melissa, however, merely moved her hands down and held his arms easily in her grip, in the process squeezing her full breasts around his head tighter, robbing him of even the slightest movement. 

Carra merely hummed softly as she played merry torment upon his cock, swirling a single finger around his head as he mewled in anguish. 

“Well he can’t be a good little boy, Carra… little boys let their Mommies milk them, and drink their Instant Smile. Maybe he’d rather be a big boy after all?”

David tried to signal his approval, but Melissa simply pulled his arms together in front of her, burying them in her breasts as she smothered his head within them and easily muffled anything he could have tried to say. 

“Oh I don’t know Melissa…” Carra mockingly asked, tickling mercilessly all over his cock with her nails while speaking perfectly casually. “I guess the only way we’d know is if he showed us.”

Melissa giggled, and the simple action translated into a truly titanic shiver of breast flesh around David’s head as she kept him entombed within her massive cleavage. 

It was starting to set in now. He could hear his heartbeat echoing in his ears, cocooned as he was within soft enveloping flesh, and his cock throbbing in time with his pulse. This was what his life would be like from now on. These temptresses would torment him again and again until he gave in. Every day would be like this until he was 

The sheer gravity of his situation, and the unfairness inherent to it, was the last straw. For the first time he truly lost hope. What could he do? These women could overpower him so easily, and while he could hardly say he disliked the constant sexual attention, their methods were so excruciating that he was swiftly becoming a nervous wreck. He jumped at shadows, woke in the night thinking they had come for him in his sleep… and occasionally they had. 

David let out a truly pitiful wail. What resistance he had left faded, and he wriggled his hips madly, losing any semblance of self control. 

Carra delighted as his cock danced amidst her tickling fingers, giggling with glee as her prey squirmed beneath her. 

“Just give in, David, and you’ll feel like this every day!”

“You want to be a good boy don’t you? Why fight it?”

Amidst his gasps and groans of delight, no matter how hopeless it seemed, he refused to give in. He simply would not give in. 

Whilst he was unaware of her presence as the massive minxes manipulated his member so expertly, not too far away his mother looked on dispassionately. She had hired them as professionals to end David’s nonsense once and for all, yet it had been weeks and they had yet to bring the boy to heel, at least in a non-literal sense. 

She thought once again about her soon to be delivered second husband, and how awkward it would be to have her deviant son around. Him a living testament to the oddity his own father had clung to for so long. People had already begun to whisper behind her back at the cocktail parties and fashion shows she attended regularly. Word had gotten around that not only had her son not opted for transformation yet, but was seemingly intent never to do so. 

His mother just could not understand why her son refused to indulge in the life they had together. Why did he refuse to embrace the wonderful society around them. No… it was simply intolerable. Swirling and downing the last of her glass of expensive wine, she removed a napkin from her pocket. She had seen the advertisement before but never had she thought she would need to call them herself. She’d always thought - perhaps hoped - David would grow out of this odd rebellious streak. His independence phase had lasted far longer than that of most males… but now it seemed there really was no convincing him. 

He needed professional help. Not that of Cara and Melissa, no… serious help. 

She knew it was the right thing to do. After all, she huffed, putting her wine glass down as she lifted her phone and began to dial., she was not going to let her reputation suffer because her son was…abnormal. 

Hearing the underlying tones of her son’s defiance, evident even in his orgasmic cries, she turned away at last when a voice answered. 

‘Valnurana’s Institute for Male Rehabilitation, how can we help?’


David awoke to find himself sitting in a comfortable chair. Everything was blurry at first, and his head was swirling. He went to pinch his nose but found his wrists strapped to the chair he was in. As he pulled at first gently and testingly before becoming more alarmed upon his restraints, he paused at the sound of his mother’s voice. 

“Just relax David, everything’s fine.” His mother offered sweetly, in that same casual tone she always used. “Don’t be difficult David…” 

He could just about make out his mother sat in a far larger chair beside him, and relenting in his struggles at her insistence however reluctantly, he began to look around the room he was in which was so unfamiliar to him. It was softly lit and a bit cold, but decorated with many pictures of smiling women holding men in their arms, embracing them tightly, or in their laps. In each case, with growing concern, David noted the blank expressions of vacuous bliss on the men’s faces. 

Wincing, David tried to remember how he had arrived there. All he could remember was resting on his bed and as usual being buried between, or perhaps beneath, Cara and Melissa. No… he could remember them letting him up for something. Someone had given him something to drink, right? They said it was to rehydrate him since he’d been so warm… and then he’d been so drowsy. 

Looking down again, he saw he was wearing pale pink clothing he had never worn before. Had someone… dressed him in his sleep? The clothes were altogether quite revealing. The silky material was fairly elastic and hugged his form, leaving nothing to the imagination at all. All he wore was a fairly skimpy pair of shorts and a vest with sleeves that barely got past his shoulders. 

A door opened behind them and disturbed his recollection before he could truly regain his senses. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” 

Blinking away the fuzziness in his vision, David saw someone sitting behind a massive and ornate wooden desk in front of him. As they came into view, however, he thought he must be dreaming. He recognised her. She was the doctor from that advert he’d seen so many times… 

“Welcome to the Valnurana’s Institute for Male Rehabilitation. I am Doctor Valnurana.” Her voice as calm and soothing, yet tinged with a coolness that spoke to depthless patience. “And this must be David.”

As she finally came into focus, David realised he wasn’t dreaming. Before him sat the same woman he had seen on TV so many times. Her jet black hair framed a kind face with firm features. Her sienna toned skin seemed to catch the light, though that might have been a product of his continued drowsiness. She was, like so many transformed women, massive. Her blue coveralls did little to hide her truly ample proportions, framed by a white doctor’s coat which he doubted she could ever have buttoned up given the sheer size of her body. Especially given her truly absurdly large breasts. David had thought he had seen the largest bosoms modern science could create, and yet evidently Doctor Valnurana had access to techniques which even the wealthiest could not yet take advantage. 

He blinked again. It really was her… Which meant he really was in her hospital…

David involuntarily jerked at his restraints again in fear, suddenly very eager to leave this place and any and all decorum be damned. When he discovered it was again quite useless, the restraints far stronger than he could ever dream of being, he audibly gulped. 

The doctor smiled slightly at his display of fear, and inhaled deeply before turning to his mother at last. 

“What seems to be the problem?”

“Oh my, well it seems so silly really…”

“I assure you,” Doctor Valnurana spoke confidently, “there’s nothing you could tell me I haven’t heard before. Our facility specializes in… difficult cases.”

David made to speak, but his mother and the doctor seemed to simply ignore his presence altogether. 

“Well, David here is adamant he does not want to undergo transformation. We’ve tried everything I could think of but he refuses to even listen.”

“My my, that certainly doesn’t sound healthy at all.”

“I’m perfectly healthy, I just-” David mumbled, but was soon cut off. 

“From what you’ve told me it sounds like David has more than simple apprehension regarding the transformation. Indeed it may take some time to diagnose the issue, but I suspect there is far more to this than a simple case of reluctance.”

David bit his lip, frustrated at being ignored, but as the two spoke over him - both figuratively and literally given their height - he resigned himself to a begrudging silence, largely ignoring the giantesses who so casually discussed his fate as if he wasn’t even there. As such when Doctor Valnurana finally spoke to him he didn’t hear what she said, and hadn’t even noticed she was speaking to him until he realised she was staring directly at him for the first time since she’d entered the room. 

“Oh… um… sorry.”

“It’s quite alright. I’m glad to see you are polite, David. So many of our patients can be… less cooperative. It makes it so much harder to treat them. Not that that is a problem, of course. We have a 100% success rate.”

“That’s very impressive!” His mother said in awe. “So David is going to be okay?”

“More than okay. He will be the best version of himself he can be. As all boys should be.”

“W-wait… but… I don’t want to change. I don’t want to be… like everyone else.”

Doctor Valnurana paused for a moment, as if analysing David. She didn’t speak for a short while. When she did, it was in the same even tone as before, but once again David detected that subtle chill to her voice. 

“David, I’m sure you are aware it’s perfectly normal for boys to undergo transformation.”

“Yes, but… I don’t have to. I don’t want to. You can’t make me, right? Well, surely I don’t have to do it. I just don’t want to, and that’s all there is to it. Everyone keeps trying to convince me to but I like who I am as I am now!”

David breathed a few times before realising just what he had said. It had all just come out so quickly, as if he hadn’t even been thinking about it. 

Doctor Valnurana just smiled. 

“Of course, David. You are absolutely right.” Her eyes glinted a little behind her thickly rimmed glasses. “Boys do not have to undergo transformation. Nobody can, should, or ever will force you to. All boys who opt for transformation do so willingly.”

“Then why am I here? There’s nothing wrong with me!” David protested, tugging at his restraints. 

“See what I mean?” His mother spoke dismissively. “He’s just so strong willed.”

“I’ve met stronger.” Doctor Valnurana said with a little smile. 

It gave David pause, wondering just what she meant by that.

“Well David you are here because first of all your mother, your family, your friends are worried about you. Your behaviour tells me that they may be right to be concerned. My only concern is to discover what is causing your behaviour and to help you get better.”

“B-but… you said guys don’t have to get the transformation if they don’t want to.”

“That is correct, David. However you can’t tell me why. Indeed I doubt you even know why yourself.”

“That’s not true!” David exclaimed, but the pregnant pause that followed spoke volumes. He struggled to put together the complex thoughts that a thousand pages from his father’s books had conveyed to him but it was simply impossible in so short a time. He had had no time to prepare for such a meaningful discussion. 

“I see.” Doctor Valnurana said sweetly, but with an air of bemusement that sent a shiver up David’s spine. “You have been entered into my care and I will find out what it is that’s troubling you, David. I am here to help you. However, I can only help you if you accept that you need help.”

Dejected, David’s eyes moved to the floor, if only so he didn’t keep accidentally fixating on her massive breasts as he looked up past them into her eyes. 

“It might take some time. But I promise that when you are cured, you will leave here a healthy and happy boy.” Doctor Valnurana licked her lips slightly. “They always do.”


Two orderlies, massive transformed women who were perhaps the largest David had ever seen, arrived soon after to escort David away. His mother put on a brave face, but in that moment David truly looked at her for the first time. 

Her vapid expression spoke volumes, or rather, it spoke to the volumes she had never read. Never would read. The sheer scale of the emptiness within her, potential forever unused. A sad goodbye and a promise that David would feel better, to do as he was told, was all she could muster. 

He didn’t reply. Only then did it finally become all to clear to him. His mother wasn’t a mother at all. She was just a person who had been in his life and who had by chance of causality and genetics become the woman with authority over him. Authority which, it seemed, was as easily transferrable as the ease with which he was being physically transferred over into Doctor Valnurana’s ‘care’. 

When he had been left alone with her, losing his father, it hadn’t been easy. Yet only now did it dawn on him that he had been alone since he had gone. He had never had a mother at all. Just a jailer. 

The orderlies tenderly released David from his bonds, yet always kept a firm hand upon him as they worked. One was a blonde and pale with a kindly smile, the other an auburn dusty-skinned beauty. They worked with such effortless efficacy that he had no doubt they had done this countless times before, and he could practically feel the confidence radiating from them. Indeed, once they had David in their gentle but firm arms, hands upon his shoulders, he felt more restrained than he had in the chair. 

“Come along, we’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” The blonde said in an almost saccharine tone, yet combined with the firm grip on his shoulder, there was a very clear undertone that it was not a request.  

David took one last look at his mother, or rather the woman who had claimed to be her, and he saw not the slightest regret in her eyes. Indeed, with one last barb of frustration, she wasn’t even looking at him as he was led away into the arms of strangers. She was smiling to Doctor Valnurana as they spoke. What he did notice, however, was that Doctor Valnurana’s eyes didn’t leave him for a moment until the door closed and he was out of sight. 

The halls were a chalky pink pastel, softly lit and with the faintest sound of music playing at just low enough a volume as to be unable to be heard when David tried to focus on it. It merely seemed to creep back into his hearing the moment he stopped trying to listen directly to it. 

The roof was abnormally high, even for buildings which had to accomodate transformed women. Had he stood on one of the nurses’ massive shoulders he still wouldn’t have been able to reach it. Indeed, the halls were also empty, save for the occasional rounded glass globe fitted into the walls, behind which a tell-tale glint spoke to a security camera following his every move. 

As they walked, the nurses kept a very slow but deliberate pace. Of course even at their glacial speed his far shorter legs had to move much quicker to keep up. He was in no danger of tripping, but their speed ensured he was moving at a pace set decidedly by them. The message was clear - he was not in control here, they were. 

Even the floor itself felt oddly soft. Indeed a quick look down showed that the massive women to either side of him were leaving an imprint of their soft soles in the material which took a few seconds to reassert itself after they moved on.

David had the distinct impression that this was far less like a hospital, at least as he had imagined them, and far more like a nursery. Indeed, everything seemed deliberately designed to project as much of a calming influence as possible. In spite of his recognition of that fact, he couldn’t help but feel soothed by it all somehow. In the same way, as he had once read, that a placebo pill works regardless of whether you know it is a placebo or not, he felt his well-deserved tension slowly but surely being drained from him. 

The air around him seemed warmer, thicker somehow than he was used to. Like a stuffy room on a winter day. Soon it was becoming a struggle to keep up with the two women flanking him on either side as his feet seemed to sag into the floor. His feet seemed to sag into the floor as his pace became unsteady, and was forced to adopt an almost stumbling progress as he tried to find some purchase on the ground. 

That combined with the presumed heavy sedative he was still recovering from made it seem like the world existed through a heavy blanket which was ever smothering him in its easy softness. A siren call seemed to lure him to relax in spite of himself. He yawned, fighting urgently against the growing drowsiness that the facility seemed designed to induce. He felt a soft hand correct him as he almost crashed into the wall and, through blurry eyes, looked up into the smiling serene face of one of the nurses as she gently helped him back to his feet. If nothing else, the stumble had flooded his system with some alertness, and he blinked away the fatigue for a short while longer. 

“I’m nurse Abby,” the brown haired goddess to his right said at last as they progressed. “We will be showing you to your room soon, where you’ll be staying with us.”

“For how long?” David demanded quickly, but wilted at the suddenness with which the pair of women fixed him with a kind, yet somehow cold, stare. 

“For as long as it takes to help you get better, David.” The blonde said sweetly from behind a knowing smile.

“But… but there’s nothing wrong with me…” As he spoke he lost confidence in those very words, intimidated by the sheer confidence with which they spoke, nay the very environment around him in concert with the people doing everything possible to impress their authority upon him. 

“Nothing that we can’t fix.” Nurse Abby corrected, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly… yet it didn’t feel very reassuring given the situation. 

“I’m Nurse Bella.” The blonde said with the same sugary sweetness as before. “Nurse Abby and I have been assigned to you for now. You will likely see other… specialists. And Doctor Valnurana always oversees much of the treatment here personally. However we are responsible for your wellbeing.”

“Do you… care for a lot of patients?” David asked, struggling to find something to ask which could assert some level of control on his part. He didn’t want to be a meek child being led along by the hand, regardless of how apt that seemed.  

“Oh yes…” Bella said softly, almost wistfully, reminiscing over the joy of her work, before looking back down at him, “but only ever one at a time. Every boy has at least two nurses assigned to him. One of us will always be here for anything you need.”

“Doctor Valnurana is one of the most incredible people working in her field. We’re all very grateful for the opportunity to work here. She believes as we all do that boys need to be shown, not told, how they should feel. That’s why every boy has their own personal nursing team. We aren’t nurses, we are your nurses, David.” Abby sounded as if she was reading from the back of a pamphlet, but David had to admit it didn’t sound rehearsed. Indeed, however casual her tone, she seemed to genuinely believe every word she spoke. 

“So trust us, David. You will be very well taken care of for as long as you’re here.” Bella said at last, as she paused in front of an elevator and pushed a button at her eye height which - David noted - was well out of his reach.

He tried to get a read on her face as she spoke, but could glean nothing more than the fairly obvious notion that she knew more than she let on. Given that, he was sure he she was right and that he would be well taken care of… but he had no intention of trusting anyone.

Given his head barely came up to their chests, David was unable to help himself but admire their bodies, especially given the close proximity. In order to look up at their faces he was by deign of his perspective practically forced to drink in their sculpted forms. 

Abby’s hair was tucked into a curt ponytail, but he got the impression it was much longer than it looked. Her broad shoulders supported characteristically massive breasts. Given the option, David had rarely seen any woman opt for anything smaller than tits halfway bigger than the boys who would inevitably be suckling from them. Even so, Abby had a tremendous pair to boast of under her soft, pink, silky uniform which matched so much else about this place. Her body filled out so fully that David could hardly ignore that every time his shoulder pressed into her side it sank into her flesh with effortless ease. 

Bella had a very similar build, albeit slightly more svelte. Of course she was still massive even compared to most transformed women David had met. Her hair was cut to a short bob and gave her a very kindly appearance. Her breasts were perhaps even more impressive than Abby’s, but it was getting hard to even wrap his head around the measurements involved anymore, especially from his waist-high perspective. Her skin was very warm to the touch, but her grip was very firm. Despite how soft and pliable both of their bodies seemed, beneath it all there was a solid foundation of muscle. 

In the elevator they both had to use an ID card which hung from their necks and dipped well into each’s monumental cleavage. There were two card readers, again both well out of David’s reach and at opposite sides of the lift which was easily a thirty foot cube interior. A flush of worry hit David as he realised just how difficult escape from this facility would have been, and how well-thought-out their security was. As the elevator doors began to slide closed in front of him he had a momentary surge of panic, adrenaline hitting him as he considered making a break for it now while he still could, correctly assuming that once he was above the ground floor leaving this place would be nigh impossible without Doctor Valnurana’s approval. 

Yet as if reading his body like a book, the pair of nurses demonstrated their lengthy experience. The moment the doors began to close, their hands tightened almost painfully around David’s shoulders, holding him firmly in a vice grip. He began to suspect he wasn’t the first boy to attempt an escape at that precise moment in the process of being admitted to the facility. 

The next floor was much like the first. Almost identical, in fact. Indeed, had he not felt the sway of gravity beneath him as the elevator had risen, he would have suspected they hadn’t changed floors at all. Only then did he notice that he hadn’t seen any display or buttons in the elevator, and didn’t in fact know which floor he was on. It was quite disorientating, especially as he looked down the hallway, and then over his shoulder, seeing no windows in either direction. 

Grimly, he suspected that too was an intentional part of the design. He had no way to know what floor he was on, or even what time it was. This was confirmed to him when after a laborous journey down several hallways they arrived at a nondescript door, the same pastel pink as the rest of the facility, and they gently but firmly ushered him inside. Much like the elevator, two card readers approximately nine feet off the ground at opposite sides of the door were the only visible method of opening it, and as he suspected, there was no method to open it from the inside aside from two more card readers at equal height either side of the interior doorway. 

David’s room was comfortable, but again, was painted the exact same monotonous and soft shade of pink as everything else. Every fitting and facet was the same tone of pastel as the uniforms the nurses wore. Were there no lights to cast shadows he might have struggled to differentiate the surfaces of objects apart. 

Notably, there were no windows. The bathroom was entirely automated, and he noted grimly, the shower and bath were both massive - just the right size for two nurses to accompany him. 

They showed him how to operate a few of the amenities. There was a small vidscreen by his very large and oversized bed fitted into the bedside table, which allowed him to control many aspects of the room. There was a far larger screen which would offer, according to Abby and Bella, “Programming tailored specifically to your regimen of care.” While he could turn it on whenever he wanted, it would turn on automatically for several hours a day as part of his regimen. 

He could lower the lights to be comfortably dim but, he noted, they could never be entirely turned off. There were also several rather conspicuous glass domes fitted into the upper walls of the main room and bathroom - security cameras even in his own room. 

They opened a few drawers to reveal identical articles of clothing to the tight, silky ensemble he had already been dressed in. 

“You’ve had a very long day.” Bella said at last, guiding David to sit on the edge of his bed as she knelt in front of him and took his hands. “I know you have a lot of questions. I’m sure you’re nervous. That is a very normal reaction to being in a new place. But we want you to know that we only want what is best for you.”

David swallowed, discontent bubbling in his stomach, but he couldn’t find the will to give voice to his skepticism. 

“Every boy who comes here is a little scared at first, but Abby and I are only ever a few moments away if you need us for anything.”

Abby nodded. 

“We’re going to go to our room, which is nearby in case you need us. However, if you want one or both of us to stay here and keep you company and cuddle you tonight-”

“No.” David blurted it out in sudden fear, not having realised he’d said something until he heard his own voice. “Thankyou…” he added shortly after, as his fear shifted to worry of what outright rejection might earn him in a place like this. 

The pair seemed entirely unphased, however. Bella’s sweet smile didn’t flinch. 

“That’s fine, David.” She said, her tone even. “We would never do something that isn’t in your interest. If you aren’t ready for that yet then only you can decide when you are.”

Unsure what to say, David simply nodded, and with that Bella moved to the doorway next to Abby. 

“If you change your mind, you can call for us at any time. We’ll always be able to see you, and hear everything you say.” Abby said as they opened the door by the use of the same card readers as before. 

“You’ll change your mind eventually, David. They always do.” Bella said in a solemn tone as the door opened, before the pair walked through and delicately closed it behind them. 




David settled into his room as best he could. No matter how calming everything was designed to be something in the back of his mind was perpetually unsettled. Even so, he couldn’t deny that it was comfortable, if not comforting. Thinking back to his father’s books, he struggled to frame himself as a prisoner. It was a hospital, and no matter his misgivings he hadn’t been mistreated… or had he? No, he mused to himself, was hardly Ivan Denisovich. 

For some time he recounted his own life. As he was so often left to do, he was alone with his thoughts, and being so alone had only himself to turn to for counsel. Ruefully he somehow doubted the merits of the counselling they would offer him here. Thinking over memories, time at school, time as a child, he placed himself in the context of a character - stepping outside of himself. Try as he could, he sought to view himself objectively. 

Was this how Winston had felt, tucked in the corner with his hidden diary? His paper had been found, in the end. It had damned him. Had David been betrayed by his thoughts? No, he shook his head. It had been his words. His actions. Yet how easy it had been to be fooled. The streets were clean and the people were smiling. Orwell hadn’t warned of that. 

So perhaps he was wrong. Was he arrogant to feel like the one sane man in the room? John Stuart waxed poetically about the enemy, yet they only had Stuart’s account of things. When everyone around you thinks something is fine… maybe it is. 

It didn’t work, though. That hope he had clung to so many times before simply wasn’t compatible with the thoughts and words of so many people his father had sung the praises of. He couldn’t just convince himself he was crazy and accept life as it was. This wasn’t how things were meant to be. 

David was the only person he knew now who had ever read Huxley. How Brave and New did the world he inhabit seem now? What would the man have said to him, could he see David now? Certainly David had seen far more in that tome reflected in what he saw outside than the others. 

No one else did. No one else knew who Huxley was. It hadn’t been taught in school, and he wondered if his teachers had even known the names he had quoted. 

How sorely he missed his father’s books now. With a pang of grief, he winced. How sorely he missed his father… 

The exhaustion of the day was overtaking him. Bella and Abby had been right about one thing, he had been through a lot. He felt his view glaze over. Not quite sleep, but certainly rest. 

A gentle rapping on his door came some time later. He had no way to know how long it was, and the minutes seemed to meld together without a window or a clock. David rose from his pillow slightly, curious as to whether one of his jailers had forgotten something - or perhaps some new fresh degradation awaited. 

As he approached the door he looked up in confusion for a moment at the card reading panels well out of his reach. Looking around for any other kind of mechanism, yet knowing well he wouldn’t find one, he nearly stumbled back when it suddenly slid open to reveal what to David’s mind looked like a solid wall of soft pink fabric. 

He was confused for a moment until he craned his head back, then further still, until he was looking up into the smiling face of the largest woman he had ever seen. He stepped back further and further, before his back collided with his bed behind him. 

The towering woman made no ceremony as she entered the room, turning sideways slightly to fit the massive breasts that were currently concealed by a lightly buttoned smock made of the same pink silky material as all the other nurses’ garb. She smiled, evidently enjoying the dumbfounded look that spread across David’s face as his brain struggled to comprehend her body. It was a look she had seen many times before and rather indulgently allowed him a moment to take her in. 

Her round face and kind smile seemed spoke to a deeply rooted core of David’s mind, helping to put him at ease despite her monumental stature and mind-boggling assets. Her red hair was gathered in a simple braid and dangled elegantly across her shoulder, resting on the massive shelf of her bosom. Her skin was pale as fresh cream, and her blue eyes were deep as sapphires. As David began to breathe again, not having noticed he was holding his breath until it ran out with a gasp, she finally spoke.

“Hello, my sweet boy. My name is Doctor Amme. I’ll be your bliss therapist for the duration of your stay here.” Her voice was sweet as honey, and flowed just as easily into his ears. “I know it has been a very tough day for you. However, Doctor Valnurana likes to start bliss treatment immediately as it is going to be integral as part of your rehabilitation.”

For a few moments David didn’t quite comprehend her words. He was still trying to process the sheer mass of the body in front of him. Her utterly incomprehensible tits simply defied any laws of biology or physics he had come to understand, even in a post-transformation world. Yet one word lingered in his consciousness until the alarm bells finally rang. Bliss

David began to hyperventilate as he considered the sheer size of the woman that stood before him, and the implications of her words. She was simply enormous. At least ten feet tall if not more, and her breasts were simply impossible to wrap his head around, let alone his arms. He doubted he could have embraced a single one in his comparitively tiny grip. 

For a moment he contemplated escape, glancing down at her thighs and the small gap between her calves, hoping he could maybe dash through the legs of this utterly massive woman. 

Yet like Abby and Bella, she seemed to almost read his thoughts, easily anticipating his plan. Moving with a speed that belied her massive size, she quickly bent down and as she leaned over her upper body immediately closed the distance between the bed and herself. She effortlessly grabbed him under the arms, stunned as he was by her sudden movement, to lift him up to her own height and bring him into a truly suffocatingly warm hug. 

“Oh, sweet thing, I know it all seems scary sweetheart but please understand we are here to help you. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. We can take things as slowly as you like.” While not exactly what he wanted to hear, her words were at least somewhat reassuring. 

With practiced ease she held his relatively smaller frame against her, his head over her shoulder as she began to delicately run a reassuring hand up and down his back. 

David felt the massive swell of her breasts underneath him as panic threatened to overwhelm his mind. He saw an image of himself hanging on for dear life at the edge of a cliff, hanging over an endless abyss that threatened to swallow him whole. Given the cavernous and unending cleavage nearby that wasn’t far from the truth. 

At the same time, his exhaustion was beginning to overtake him. It had been a physically and emotionally draining day to say the least. He had been pulled from his home, stripped of his delusions about his mother and had had his entire self concept of his own freedom and agency melt away. Yet what little adrenaline remained in him was being quickly drained, particularly as her expert touch seemed to stroke out every ounce of tension from his back. He had been poked, prodded, tested, and manipulated by a team of professionals; and he now realised that had been going on for much longer than he had known. Something inside him begin to break. 

Tears welled suddenly in his eyes as it all just became too much.

Sensing the subtle shift in his demeanour, and feeling the delicate hiccups of his silent sobs, Doctor Amme walked over to his bed, rocking him gently against her all the while. 

“Oh my sweet one… tell Dr. Amme whats wrong… hmmmm?” 

With a practiced motion, she laid David comfortably across her lap. As tears flowed, he craned his neck sideways to look past the vast and overwhelming shelf of her tits to see the kind motherly face of the latest in a series of large and powerful women who sought to control him in one way or another. 

She looked like some ancient fertility goddess made flesh, her impossibly curvy form coupled with her gentle demeanor and warm smile triggered something primordial in David’s mind. He struggled to hold back the dam of emotions that were threatening to down him. 

Looking down at him as she gently stroked his cheek with a warm finger. 

“Tell mama what’s wrong, baby.”

The dam broke. 

David couldn’t help himself. Years of endless frustrations, fears, anxieties and sadness poured out of him. Dr. Amme simply listened patiently and sympathetically. She nodded understandingly whether he was coherent or a blubbering mess, no matter if she understood his words or not. It all came out. Whenever his speech hitched, unable to overcome she sheer emotional strife tearing him apart, she would pause just a moment to allow him to get it out before encouraging him to continue. She made little miens, expressions of sympathy and understanding. Occasionally Doctor Amme brought a tissue from the packet she kept in her pocket to wipe away his tears, but otherwise she just listened. 

When at last his wracking sobs had quietened. When his shaking had stilled, and his well of worries and concerns had run dry. When at last he seemed to be finished, David felt more exhausted than he could ever remember feeling. All his tension, along with every other feeling in his body, was simply gone. 

Doctor Amme brought him in for another hug against her warm breasts, a move that easily covered most of his body as his entire form sank into a single one of the massive globes. 

“It’s been so hard for you my sweet boy… so difficult.” She whispered reassuringly to him. “I think you need a good rest, and then maybe then things won’t seem quite so bleak. Hmmm?” 

David nodded into the under side of her breasts that were currently blotting out the world to him. Through even the endless mass, he could hear the steady beat of her heart. Along with the steady rhythm of her breathing, he felt himself calming in turn, slowly matching the pace of her own breathing. 

He felt her subtly shift and then gently draw him away from her prodigious chest. For a moment he was confused, slowly his eyes readjusting to the light of the room after having been buried in her monumental chest for who knew how long. Blinking, he realised that as he had laid there she had unbuttoned the smock that had previously been stretched across her chest. With a slight tug, she revealed her naked breasts.  

As David looked closer, dazed by the sheer emotional exertion he had been through, he noted with idle curiosity that her nipples were covered in strange pads he had not seen before. He parted his lips slightly, thinking to ask about them, which seemed perfectly normal as he floated atop a bed of surreality and titflesh. 

However before he could ask she reached up and delicately peeled off the left pad, exposing the sheer size of her nipple beneath. The pink, rosy skin blemished her otherwise creamy breasts, and a turgid two-inch teat. Tiny droplets of white milk dotted the entire surface, beading together as the pad - which he now understood must have been absorbing her milk - was removed. Soon the beads became drops, until a steady dribble of milk was leaking from the pendulous tip of her nipple. 

The smell of her milk flooded his nostrils, a powerful scent that grasped his senses as if by the throat. As he saw the drip drip drip of cream endlessly leaking, he was utterly transfixed. 

“This is an important part of your rehabilitation, David. I won’t force you though, baby. We can sit here as long as you like until you feel ready…”

David could only stare in awe as her massive nipple dripped over and over without pause, hinting at the sheer unimaginable quantities of milk her tits contained. The teat jutted out proudly in the open as its creamy white liquid continued to pool at the tip, only to fall onto her lap near his face. Tiny droplets splashed against his cheek, ensuring his senses were utterly enveloped in the scent, until he was certain he could taste it. 

He wanted to object. To claim he didn’t want to. That he never had wanted to in the past and never would again. He wanted to say all of that… but as he opened his mouth to do so his throat suddenly felt unbearably dry. He simply couldn’t drag his eyes away from the warm, massive, swinging breast in front of him and the liquid bliss leaking out of it.

Even in his daze he was well aware what awaited him if he drank. Bliss… oblivion… an end to all the thoughts that had assaulted him. It sounded so promising. 

Yet another part of him knew it was poison. Poison of the mind and body. It would only weaken him further, wear him down and erode him into nothing. These competing thoughts swirled in his head, and he warred internally. 

Doctor Amme brought her index finger up to catch the latest drop forming on the tip of her nipple, and then with that same kind smile, ever so gently used it to wet the dry lips of the dazed young man in her lap. 

Almost automatically, without thinking, David closed his mouth on her fingertip and tasted the milk on his lips. 

“Ohhhhh…” David groaned involuntarily, as even that barest of drops was enough to send a wave of relaxation though him, a dreamy smile forming on his face. 

The matronly doctor giggled in familiarity at his reaction, having seen it so very many times before in treatment rooms and interrogation sessions alike. 

“Boys are so funny…” she thought to herself with a condescending sigh, smiling as his eyes began to glaze and she drew him unresisting to her breast. 

In the end, they always needed to be shown what they really wanted…deep down inside. Women knew what was best for them, they just had to be led to understand that fact. She smiled with satisfaction as she now easily slid her nipple into his little mouth, her fat teat filling the space and depressing his tongue as he latched out of instinct and necessity given the intruder’s sheer size. 

David had never tasted anything like it before. It was like Instant Smile but every aspect of it was ramped up to a factor he had never imagined. Richer, creamier, sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted and like its namesake the effect was almost instant. Liquid love was spreading through his body, a warm soporific effect flooded from his rapidly filling stomach to every inch of his body. The slight pressure of his mouth was enough to trigger a deluge of cream from her breast, and all too soon the flow was far too much for him. He distantly felt a wet dribble leaking from the corner of his mouth. 

It felt like every care, every worry, ever ounce of pain was simply melting away. 

Then, as if it were the most perfectly natural thing in the world, Doctor Amme reached down to gently grope his cock through the near skin-tight material of his shorts. With a very practiced hand, she slowly teased him to a full erection, delighted that he was already semi-hard from the taste of her milk alone. 

“Thats it my dear… let mommy take away all those bad thoughts and replace them with love.” 

Her voice was as soft and sweet as her milk, and like so many times before David found it just so easy to listen to what she was saying. 

“No more worries, no more big boy thoughts. Just listen to mommy… I want you to take all those bad thoughts and push them down to your lovely cock as Mommy gets ready to milk them right out of you.” 

With a featherlight touch she peeled his shorts down, David’s cock springing needily to attention now free of its confines. 

“See? Your body knows what it needs. This cock is so ready and eager, it springs up into my loving hand…”

With the same delicacy and gentle touch as one would pet a kitten, she curled her fingers around his shaft lovingly and began to slowly stroke. 

“All that worry, all that negativity… Let it all out so Mommy can replace it with her love…”

As her gentle ministrations of David’s cock became more insistent, he began to feel his body sagging in her grip as he lost almost total control of himself. His willpower waning, he tried to bring a hand up to futilelt push against the inconquerable bulk of breast which now dominated his entire world, but only succeeded in a pathetic press into the forgiving flesh which was easily mistaken for enthusiasm. 

Even the gentle pressure his hand applied was enough to send a strong jet of milk rocketing down his already over-taxed throat. As he gurgled slightly, trying to swallow the liquid faster than it pooled in his mouth, he was soon beyond caring. After a short time he was willing to let himself be taken away on an ocean of bliss, and let her words flow openly into his unguarded mind.

“Thats it my beautiful boy, suck - suck - suck, and I’ll help you get rid of all those nasty thoughts. Just fill your head with Mommy’s love. That’s it… I can feel you getting closer.”

Again she demonstrated her astute experience with boys. She felt the telltale stiffening and throbs in his shaft before it had even occurred to David he was growing closer to orgasm. Or perhaps… perhaps it was her insistence that was driving him closer. 

“Be a good boy for me… be a good boy and cum for Mommy…” She cooed, leaning closer to him as she spoke so her sweet breath gently caressed his cheeks. 

Yet in pressing herself closer to him, her nipple forced itself deeper between his lips, and the pressure on her breast caused the flow of her milk to suddenly double. Inhaling in surprise, David struggled to swallow quickly enough to keep up. The scent of her skin, her milk, the feeling of her hand, and the coaxing temptations of her words were all swirling in his head and making it impossible to think. 

“Come on… cum for me… good boy…” her gentle words were like feathers slowly weighing one side of his orgasm which now balanced on a knife edge. 

He felt his heart beating faster as his breath grew more shallow and desperate, and ever keenly aware of a symptom, the doctor was easily able to spot the telltale signs of his imminent ejaculation. 

“That’s it… that’s it… you’re doing so well…” her reassurances felt like a soothing balm against the mental insecurity that ever raged within him. 

As his hips began to rock and buck, an instinctual response outside of his control, her delicate grip on his cock suddenly became an insistent milking motion. Her thumb pressed with the perfect amount of pressure into the underside of his shaft, ensuring to scrub the spot just beneath his head with every pass over it. 

David’s eyes widened, then glazed over fully as the ecstasy of a blissful orgasm rose and rose within him. 

“Cum for Mommy.” She commanded at last, triumphantly, and David erupted in one of the longest and most powerful orgasms his life. 

At first he silently moaned, unable to vocalize the mind-bending pleasure coarsing through his mind as his lips merely wavered. He felt every ounce of resistance being drawn out of his body, any thoughts of anything but this pleasure and the woman giving it to him evaporating. He saw stars at the edge of his vision as the world went out of focus and darkness gathered in around him.

“Good boy… such a good boy….” Dr. Amme whispered as her lips curled into a satisfied grin. 

Watching, she saw his eyes flutter, overwhelmed with pleasure. She held him close as his body jerked and twitched in response to every phantom touch against his now absurdly sensitive skin - both imaginary and very real touches, it transpired, as she possessively caressed his delicate and vulnerable body. This was always her favourite part, when boys became delicate, fragile little things in her arms. 

As he settled into a gentle sucking rhythm, she sighed to herself. Now his treatment could begin. 

She began to quietly whisper to him, punctuating every point she made with a delicate stroke of his overly-sensitive cock, or a gentle tickle of his tender balls. Slowly but surely she began the long process of eroding his sense of independence and self. Doctor Amme was an old hand at this. She couldn’t even remember how many boys she had done this to now. Every one started out so afraid, so worried of what would happen to them. It would take time, some more and some less, but in the end she would break him down one little bit at a time. 

She couldn’t remember how many boys she had treated, but she could remember this feeling every time. Nothing made her happier than helping a boy find his place in the world. 

Being careful not to disturb him as David fell into a semi-conscious state, a waking dream, she casually laid him to rest on his bed and tucked him in. 

Casually she opened a hidden side panel on the wall next to his bed and entered the code to begin his subliminal treatment subroutine. It would repeat and reinforce many of the things she had said, and indeed, many of the general sentiments the subliminal audio playing throughout the building at all times had begun to implant within him from the moment he arrived. 

This would ensure the treatments he recieved would begin to be firmly ingrained into his now much more pliable mind. Her enhanced ears picked up on the change in the audio, too low for a male like him to normally hear. Nodding in satisfaction, she heard the subtle increase in repitition of the ever-present mantras being piped into the room and in turn his subconscious. 

She returned to her gentle cooing encouragement, soothing the blissed out young man beneath her with her words and touch as David’s mind was slowly but methodically coaxed, and his psyche massaged to slowly become one more amenable to his society’s expectations.




He was sleeping. Or was he? No, he was awake - at least part way there. 

David’s eyelids refused to cooperate, but he managed to crack them open enough to see. Darkness was replaced with uninterrupted pink. He lifted his hands to his face to remove whatever was covering it as his vision swam. Yet try as he might, he couldn’t pull anything free. The warm, tingly sensation wasn’t going away, and his sluggish mind began to process that there was no blanket there at all. 

When at last he was able to bring the room into focus he felt a spark of memory. There was no blanket over his face at all. Everything here was pink. 

Nurses Abby and Bella were moving around his room. They opened his drawers silently, seemingly careful to make no noise. He suspected they were changing things out, new towels and clothing… but he hadn’t used any yet. Well, maybe they didn’t know that, he reasoned, as he followed them with his eyes, careful not to make a movement.

His eyes drifted up to the security cameras. They said they were always watching him… so surely they knew nothing needed changing, right? Then what were they doing? What were they looking for…? 

“I’m sorry David, did we wake you?”

He realised he wasn’t breathing, and the sudden stillness or perhaps a minute movement of his eyes had given him away. The words laid on his mind like ingredients in an unfinished sandwich, bare and exposed and incomplete. Somehow they tasted different than the others. The words he had been hearing in his own mind… in his dreams… 

It was all so foggy. For some reason he couldn’t remember what he had been dreaming about. 

“How long did I sleep?” David mumbled, wiping his eyes. 

The pair just smiled at him as they worked, until Bella moved to his side. 

“Are you hungry?” Bella asked, sitting on the edge of his bed - the incredible mass of her body causing the mattress to cave in to one side and David had to move his legs to stop them sliding into the sudden crater opening beside him. 

“Um…” he began, his stomach suddenly emphasizing the feeling his subconscious had been feeding him.

Then a memory flashed back. A feeling like drowning. Being buried alive. Being smothered, all at once. No… it was Doctor Amme. Her massive breasts… he remembered it - or at least, some of it. More the impression it had left upon him - mentally and physically. He remembered feeling so utterly full… and the feeling of a mass of flesh devouring him like a landslide. His face pressed into her skin, struggling to even breathe as he… 

“No.” He lied at last, flashes of alarm pulsing through his mind. What little he could remember told him to lie. 

“Hmm.” Nurse Bella murmured curtly. “Well, you will soon I’m sure.”

“If you do, we’d be happy to feed you.”

The thought of a proper breakfast, solid food, was enough to send his head swimming. 

“Is… is it breakfast time? What food is there?” He asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but failed miserably as the pair grinned knowingly. 

“Most boys are very hungry when they wake up.” Bella said sagely, and David noted dimly she hadn’t answered his question. She obviously didn’t intend to give him any way to orient himself. It could be 8am or the middle of the night for all he knew. 

you misunderstood me David. Boys don’t need food. They need to be fed.”

“Boys only need one thing to sustain them, David.”

Abby joined Bella, sitting on David’s opposite side, creating a steep curve as each weighed down his massive mattress at either side which he struggled to balance himself in the middle of. 

“Boys only need their Mommy’s love.”

Blinking, a little confused, he opened his mouth to ask a question but it just hung open as he couldn’t put together the words. He was too tired, it was too early, and he was still so… exhausted. 

The pair giggled, however. 

“That’s right. That’s how a good boy should respond. An open mouth, ready to drink his Mommy’s love.”

He blushed furiously as he forced his chin into his chest, trying to look anywhere but at the massive tits the pair had begun to squeeze together and jiggle directly in his face. That didn’t last long, though. In spite of himself, David couldn’t help but stare longingly at their chests, his mouth instantly watering at the promise of what lay within. He felt a taste on his tongue, something from his dream - if it had been a dream - that made him want to double over with need. 

“Well, if you say you’re not hungry, we would never force you to feed.” Abby intoned innocently, but didn’t stop hefting her massive tits atop a forearm, as if trying to tempt him with their sheer bouncy softness. 

“But all boys get hungry eventually…” Bella added with a wicked smile, toying with the hem of her Nurse’s garb to deliberately draw his eyes to her canyonesque cleavage, to show just how easily she could tug it down and reveal her-

Summoning what little willpower he had, he tore his eyes away. 

“Okay David, let’s get you dressed.” Abby said softly, and began to pull back the covers. 

David made a mad grab for them, but the silky material easily slipped from his grasp. He hugged his knees to his chest, but given the almost skin-tight nature of his shorts, he was utterly unable to disguise his raging morning wood. 

“Awww, is someone shy?” Bella asked, cooing softly through pursed lips as she leaned in closely to ogle his obvious erection. 

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, David. It’s healthy and natural for boys to be horny and aroused around women.” Abby said reassuringly, stroking his arm. 

They seemed to be eagerly encouraging his reaction, latching onto his embarassment, encouraging it at the same time as they reassured him. No doubt these subtle psychological suggestions were a key part of imprinting males in their charge. 

“Now now, let us see.” Bella whispered, gently but insistently prising his legs apart. 

They seemed to delight in their contradictory talk, seeking to make him blush as much as possible, encouraging him all the while. David felt his neck prickle with heat, as almost as if in response to their words and attention, his cock began to throb inside its silky confines - easily visible to his massive maternal charges. 

“Awww,” the pair gushed, as David pressed his face to one side, hiding his burning cheeks in his silky pink pillows. 

“Alright, now lets get you up, come on.” Bella’s warm hand felt practically icy against his red hot skin, encouraging him to sit up as she lifted him off the side of the bed which to her was perfectly proportioned but to him was immoderate to the extreme. 

David went to his drawer to fetch some new clothing, but Abby was already holding out a shirt for him. 

“Um, thanks…” he offered as he took it, struggling to meet her eye as his cock continued to tent the elastics of his coverings. 

He waited a few moments, expecting them to leave, but they simply beamed at him. 

“W-w-uh… um…” he began, but their smiles only grew wider. 

“Will you allow us to dress you?” Bella offered, slowly reaching towards him. 

“N-no! I’m fine!” His instant reply, out of fear, had a double effect of course. Now he would have felt childish asking them to leave, after insisting he was fine. He was loath to surrender what shreds of dignity he retained, however comical the concept seemed in his silky pink shirt and shorts as two massive-titted nurses ogled his already near-naked form. 

A game of cat and mouse was at works, he realised, as Bella’s eyes narrowed in triumph… 

“Go ahead then, dear.” She said at last, with a tone David couldn’t quite place. Something about her words just sounded… off. Not wanting to push his luck, clinging to the small satisfaction that he would at least be allowed to clothe himself - no matter how garish the garb - he hurriedly made to do so. 

Yet he felt like a trapped animal, on display. Or perhaps more like the meat being drooled over by those very animals…

Biting his lip, David told himself to just get it over with. Lifting his arms, he tugged the clingy material of his shirt up his body, exhaling in satisfaction as the feather-soft threads dragged across his oddly sensitive skin. What was this stuff made of that it made him feel so… smooth? No, it had to just be the material, he told himself. 

Weirdly, he felt less naked now without it than he had before. It hugged his every feature so closely so as to almost accentuate his very being. Modesty, it seemed, was a dead word here. 

“I’ll take that,” Abby offered, and he handed it to her without complaint. 

Sliding the replacement shirt on, reluctantly, he felt his skin come alive again. The material seemed to tease and tickle with every minute movement he made. Yet he had no intention to drag the process out. He sincerely doubted they would let him carry on undressed - in fact, he rather worried they might, and what they might do… 

Now, though, was just one article left. He reached into his drawer and pulled out a new pair of shorts. They seemed similar to those from before, but… different somehow. 

“Go on,” Bella smiled, pearly teeth peeking from behind her glossy pink lips. “You’ve got nothing we haven’t… seen before.”

For a moment, he remembered the cameras around him. He wondered how many other women were at that same moment ogling his half-naked form. Had Bella and Abby been watching last night? Were they watching when… when… 

Doctor Amme

His entire body shivered in physical recollection. 

“Oh my, are you getting cold?”

“Come along and get changed, sweet boy, you have an appointment soon.”

Squaring his jaw, he resigned himself to it, again just wanting to get it over with. Peeling his shorts down over his hips, the pair of nurses kept very little professional composure. Abby was none-too-subtly rubbing her thighs together, while Bella had her hands across her front - lips pursed. 

He turned to one side, hoping for a modicum of privacy, but they merely giggled at his bashful performance. 

Dropping the shorts to pool around his ankles, he kicked them free, leaning down to draw the new ones up his legs. As he got to his thighs, though, he struggled to get them up. 

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like us to help?” Bella asked innocently. 

Wincing in concentration, feeling his hard, throbbing cock bobbing in the air as he tried to tug the clothing up to gain what little concealment he could, his cheeks burned anew with renewed embarassment. 

“Oh my, that adorable cock is bouncing so much…” Abby murmured, and he couldn’t tell if it was part of his treatment or her genuine appreciation. 

“Mmmm, such a cute boy. I’m so glad we get to be your nurses, David.” 

Closing his eyes in concentration, David tried to roll the material around his waist, gaining precious millimeters at a time. Yet the higher they went, the more difficult it became. He whimpered in sheer defeat as something so simple as dressing himself became a spectacle for these lustful women. 

Only then did he see the intense, almost giddy satisfaction on the faces of his tormentresses. 

“Are they too small?” Abby asked. 

“I hope you didn’t take out the wrong size…” Bella cooed, leaning down to blatantly inspect his now slick and leaking cock. “Oh my, maybe you do need us to help dress you? Hmm?

A tear welled in his eye as he realised they had planned all of this out. It had been a trick. They were using any sense of agency he felt against him. 

“Awww, poor boy… don’t cry…” Bella said soothingly, but her wide grin revealed her true motives. “Let Mommy help.”

Whimpering softly, defeatedly, his shoulders sunk as both of her monumental tits soon smothered his tears in soft and forgiving flesh. One arm around his back, she effortlessly tugged the tight material free.

Taking out a properly sized pair - or at least one that was merely two-sizes-too-small rather than the calculatedly tiny garment she had tricked him to choose - she lecherously ran the silky smooth material down his thighs. Making no effort to avoid pressing his cock up against his abdomen, she kissed the top of his head as he was forced to go through a humiliating ritual of being dressed by her. 

“Maybe it would be better if you let your Mommies dress you from now on, hmm?” Bella whispered down into his ear, holding him tightly to her until at last he nodded defeatedly into her tits. “Good boy…”

“Awww, sweet little thing…” Abby soothed, and took out a small napkin to wipe his tears away as Bella surreptitiously replaced the clothing she and Abby had spent the last few minutes removing. 


“Now, you have your first appointment with Doctor Valnurana today.” Abby said, tucking the napkin away in a pocket and taking David by the hand. 

“W-what kind of appointment?”

Abby just smiled.

“I’m sure Doctor Valnurana will explain what she thinks you need to know.”

From under his bed, Bella pulled out a pair of bright pink slippers which seemed perfectly sized for him. Yet as they came closer, he noticed that their interior was lined with dense, fine white fur. It was so dense and full of the fluff that only a small hole for either foot existed - it would be a snug fit. Despite his grimace at the ostentatious design, they did at least look comfortable. 

“Now feet up.” Bella said without ceremony, correctly expecting David would comply from here on.

She slid them on and for a few moments David’s brow furrowed. These slippers felt… odd. When she patted his back and encouraged him to stand, though, is when their true nature became apparent. 

Feather-light touches engulfed his feet as he put pressure down. Indeed every movement of his feet within them was like a gentle caress. They were so soft and plush it felt like standing on a cloud - or rather, with his feet sunken into one. Even so, he somehow felt even more ridiculous in them than the tight pink clothing had. 

“Right, shall we?” She offered, and he took her hand without disagreement. He had no intention of inviting any further reprimand. 

As they walked, the sheer density of the fur inside the slippers made it difficult for him to stay balanced, as if standing on top of a broom’s bristles. 

“Come along.” Abby said softly, taking his other hand. 

They led him to the door and, with practiced moves, withdrew their access cards from their bosoms and lifted the lanyards up to the scanners either side of the door. Soundlessly, the door opened ajar ever so slightly, and Bella pulled it aside. 

Once they got moving, David began to realise how no matter how comfortable the slippers were, they made walking far more difficult. He had to keep a very slow pace to avoid stumbling. Indeed, he dared not prove himself unable to walk, lest one of his caretakers decide he couldn’t handle walking on his own along with dressing himself. 

As they walked down the cavernous hallway, the sheer surreality of it all was beginning to sink in for David. He was in a hospital of sorts, which was simply gargantuan and painted pink from top to bottom. Yet he couldn’t help but feel like the madmen - or madwomen - were running the madhouse. Yet… some small seed of doubt blossomed within him further. 

Maybe he was wrong. Maybe… maybe they really were just trying to help him. 

Biting his lip, he forced such traitorous thoughts down. Such meek submissive thoughts would be his doom, he rationalised. He had to hold on to his independence… 

But… how would he ever leave this place? As he looked at the endless rows of identical pink doors, walls, carpets… he knew he wouldn’t be escaping. At least not unless a fabulous opportunity arose. But… what then? 

No, escape was a grim prospect at best. No doubt if he was caught it would simply confirm everything they insisted was wrong with him. It would give them whatever leeway they needed to do whatever it was he imagined they sought to. 

He kept struggling with his shoes. Whenever he felt he was finally getting the hang of them, the slippers once again became just a little too awkward to walk in. Experimentally, he tried to walk faster, hoping the momentum would make it easier. 

In a few moments he began to regret it. Every portion of his feet began to instantly tingle furiously as the material inside went into overdrive, delicately feathering every inch of his sensitive skin. He coughed and choked as ticklish sensations instantly overloaded his senses, and he came to a sudden stop, feeling the sensation slowly begin to die down. 

Panting in shock at what he had just felt, he looked up at Bella who was grinning knowingly. 

“Everything alright?” She asked, cheshire grin on full display. 

Biting his lip, David didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. He merely nodded and, after a few seconds, resumed walking. Yet he found he was struggling to keep pace with them given how awkward his gait had become, especially now he was desperately trying to avoid a misstep given the torturous sensations that awaited him. 

David realised, however, that if he hung onto Abby and Bella’s hands, allowing them to take his bodyweight, it became much easier to keep pace. So long as he relied on them, he wouldn’t be teased mercilessly. The message was clear, both in its literal and metaphorical sense. Now he began to understand why he was made to wear them. The idea of even running forward, escaping their grip, was suddenly a daunting prospect. He doubted he could make it ten steps before doubling over in helpless ticklish hell. The slippers were too snugly fitted, and weren’t coming off, and he doubted they would allow him to even if he could. 

Something so simple as walking was being removed from him, another thing he couldn’t control. He wondered grimly if he would be allowed to control any aspect of his life, given time. 

Distracting him from his thoughts was another party approaching. A boy in a wheelchair was being pushed past them in the opposite direction, having just exited the elevator. His nurses, one a tall woman with olive skin who was stroking the seated boy’s hair, the other a rotund brunette who wheeled him slowly and patiently, smiled to Abby and Bella as they met each other. 

“Awww, did Roger fall asleep?” Bella asked. 

Roger… the first other boy he’d seen. David looked at the boy as he got closer, his head resting against a fitted pillow that held his head upright. 

“I’m afraid so, poor thing was so worn out…” The brunette mused in satisfaction. 

He had a stupid grin on his face, slack with a trail of drool coiling from the boy’s lips. David blinked in surprise, however, when Roger’s eyes met his. The boy’s eyes widened for a moment, as if in fear, or recognition. A silent plea, but the meaning was lost. Then as they moved past… the boy was gone. 

He tried to look back, but found Abby and Bella’s prodigious hips and thighs utterly blocked his view. Staring straight ahead, David felt a chill run through him. What had they done to that boy?

In the elevator, another pair of nurses were waiting, but they didn’t have a boy with them. 

“Going down?”

“Yes, floor seven.”

Down? Down to floor seven? How big was this place…? David looked up again in vain to see if there was any indication, but with no buttons or readout, it was hopeless. 

“Ah, this must be David.” One of the other nurses, a blonde who was notably smaller than the others, though still massive by any metric, bent down to bring her face close to his. “Your first appointment with Doctor Valnurana, hmmm?”

Not knowing what to say, he merely nodded. 

“Oh excellent. I’m sure she’s looking forward to meeting you.” The girl grinned, and patted his head affectionately. 

With Abby and Bella pressed in at either side of him, he couldn’t flinch from the touch even if he had wanted to. It seemed he would have to get used to women taking any liberties with his body that they wanted… 

No. He hissed internally. That’s just how they want you to think

… Or is that kind of thinking why he needed help? 

The other pair left the elevator, and they carried on down. David had no idea how many floors down they went. He didn’t feel the same sensation in his stomach he was used to when an elevator moved, so he got the impression they were moving quite slowly. That… or it had been designed in such a way that boys kept captive here couldn’t even gain that little shred of information about their jail.

Jail… He chewed his lip at the gall of it. The way that girl he had never met had just reached out and tussled his hair, as if he were nothing more than a child… or a cute little pet. Closing his eyes, he tried to force down the budding erection making a return at that thought, not liking how easily his body had responded to such an infantilising concept. 

As they exited the elevator, however, David felt his heartbeat quicken. Nerves returned anew. He was about to be 



As they entered the room, David recognised it. It was the same room he had been in when he had woken up here with his mother. At least, it looked like the same room. All the rooms looked alike, of course, but there was the same large wooden table. The seating arrangements had changed, however. The only chair was a massively large chaise lounge, in a deep burgundy. Doctor Valnurana was staring directly at him. 

“Come in. Thank you Abby, Bella.” She said at last. 

The pair nodded and stood by the door. 

David didn’t move. Once again, he was struck by Doctor Valnurana’s odd appearance. Odd in that it was somewhat unlike other transformed women. In a society where every woman prided herself on becoming the epitomy of womanhood, her appearance reminded David more of the past. Not that she wasn’t a bombshell of a woman. Her body was obviously transformed. Indeed, David had suspected she had access to methods unavailable to most women. 

Her body looked almost poured into her velvet garb, with caramel skin and dark hair as stunning as her beauty. Especially her deep, jet black onyx eyes. 

“David, come in.” Doctor Valnurana said, smiling to him. 

He stood there, unmoving, as a hundred emotions went through his mind in quick succession. Yet all of that seemed to slowly fade away as he looked into her eyes. He was transfixed. Without even noticing, he began to take steady steps forward. 

Despite their size, the room was remarkably small. Before he realised it, he was stood before her desk, blinking in surprise at his arrival.

“Very good, David.” She said in a comforting, steady tone. “Today all I want to do is talk. To learn why you feel the way you do. Okay?”

David winced uncertainly. She spoke as if he had a choice. Then again, she wasn’t asking much. All he had to do was talk. Maybe… maybe he could finally convince someone. A slight swell within him bubbled up. Maybe she was sincere. Maybe she would listen. 

He nodded, not trusting his own voice in that moment. 

“Very good, David.” She said again, in that same approving tone. Despite himself, David felt a flush within him. Something about being told that, by her, made him feel… proud. 

“As you know, Nurse Abby and Bella are in charge of your care for the duration of your treatment. However, for our sessions together they will not be present. It is important that you trust me, David, and nobody will know what we talk about in this room.”

With that, Abby and Bella smiled to David as he looked back, and excused themselves. 

“I need you to know you can be perfectly honest with me.” Doctor Valnurana said, and turned to face David. 

Her long, stocking clad legs filled his vision as she lifted one to cross them, and David found himself once again mentally willing his cock to stillness. 

“Come take a seat.” She said gently, her smile unwavering. 

He blinked, looked around the room, but the chairs that had been here when he arrived were gone. 

“But…” He began, but she just kept smiling at him. 

He recognised pretty quickly she meant that he should come sit next to her, on her opulent couch. Given the situation, he weighed his options. 

“If you’d prefer to stand, fine. I assure you this sofa is much more comfortable though.”

Given his choices were to either stand there until she got bored, which would get him no closer to leaving, or to do as she said for now, the answer was obvious. He plodded over, careful not to move too quickly in his slippers. 

“Very good, David.” 

He felt yet another little chill down his spine at her words. Why did her praise affect him so? 

With some effort, he lifted himself up to sit next to her. She grinned.

“Would you like to sit on my lap?” She offered.

David shook his head, unwilling to meet her eye. 

“Not all boys do,” she mused, “at first.”

For a moment he remembered the advert he had seen on TV. The kinds of treatments men were subjected to here. Someone had been sat on a Doctor’s lap… but he remembered other treatments as well. Eyes fixed on the floor, he tried not to betray his thoughts. 

“Tell me, David. When did you have your first orgasm?”

Stunned, David couldn’t help but look up at her. Doctor Valnurana’s deep black eyes hadn’t left him from the moment he had arrived in her room. 

“No need to be shy. Remember, anything you tell me will not leave this room.”

He looked away, burning red. If her plan was to surprise him, it had worked. Yet he knew he shouldn’t have expected anything else. What little privacy he had was being stripped from him. 

“Now, David. I am a Doctor.  I can’t make you talk, but if I am going to help you, we are going to have to talk to each other.”

Swallowing his pride, quite literally, he mumbled something. 

“A little louder, David?”


“Good, David. Very good. I am very proud of you for sharing that with me.”

A little tickle in the back of his mind, and David suddenly felt the urge to share more. Maybe she was going to help him after all. She was a Doctor… and she was right. He wasn’t going to be leaving here until someone said he could. Maybe he could get her to listen.

“I was um…” he mumbled, suddenly anxious, but she gently rubbed her hand against his back and that anxiety melted away. “I was at home.”

“What were you thinking about at the time?”

His eyes fell away, but she didn’t seem to mind. 

“Um. A woman I had seen.”

“What was she like, David?” Doctor Valnurana asked, and slowly, innocently enough, ran a hand up and down her thigh. The slight movement was enough to catch David’s attention out of the corner of his eye. 

“She… she was uh…” David wasn’t sure. “She seemed nice…”

“I see. What about physically, David. What did she look like?”

A little unsure, David began to recount what details he remembered. It was a vivid memory, but the details weren’t clear. 

“She was… um, she had had the transformation. She was… her breasts were very big. Her thighs, very…” 

As he spoke, David saw Doctor Valnurana gently dragging her fingers up her own thigh, yet he couldn’t help but see it as an innocent gesture. 

“Very hot.” 

“That’s interesting. See, I have already learned a lot about you from just that little discussion. It tells me a lot of what I need to know. Very good, David. Thank you for sharing that with me.”

He was still squirming in his seat by her side, but her reassurances were washing over him like a cool bath. 

“You didn’t know much about her as a person. However, she sexually excited you. Her body. It made you happy. Do you think it was bad that you enjoyed her body?”

“No.” He said at first, defensively, yet then thought about it longer. “Well… maybe.”

“Did someone tell you it was bad?”

“No. Well…” He began again, thinking back. “It doesn’t seem… right.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong by being excited by a large, sexy woman David. It’s perfectly normal for boys to be aroused around women like us.” She said, and her finger began to trail little circles upon her soft, squishy tight-clad thigh. “Like me.”

A little throb in his cock was all David needed to know he should stop watching what her finger was doing. 

“No, not… not that. It doesn’t seem right that… that… that everybody changes. Everybody wants to be the same.”

She shifted her leg slightly, and looked at him more closely. 

“Why do you think it’s wrong for people to change?”

“I don’t think… well, but everybody wants to be the same. Shouldn’t we all just be… us? Ourselves?”

“I’m still me, David. My body changed, but I’m still the same person as before.”

David winced. She had a point. No matter the length of his study, nothing he had read had given him an answer to this. 

“Well… yeah. But.” He mumbled, and tried to think of some reply.

“Let me ask you this, David. If someone changes the colour of their hair, are they still the same person?”

David was a little confused, but nodded. 

“And if they got, for example, an earring piercing. Are they the same person?”

He wasn’t sure. 

“I guess so.”

“So people can change their bodies, even permanently, and still be the same person.” 

“Well…” he mumbled, stumbling over his own thoughts. “Don’t people change because of how they feel? If someone gets an earring or a tattoo, it’s because they changed, right?”

Doctor Valnurana’s eyes flashed, and for a moment he thought he saw her lips tighten. Her smile never wavered, however. 

“Of course people change, David. We change over time. That’s a normal part of life. We change our outsides to match how we feel inside.”

David nodded, but continued.

“Well, if people change we can’t all be the same inside. Why does everybody change their bodies to look the same if we’re different people?”

Doctor Valnurana paused for a moment, not answering him, and reached over to her desk. She wrote a few notes, and left David with his thoughts. No, he realised, he also left him with a close-up view of her body. It seemed her every curve was begging to be set loose from that velvety number she was wearing, that left so little to the imagination. Her doctor’s coat was little more than draped round her shoulders. 

“The transformation,” she said at last, turning back to him, “has become a perfectly normal aspect of life. It’s part of getting older. It’s a normal part of our society.”

“I know…” he mumbled, trying not to gaze at her intimately close body. “But… just because everyone does something doesn’t mean it’s right.”

Doctor Valnurana grinned, looking down at him sympathetically. 

“Nobody is harmed by the transformation, David. In fact, it cures many issues people have. Disease, aging, deformities, disabilities… all things of the past now.” She spoke sagely, emphasizing the sheer steps mankind had made. “Transformation makes them look the way they want to look. That doesn’t sound like a bad practice to me, one which everybody does but which in reality causes harm.”

“It’s… it’s not that.” He whined a little, struggling mightily to keep his mind on track, to focus on his thoughts and not the softly jiggling caramel flesh just a few inches from him. Every time Doctor Valnurana turned to take notes, he couldn’t help but watch in awe as her impressive breasts swayed and jiggled for several seconds just from the sheer gravitic shift of their mass. 

Yet, very patiently, Doctor Valnurana seemed content to let David explore his own thoughts. 

“Why do you think it’s bad, David?”

“I don’t. Not exactly. Not all of it.” He tried, shaking his head a little. “We change our bodies to suit how we feel, but what if… how we feel is the problem.”

“I see.” Doctor Valnurana noted, this time not making any notes and staying with him. “So you think that how people feel is an issue?”

“Yes. Maybe. It doesn’t… it doesn’t seem right that everyone should want to look the same.”

“Why not?” She asked. 

“Because… because we aren’t all the same. So why should we look that way?”

“If they want to look that way, it’s their choice, David.”

“I know.” He felt himself stumbling in circles, not noticing how subtly he was being led. “But… why do they all feel that way?”

“They.” She noted. “You said they. Not we.”


“So you feel different to everyone else.”

“Um,” he paused for a moment, “yeah.”

She wrote a few more notes. This time more quickly. He was growing more nervous, though. Somehow he felt he wasn’t getting through to her. Or maybe he just wasn’t getting his point across.

“Let me ask you something David. Were there any fads at your school?”

Thinking back, he could count so many he didn’t know which to pick. 

“Yeah, yeah a lot.”

“And did you take part in any?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Why did you?”

“I… I guess everyone else was doing it.”

“Well if everybody else was doing something harmful, would you do it?”

“No.” He replied again, defensively. 

He thought for a moment. Would he? He told himself he wouldn’t. But… that didn’t sound right. 

“Of course you wouldn’t. I doubt anyone would.”

“N… no.” He agreed at last, albeit still unsure. 

“So why did you take part?”

“Because… I wanted to.”

“Even though everyone else was doing it?”

“Yeah…” He blinked. Then again. Her point was growing pretty obvious. 

“Did any of those fads make you happier?”

He fondly remembered his collection of Skyball cards, and trading them at school. In fact, he knew they were still in the attic somewhere at home. 

Home. He remembered home. 


She gently patted his shoulder. The subtle touch was innocent enough. 

“Very good David. Now let me ask you this. That woman you saw, the woman you found so beautiful, so arousing that she caused a sexual awakening in you. Did she seem unhappy to you?”

“No…” Again, he felt this was missing a point he made, but her deep black eyes were just so inviting to look into. He could almost feel her fingers in his mind, slowly pulling the words from his head one by one… 

“You didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did she. She enjoys her body. You enjoyed it too. It didn’t harm anyone, and it made both you and her happier.”

He whimpered, certain he was missing something but found it impossible to discern what it was. 

“There is nothing wrong with people wanting to look sexy. To have nice, big, thick, soft bodies… and there is nothing wrong with boys like you wanting to touch them. To feel them… Or for those women to touch you.”

She gently placed a hand on his thigh and squeezed a little. Something about her smile was different. More genuine. Yet somehow… less. No, she wasn’t just smiling. She was smug. 

“Society changes as people change. This is the natural course. New technology allows people to live happier lives.”

He could hardly disagree. It was hard to say most people he knew were anything but happy. 

“But should they be?”

David could feel through Doctor Valnurana’s hand just how easy it would be. How easy his life could be. Letting go of his worries and cares, issues which even now he struggled to articulate. 

But he couldn’t. 

Doctor Valnurana looked at him, curious. 

“Should they what, David?”

“Be happy.” He said at last. “They smile. They feel happy. But there has to be more to life than this. People shouldn’t just be happy all the time… they should be sad. They should be miserable sometimes. They should feel pain, loss, sorrow. Those things are what make happiness meaningful.”

He looked into the doctor’s eyes as he spoke.

“It can’t be right that we just… forget everything else. There has to be more to life than smiles and… and vapid, empty sports and films, and drinking and laughing. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel real. It’s like… like a plastic coating on the real world. We’re hiding from the real world and… if we don’t remember it, we’ll forget it forever.”

Her lips didn’t move. Her eyes didn’t waver. Not a muscle in her perfectly formualted face changed, or the rest of her. Yet David couldn’t help but see a change. She seemed… sad. 

“Well, David, I have a preliminary diagnosis. You seem to be averse to societally standard stimuli and norms due to I suspect underlying trauma and mental blocks. We will begin your treatment soon.”

Doctor Valnurana retrieved her pen. She began to write a few more notes. 

“That will be all, David.” She said after a few moments, turning back to him, smiling as ever. “Nurse Abby and Bella will take you back to your room.”

“Will I… when can I leave?”

Doctor Valnurana put her pen down. The sound of it hitting the desk resonated in his mind. She regarded him like one might a small child. 

“Once you’re better.”


David was resting his fingers over his eyes. The strain was getting overwhelming. He was constantly trying to bring the world around him into focus, but the uniform soft pink shades were making it almost impossible. Surfaces and shapes, edges and corners all blended together. 

He sighed as he stared up. Even the ceiling was pink. 

His mind wandered, with nothing to focus on. Nothing to distract him in an endless rosy morass. 

Yet the only things he had to think about were his recent experiences. The nurses… Doctor Valnurana… 

Doctor Amme, he added, with a dry swallow. 

With his options being sexual or psychological, he tried to focus on the discussion he’d had with Doctor Valnurana, no matter how tempting the silky soft sheets stroking every inch of his body made the former seem. 

His hand twitched with the urge to reach down and explore those memories more intimately. Yet he was eventually able to focus instead on Doctor Valnurana. At first all he could recall, however, were her eyes. Those beautiful, inky pools. Not to mention the rest of her which was just as beautiful. 

Wincing, he tried to think about what they had talked about instead. Or rather, what he had tried to say and what she had decided he had said. 

He balled his fists in frustration. Why? Why was it so hard for him to say what he wanted to say?

David clasped his eyes once more, trying to collect his thoughts. Just as he began to gather himself, however, he jumped when he heard someone say “Hello little one.” 

They had a kind, soothing tone. Cracking his weary eyes open David looked around the room, but was baffled when he saw nothing there. No one else had entered the room, he was sure. Even as quiet as the door was he would have heard it opening. 

Maybe he really was crazy, he thought, half-joking. 

Yet out of the corner of his eye he saw movement on the wall to his right. The previously blank massive holo-screen now projected a 3d model of a massive, busty smiling woman in a skin tight body suit. After waiting a few moments, expecting some recording to play, David realized that she was looking straight at him. 

He got out of bed and as he walked in front of it, to his shock, her eyes tracked him the entire time until he was stood directly in front of the projection.

“Our sensors have indicated that you are distressed and in a state of agitation… can I be of assistance?” 

Her model was beautiful, with deep blue eyes and raven black hair, both of which framed a heart shaped face sporting a slightly uncanny smile. It was that in particular which let David know he was talking with an AI construct of some sort. Her body was cartoonishly proportioned, even by the standards of transformed women, like one of the old pinup drawings of a by-gone century’s wide hips, with a vase like waist that flared out to an impossible bust. All of her incredible curves were contained within a tight blue jumpsuit that only seemed to accentuate her impossible body. 

Drawing his gaze from her body for a moment, he let his eyes wander across the panels in the wall and ceiling, the domes hiding cameras and containing Goddess knew what else. 

He sighed heavily before he spoke, recognising an obvious trap when he saw one. 

“I’m fine thank you.” He said, addressing one of the cameras above him rather than the model itself.  

The projected model took him by surprise by taking a step closer to him, but after a moment he stilled himself. After all, it was just light and an AI talking. It couldn’t touch him. 

As a result, though, the way it moved was qutie literally ethereal. It soundlessly stepped forward, making no impression in the carpet below. Reaching out, it placed a hand on his shoulder - which given the sheer size of her breasts left little space between him and her impossible tits. 

“Awww, now David, when boys get all confused and frustrated like this there’s usually a very simple explanation.” She very gently began to press her free hand into the side of her animated breasts and, in violation of any laws of physics, they began to sway in an utterly hypnotic fashion. “Most of the time a boy gets antsy like this because he needs to be milked.”

David blushed in utter shock at her lurid words and actions, turning away, but given her sheer proportions she was still well within his eyeline. 

“Now now, it’s perfectly natural for boys to be embarassed, but that’s why they have women to take care of their needs for them. After all…”

The digital minx snaked her arm down, the light of her projection glowing faintly against his chest as she walked her fingers down across his waist.


“Doesn’t it feel wonderful when a beautiful woman is holding you? When she takes your hard, aching, throbbing, leaking cock in her hand and strokes you?”

Biting his lip, David tried not to watch as her hand grasped the air just in front of his cock and began to luxuriously stroke. It was hopeless, though. The very otherworldly nature of her body and the enticing movements of her hand


As her ministrations at last had him captivated, suddenly David was rendered wide-eyed as the walls around him exploded in a wild riot of colors and patterns. Even as one would capture his attention, another out of the corner of his eye another would begin to distract him. His senses were assaulted by endless spirals and flowing shapes that seemed to defy categorization as they floated across the room. Daniel felt as though suddenly he was sinking inside of himself, shrinking down even as the construct seemed to grow in front of him, growing until she filled every inch of his view no matter where he looked. Yet layered on top of her, behind her… maybe even on her skin, he couldn’t tell, were the shapes and colours swirling, swirling. 

“Watch the pretty colours closely, David… feel yourself opening up and relaxing… like a good boy should.” Her voice was light and pleasant, with a mystical lilt to it that hovered just above the psychadelic imagery - yet all the while her hand was continuing its work. 

David felt part of himself relaxing at her words as he watched, the swaying construct undulating her breasts directly in his face amidst a sea of hypnotic patterns and colors. 

“I’m going to help you David… to help you relax… to help you be a good boy… to help you get better.” 

She smiled as the patterns slowed to a steady rhythm, soon matching the slow undulations of her impossible body which seemed to ripple with the beat of David’s heart. 

A tear came unbidden to David’s eye as he now found it impossible to look away from the sight in front of him. His mind began to ache as his brain pulsed along with the patterns. 

“Please…” Was all David croaked out, unable to say more as he desperately fought to maintain… something. He couldn’t even put a word to it. He didn't know what was happening anymore. He felt like he was on the precipace of a great vortex threatening to suck him in. It took every effort just to hold on to what little semblance of himself he had left. 

The construct merely smiled an understanding smile. 

“Nuh uh, baby. I've got you now. Momma’s not going to let you go until she's sure you nice and relaxed for her.” 

At that her face grew and faded in, and became all that david could see. Her eyes were filled with more irresistible patterns. David sank to his knees, a line of drool catching the beautiful lights as it trailed down side of his mouth. He stared unblinkingly into the endless abyss of her eyes.

“Good boys listen to their mommies. Good boys are nice and relaxed. Good boys like to obey. Good boys know that Mommy knows best.” 

The endlessly cycling mantra of the facility was being steadily pumped into his vulnerable and unresisting mind. Her voice seemed to come from every direction at once, sometimes his left, or right, or behind him. Eventually he thought he could hear it in his own head. 

As every other part of him relaxed, his cock was beating to the staccato rhythm of his heart. He was dimly aware that he was now sat on the bed. His bed. Staring up into the beautiful vision of the woman who had entranced him so. 

Somehow her hand felt like it was touching his cock through his shorts… but that was impossible, surely. Yet it felt so real…

Now her words became more direct.

“Good boys like to feel pleasure. They like it when their Mommies touch them like this. They want nothing more than to be good boys for us. They want to offer themselves up to us. Good boys love when a woman takes them by the hand and strokes them. They love nothing more than when a woman uses him. When she sucks their cock and makes them whimper desperately.”

David shivered all over, soaking up her words without resistance. All the while, her hand moved hypnotically up and down his cock. He felt his meagre, tight shorts coming free as his cock sprang eagerly up into her hand. 

“Good boys love to be cute for us. They want to look cute and adorable so women will fawn over them. They want to be soft and sensitive, begging for our touch. Good boys are always horny. They think with their cocks, not their minds. You want to be a good boy. You want to be touched. You want to be held. You want to be stroked and sucked and fucked. You want to be a good boy, because good boys get to cum for their Mommy.”

Every fine hair on his body bristled at her words. His breathing came shallow as he felt his orgasm rising in time with the steadily increasing beat of his heart, her hand moving in perfect synchronicity. 

“You love it when a woman shoves her nipple into your mouth. You love knowing how much pleasure it gives a woman to feed you. You know its good for you. Good boys accept it without complaint. Good boys are always thirsty. You want to be latched to a woman’s breast as they stroke their fingers through your hair and whisper in your ear. You want them to tell you what to think. You want them to tell you you’re a good boy. You want them to reach down as you suckle and stroke your cock, make a ring with their fingers and let you hump their hands…”

At that, her hand came to a stop. 

“Show me what a good boy you are. Fuck my hand. Don’t pretend to be a big boy anymore. Just thrust away and squirt out all your big boy thoughts.”

The grip around his cock felt magical, and he wallowed in pure sexual bliss. It cloyed his throat so much he thought he might choke. Eagerly obeying her commands, all higher thought having fled him in the face of such overwhelming visual stimulation, he felt his hips thrusting up into her fingers. 

“Awww, that’s it. That’s it. Such a good boy. Good boys get to feel this way all the time. You want to be a good boy, David. You want to be a good boy so you can do this all day.” Her words sank into his mind, spurring on both his rapidly approaching climax and rapidly shrinking resistance in equal measure. “Give in to the pleasure David. You don’t need anything more than this. This is all a good boy should ever want. His Mommy’s love. Her milk. Endless orgasms. Sex and love, love and sex.”

In the back-lit recesses of his mind, a dying ember of discontent raged against such a simplistic notion. That that was all his life was destined for. Yet the hormonal and heavily addled consciousness he retained was now eagerly adopting her views. 

“Cum for me. Cum for your Mommy. Cum like good boys always should. Cum and forget about everything else.”

The colours in her eyes, the fervent jiggling of her impossible breasts, everything swelled and grew to an unstoppable crescendo. He felt as if he were being tugged along on a leash, with no control whatsoever. Even as he humped his hips into her hand eagerly, sweat pouring down his back, he felt that every movement was not his own - rather it was the natural, instinctual movements of a beast, one trained to respond to the words of its owner. 

Shuddering in bliss, his body jerked in place as phantom touches sent bolts of pleasure coursing through his body. Forcing his cock up and into the tight grip of her hand, rope after rope of cum coated his thighs as it landed without interruption. 

Panting, he felt the corners of his vision grow dark, sheer exertion from the overloading of his senses having taken its toll. After a minute or so, his breathing was back to something resembling calm, and he sat upright. 

His hand was slick, and caught the light. Why was his hand wet? 

“Awww, did you get excited by the AI projection David?” Came a voice from behind him, causing him to jump.

Shamefully, David tried to hide his still twitching cock, glistening with the evidence of his recent emission - as if his slack jawed and glassy expression wasn’t a give away. What use was it? There were cameras on every wall. 

“It’s perfectly natural for boys to get excited by big, beautiful women.” 

Nurse Abby spoke softly, appealing directly to his still simmering arousal. As she sank her colossal weight down next to him on the mattress, he crossed his hands in front of himself, futilely trying to hide his shame. 

Not wanting to meet her lustful eyes or knowing grin, he looked at the 3d projection instead. it seemed… normal. Well, it was still cartoonishly pornographic. Yet what he had seen before… had he imagined it? Had it all been a product of his… 

He looked down, the evidence clear to see, no matter how he tried in vain to cover the silvery stains upon his pink clothing. 

The projection couldn’t have touched him. It was just… light. Lights and images. So he must have… 

“It’s okay, David.” Abby gushed, taking advantage of his confusion to reinforce the messages he had not so subtly been fed. “But when your cock gets hard, and achy, and leaky… you should ask a woman to help you with it.”

He shrank from her touch as she rubbed her hand along his thigh suggestively, but she held him firmly with her other arm.

“There there, it’s alright… it’s okay to be turned on by sexy women David.” She soothed him, all the while ensuring as much of his body was in contact with hers as she could, pressing his smaller frame into the side of her colossal breast. 

“When good boys see a big, bouncy pair of breasts…” As she spoke, the 3d model moved closer, swaying back and forth to emphasize the sheer size and softness of her tits. “They just can’t help themselves…” She added with a whisper. 

With a gentle but firm grip, she grasped his hands and pulled his hands away, revealing . Blushing furiously, David tried to hide his face, but she merely pressed his head firmly into her bosom. 

“That’s right. Big tits like these. Very good boy…”

With that she wrapped her arm around him, firmly pinning his face into her soft breast as she hefted his cock in her hand gently, while dabbing at his recent emissions with a small napkin. 

“Just leave it all to Mommy, that’s it.”

David was left sobbing in sheer exasperation, but she merely shushed him and cooed at his tears. 

“There there, it’s alright. You’re slowly learning to accept things as they are, David. It will just take time. I know its very scary… but soon you’ll feel so much better. Just listen to the big, beautiful, sexy women David. We know what’s best for you.”

Face pressed into her breast, the heat of her body was making his already burning cheeks tingle. It felt so infantile and childish for him to be crying like this. Yet in a way he was sure that was exactly what they wanted. This was how they wanted him to feel. It was so unfair, yet that merely made it harder not to cry. 

“Some boys get very overwhelmed by their orgasms. It’s okay. That’s why you need a Mommy to cuddle you close and wipe your tears away… and everything else.” She licked her lips at that last thought, having finished cleaning him up. “Now we’ll just wait til you calm down and I’ll help you change your clothes, alright?”

He didn’t have the strength to fight her. To fight any of them. To fight any of this anymore. He just nodded. 


It was clear to him now that this place was far from the objective medical facility he had hoped. Indeed it was anything but. The clinical attitude of Doctor Valnurana now revealed her true intentions. Her passive smile was a front. 

Doctor Valnurana had encouraged him to sit on her lap, or rather, made it clear she wouldn’t be starting his session - and thus he wouldn’t be leaving her office - until he did so. Yet as soon as he had clambered up, averting his gaze all the while, her self-satisfied smile was burning into the back of his head. She had directed him to sit with his back to her, and he would soon realise why.

“I want to start today by exploring your feelings. How do you feel, David?” Doctor Valnurana asked. 

Sitting on her lap reinforced to him just how much bigger these women all were. So much taller. Wider. So much stronger. She could easily lift his whole body atop her thigh if she wanted. 

“I f-feel…” he began, not sure where to start. He had so many feelings he didn’t have a name for. 

“Let’s start with just right now. Here, in this room. On my lap. Close to my body… how do you feel?”


“Now, David. Good boys don’t think, they answer. Tell me how you feel.”

Grimacing at her demands for immediate responses, he resorted to his senses, hoping to satisfy her. 

“H-high up.”

“Yes, it is quite high up, isn’t it. My chaise is very large… and so am I. My thighs are so thick and soft…” She nodded, seemingly happy with his answer. “So how does that make you feel?”

He didn’t answer. 

“An important part of your treatment is us working to cure your aversion to touch, David. While we talk I will be working on it. When you can’t answer, we will try some exposure therapy.”

“I don’t have an aversion to touch, I just don’t want you to touch me whenever you want.” He murmured, trying his best not to sound like a petulant child with his reasonable request. 

“Now, David. You and I both know how natural it is for women to touch men.” She said so matter-of-factly one could almost forget just what it was she was trying to convince him of. “No thinking. Good boys don’t think. What do you feel?”

He didn’t want to say what was on his mind at that very moment. Yet in response, she merely placed a hand on his stomach and began to softly stroke his skin. He bit his lip as his sensitive body instantly responded, twitching in paroxysms. It was almost ticklish. Somewhere between tickling and a massage. Yet as she began to graze her nails over his skin it definitely tipped the scales, snorting as he tried not to laugh, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.

“Come now, David. Be a good boy. Tell me how this makes you feel.”

While she was touching his stomach, he couldn’t help but feel like her fingers were really on his head, trying to penetrate inside and read his mind directly. In her presence he couldn’t help but feel like she was constantly prying at his thoughts, seeking to open his mind to her. 

“S-small!” He stammered at last.

“Mmmm, yes… you do feel so small, don’t you. I’m so much bigger than you. All women are.”

“N-nnh, not all-” He started, but she merely moved her other hand to his chest, where she made no effort to disguise her intentions. Pinching one of his nipples gently she began to flick a fingernail back and forth over it as it hardened.

Scooting back along her thigh, he retreated from her touches only to fall into her clutches, as the soft wall of flesh that was her titanic breasts. He felt himself sinking into their softness as her fingers chased him closer. Yet as her depthless cleavage easily swallowed his entire upper body, moulding around him as he retreated, he merely succeeded in trapping himself. 

“Mmmm, and how do you feel now…” She said softly, her fingers curling in the air near him in a silent threat, like predators waiting to pounce. 

“Uh- s-soft. Soft.” He mumbled, eyes fixed on those terrible digits of hers. 

“Good… very good. It feels soft because you’re so eagerly burying your face into my breasts, isn’t that right.”

He tried to pry his face free to disagree, but a quick tickle at his neck was more than enough to force him to carry out the very actions she described. With facile ease she moved her fingers around, teasing and tickling different parts of his all-but-exposed body, always keeping him guessing as her breasts kept him firmly in place. 

“Mmmmfh!” His muffled groans were barely audible even to her, so thoroughly was she forcing him into her cleavage. 

“Good boy… very good boy. It’s natural for you to fixate on a woman’s breasts. This level of contact between women and their boys is normal.”

“It-” he whined, trying to free himself from her breasts, pressing incessantly around his head, “it’s not!”

David had freed himself, with some effort, from the mass of her breasts around him. Yet only in time to hear her decision.

Doctor Valnurana shook her head after a few moments. 

“I can see we still have work to do.” She said at last, and her tickling slowly ceased. “I believe exposure therapy is the only solution.”

Not knowing what that could mean, he could only wilt in fear. Pressing an unseen button on her desk, a few moments later, Nurses Abby and Bella re-entered the room. 

“Schedule David for immersion therapy with Doctor Roxanne.”

“Yes Doctor.” Nurse Abby said, and retrieved David from her lap. 

He felt oddly relieved that the giant woman had rescued him from the Doctor’s ticklish touches, but knew it was only so she could transport him to an unknown fate. Yet immersion therapy… sounded familiar. 

Nurse Abby led him out the doorway, and with a final look back he saw Doctor Valnurana’s gaze following him. That inscrutable expression of hers. An unwavering smile.

David felt his heart beat faster. 


Some time later, David was staring at the ceiling, lost with his thoughts with nothing else to focus on. He ran it around in his head over and over. Immersion therapy. What could it be? What fresh torment did they have in store for him to try to break his will at last?

The longer he was left to wait, the more nervous he became. 

He knew that was what they wanted. 

It still worked. 

However, after long enough spent in a state heightened anxiety, inevitably it faded. With no way to track time his mind wandered from the imminent. Slowly he tricked himself into thinking it must be a long time coming, or perhaps it would be tomorrow. It was a foolish thought. He had no way to know when tomorow would be, or what time of the day it was. 

After what could have been an hour or half a day, he had managed to convince himself that they weren’t coming for him at all. A little while after that and he had convinced himself that it had all been a big misunderstanding, and he’d be going home soon. 

Then the door opened. 

“A lot of boys are nervous about immersion therapy. But I promise, every boy learns to love it eventually.” Nurse Abby said, and squeezed his hand reassuringly as she led him down the hallway. Somehow, it had the opposite effect. 

They arrived at another door, like all the others the same shade of pink and unremarkable. 

Nurse Abby opened it and ushered David in. Whatever reluctance he had was swiftly swept aside, quite literally, as a pair of thighs almost wider than his arms could stretch filled the gap behind him - shutting the door. 

With her back to them was, he presumed, Doctor Roxanne. She was preparing something, pulling open one plastic package after another. 

“Come on in, Abby.” She said without looking up, before finally turning to greet them. “And this must be David. I’m Doctor Roxanne.”

The doctor was, as he had come to expect, simply massive. With fiery red hair and glassy pale skin, many freckles dotted her face. Rosy cheeks accompanied a friendly smile. 

“H-hi.” He mumbled out, filling the silence with awkward politeness. 

She seemed pleased by something, but he wasn’t sure what. 

“This is your first time undergoing immersion therapy, right?”

“Yes, his first time.” Nurse Abby answered for him. 

The doctor turned to fetch something and came back with a small paper cup which compared to her size was practically miniature. 

“This medicine is part of the procedure, David.” She said, holding the cup just in front of his mouth. 

When he looked to Abby, she merely nodded.

He parted his lips slightly and took an experimental sip, but Doctor Roxanne merely kept tilting the cup up further until he had emptied it. 

“Very good, David. Now, you’ll probably start to feel the effects soon, so we should get started.”

She stood back from him as Nurse Abby held him by the shoulder, his constant minder. Under her grip, David stretched his arm. It felt oddly stiff. No, rather a little numb. He reasoned he must have been lying on it in his bed, as a faint tingle ran down the length. 

“Now David, come stand next to me.” She said softly, running her hands up and down the curvature of her hips. 

Abby patted his shoulder and walked him forwards. Each step felt heavy and sluggish, his nerves showing clearly. 

No… it was more than that. It was getting difficult to walk. His hands felt so heavy, too…

“Yes, that’s good. He’s about ready.” Doctor Roxanne said passively. 

“It’s his first time, so which method are you thinking?” Nurse Abby inquired with equal dispassion, as if asking about what flavour of juice the Doctor intended to order at a restaurant. 

“Oh, face out for his first time I think. Face in is a bit overwhelming sometimes for a first timer.”

David went from tugging at Nurse Abby’s hand idly, trying to free himself from her grip, to… hanging from it. He found is whole body weighed a bit more than it should, and it was getting to be a struggle to stay upright. Yet he was swiftly distracted from this by the sound of a zipper. 

Doctor Roxanne, however, began to unzip her blouse. Each little movement sent her colossal breasts jiggling with each release of tension, the material spreading further and further apart as each globe pushed further and further out. Soon, with very little effort, she parted the material and slid it off her shoulders. Working the soft looking material down her body, it seemed very elastic, stretching easily to encompass her every fascinating curve, but hugging every crease, filling every gap. 

He tried to look away, embarrassed by her sudden nudity, but Nurse Abby merely tutted, gently turning his cheek with her fingers. 

“Now David, you know this is part of your treatment. You shouldn’t be ashamed to look at a naked woman. It’s perfectly natural for a boy to find a woman like Doctor Roxanne beautiful.”

“I find it very flattering when boys stare at me, David.” Doctor Roxanne said sweetly. “I love knowing the effect I have on their horny little minds.”

He kept his eyes stubbornly averted, resisting the temptation to stare at her prodigious nude body. However, it was the effect she was having on his body he was more concerned with. It was growing difficult to move his limbs. 

“I don’t… feel…” he murmured, but his lips didn’t feel right. It felt a little like he’d had anesthetic from the dentist, they wouldn’t move the way he wanted. 

“Don’t worry David, it’s all part of your therapy.” Doctor Roxanne said sweetly, eyes lidded as she watched his reactions closely.

At last, David looked at her naked body… and saw she was wearing something under her blouse. Something he recognised. He had seen it on the TV before. 

“The medicine will make it easier for us to fit you. Try not to struggle, David.” Doctor Roxanne said with a sultry tone, and reached out towards him. 

Several straps around her thighs, her waist, and under her bra immediately revealed to David what immersion therapy was. Nurse Abby guided him forwards, but his feet merely dragged across the floor. It wasn’t due to him trying to stay still, however, it was because the limbs just wouldn’t respond. 

The medicine had rendered his body limp, he realised with cold horror. 

With utter ease, given his already far weaker form was now rendered immobile, Nurse Abby and Doctor Roxanne were able to lift her breasts up and fit his arms in underneath them - snugly strapping them to her bra. His head disappeared inside the material with just a whimper, and he was gone, head smothered within two massive mammaries. Creamy white skin enveloped his head on all sides, and as she allowed her breasts to rest, their mass soon sank down to cover his shoulders, wrapping around his upper body as their sheer mass collided and he became nothing more than a boy-shaped imprint between them. 

At last, he felt the strap around her waist encompassing his own, before those on her thighs encircled his ankles. Even if he could have moved a muscle, he doubted she would have even felt it. 

“Very good. Such a good boy, isn’t he Abby?”

“Oh you have no idea.”

“I’m sure I will soon.”

The pair cackled at that. 

“Now Abby, pass the bandages please.”

Bandages? David’s mind reeled within his fleshy prison, every breath coming thick and heavy in the midst of her cleavage. 

He felt something silky soft begin to encircle his calf, before it moved up to his thigh. He realised that Abby was effectively mummifying him, wrapping bandages around Doctor Roxanne’s own massive legs and his in turn, until what little of him remained visible was smoothed over by the material. 

“Perfect.” Doctor Roxanne said with relish, and through the bandages David felt her lifting her clothing back up, the elastic material hugging her form just as tightly as before - and sliding effortlessly over his bandaged legs. 

From the outside, there would have been almost no evidence David was buried beneath her clothes, sandwiched between her massive tits. For all intents and purposes he was effectively entombed within her breasts. 

“Now, David. This is called Immersion Therapy.” 

He could hear her voice reverberating through her chest. Her voice sounded so loud… and yet so calm. It came from every direction at once. 

“I’m sure you’re quite nervous, every boy is their first time, but I assure you, you could not be safer.”

Safe? David wanted to scream, but even if he wasn’t buried between her colossal cleavage he doubted anyone would be able to hear him. Even so, he couldn’t move a muscle. Indeed he wasn’t sure if he’d even notice once the drugs wore off, since he couldn’t move at all regardless. 

“This treatment is intended to help you get over your fear of touch, David. You need to learn that it’s natural for women to touch guys.”

With that, she reached down with a single hand and ran it up his mummified form through her clothing.

“Now you’re in constant contact with my body. Immersed in it. See?”

Her body heat radiated through him. His back felt so warm, and the faint glisten of her body sweat felt oddly cool against his skin. 

“This treatment will help you become used to constant physical contact, and in time, help you to learn your place. We know you want to be a good boy, David.”

She gently patted his stomach as she spoke, reinforcing her words with gentle touch. Yet David was neither able nor willing to listen. He was reeling within his prison, motionless, unable to express his absolute perturbation in any meaningful way. Unable to exert himself at all. Trapped within a prison of his own body - his own mind. 

He felt Doctor Roxanne moving, but his numb legs barely felt the change. Aside from the gentle tremors shaking her soft, forgiving form, her soft breasts gently pressing in against him on all sides with each delicate step she took, he could feel nothing of the outside. His legs were embedded into her massive, fatty thighs under the bandages and within that indent he felt nothing but the contact of her skin. 

For a while his breathing came short and sharp as he was overwhelmed by the sheer sensation, or lack thereof. Every inch of his body was smothered in her soft and womanly flesh, the scent of her body permeated every breath he took, cloying against his skin. 

At first in his panicked state, each breath coming quickly in the close atmosphere of his cleavage coffin, it had felt like drowning. As her pliable flesh had pressed in to envelop every inch of him, clinging to his neck, it felt like a rising tide reaching up to smother him as his body was held utterly immobile. 

It didn’t take long before his near total sensory deprivation was skewing his already warped sense of time. How long had he been bound inside these bandages, buried between these massive heavenly tits? It felt like only minutes… and yet even more so than in the endless pink hallways he was utterly devoid of any sense of time passing. 

He didn’t know how long it took, but in spite of himself, he felt himself growing more calm. The gentle undulations of her pillowy body, surrounding him on all sides, was like the gentle lapping of waves. A tide of flesh pressing in, squeezing his entire body gently, over and over.

With nothing to focus on but his own breathing, it slowed. All he could hear for now was Doctor Roxanne’s heartbeat, a gentle throb in his ears, and the steady rhythm was a soothing source of stability. It was constant.

He felt, rather than heard, Doctor Roxanne sitting down somewhere. For a few moments he waited, his ears straining, but nothing followed. For minutes he floated within a sea of bosomy flesh, his senses reaching out for any sensation at all, but none came.


A kind of sophorific warmth spread through him from the heavy breasts holding him mummified and wrapped against her body. When he feebly tried to push against the soft walls around him, they easily smothered his efforts and sprang back to contain him. He quickly exhausted his limited strength, and soon the warmth and heat began to fray at the edges of his mind, slowly sapping his already exhausted form. 

It was frustrating, and yet… some part of him found it so calming. For the first time since he had arrived he didn’t have anything to focus on at all. It was plainly obvious to him that there was nothing he could do, and so every so slowly, his anxiety was seeping away. 

His worries and cares suddenly felt so futile. So foolish. What did it matter? It felt laughable to be concerned given his situation. There was nothing he could do about any of it anyway. 

Her soft, forgiving breasts, each larger than his body by far, were pressed in so tightly around him. It felt so oddly soothing. Knowing he couldn’t do anything meant he didn’t have to worry about doing anything… and so he didn’t. He could just relax. Whether he had elected his prison or not, he could enjoy the comfort of it. 

It no longer felt like drowning. It felt like floating.

For the first time in what felt like months… years maybe, he found to his shock he was utterly devoid of concerns. He didn’t have to worry right now. He didn’t have to care about anything. 

It felt good. 

Hell, there was no denying that a deeply rooted part of his male psyche was, against all of his higher instincts, deeply enjoying the full-body titjob he was the unwilling recipient of. Indeed, his arousal had grown swiftly behind his rapidly diminishing concerns.

Indeed, while he didn’t want to admit it to himself, he was growing more annoyed by his bondage due to his inability to reach down and truly enjoy the experience more than his inability to free himself. 

His eyes were closed, after all he couldn’t see anything with them open. In the darkness, flashes of colour danced across his vision. It was soothing. Mesmerising. His head lolled to the side, resting against the soft warm skin of his prison which eagerly swallowed up his face. Despite himself, he couldn’t hold back a little smile at the comforting softness he found there. He was warm and content, and as immeasurable time stretched out, his breathing and heartbeat slowly began to match that of his captor. 

Without even realising he’d been doing it, he felt his fingers and toes wiggling. Aside from his head they were the only part of him not tightly bound to his captor’s body. Whatever medicine he’d drunk had evidently begun to wear off… but he paid it little mind. 

What did it matter, really? He asked himself. It’s not like you could free yourself. If you could where would you go? Do you think these doctors and nurses would just let you leave? You might as well just relax. 

So he did. Every inch of his body, bar the obvious few, was relaxing. He felt himself sink slightly into the body of Doctor Roxanne, what little tension remaining in him dissolving at last, as he began to luxuriate in the feeling of her body around him. He breathed in the warm air and let out a contented sigh.

Doctor Roxanne seemed to notice the change. Perhaps she could sense the lack of tension given his physical closeness, or perhaps she was simply so adept at this treatment by now she could just tell. 

“Very good, David. I’m glad to feel you being calm. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to touch a woman’s body, and you can drink your fill of me. Mmmm… maybe after your treatment I’ll ask Doctor Amme if I can administer your feeding myself. Would you like that?”

With a slight giggle, she admonished herself. 

“Of course, I know you can’t answer. Even if you could, boys are rarely honest with themselves during their treatment. That’s okay, though, I know a good way to interpret what a boy really wants.”

He felt her hand suddenly running up his thigh, until her fingertips were grasping the faint bulge of his straining cock just below the head.

“Now… would you like me to feed you after your treatment, David?”

He felt a renewed sense of urgency, realising her game. He bit his lip, struggling not to respond the way she wanted him to - but it was hopeless. 

“Do you want me to nestle you in my lap, and bring you to my breast… and nurse you, David?”

Her fingertips maliciously began to run up and down, ever so faintly, just under his corona. Despite his best efforts, his cock throbbed mightily at the mental picture she was painting in his mind. 

“Oh I think that’s a yes…” She giggled again.

Despite having the answer she wanted, her stroking didn’t stop. However she didn’t pick up the pace either. She just teasingly ran her finger tips over his most sensitive spot, again and again at a glacial pace. After a while she’d change her grip, use her fingernails to tickle the head or stroke the length, varying her speed. 

“Something else you need to learn, David, is that it is natural for you to be aroused. It’s natural for women to touch you, David. It’s healthy and normal for your penis to be touched, stroked, tickled, teased, sucked…”

Her lascivious words were driving him nuts, and yet he was unable to respond in any way. He wanted to deny what she was saying, groaning, mumbling his rejections into her massive cleavage, but if she felt it she gave no sign. Instead, she chose to interpret his traitorous cock’s throbs as his reply.

“Oh yes, I can tell you like that idea. You’re just confused, David. You have too many worries in that little head of yours. That’s why you need a Mommy to milk all those silly thoughts out of you.”

She squeezed her fingertips just below the head of his cock and began to rapidly stroke just the head, sending the boy imprisoned in her tits into a series of tiny little squirms which amidst her cleavage became barely perceptable twitches. 

Doctor Roxanne loved nothing more than having a boy strapped to her like this, squeezing him between her monumental tits, crushing any hopes or dreams he had of a life of independence under the weight of her almighty breasts.

To her the act had a philosophical meaning which only made the act all the more pleasurable to her. As did what she had planned next. 

She reached down with her other hand, she reached under David to find the source of her own arousal. Her palm settled over his cock as her fingers bent back beneath him, and began to circle her own depths. 

His arousal, his sexual bliss was a by-product of her own - as it should be. She loved to give boys pleasure, she loved to make them cum - almost as much as she loved giving it to herself. 

Cooing softly, she paid little heed to the boy trapped within the folds of her body as she fondled her own. Every slightly manipulation of her own sex meant her hand rubbed across his cock. Yet her goal was her own pleasure, not his. This would go at her pace - something David would have to begin to accept.

Making no effort to disguise her arousal, she instead made it very well known, ensuring her groans of bliss echoed into the poor boy’s deprived mind. Now rather than nothing, all he could hear was her increasingly laboured breath and the fluttering moans which accompanied the shuddering of her body all around him. 

The movements of her hand across his cock were electric, but he found himself grunting with the effort to push himself up into her touch, to take some control of his own pleasure - only to find it impossible. Not only was her touch delicate and imprecise, it was at a pace he had no control over. His frustration grew and grew, until a tear formed in his eye. He screamed into the suffocating valley of tits which surrounded his head on all sides, but even if she could have heard him he doubted she would have cared. 

Doctor Roxanne was plunging her fingers into herself now, riding her own fingers as they curled inside her and pressed back and forth across her most sensitive spot. As she grinded up and down, she in turn rode David’s cock against her hand, a facsimile of thrusting which was a relief to the poor lad who had had to endure her extended teasing and a chorus of womanly moans. 

Yet with every wanton thrust of her fingers, the rising crescendo of her arousal was the only sensation David knew. His own arousal seemed to melt into that of Doctor Roxanne’s. He felt almost as if he were a part of her, and he felt her pleasure, rather than his own. 

His cock strained at its bindings, desperate for release, and David would have given anything in that moment to be free. 

Only then at the height of his desperation did it truly hit him. He had no control here. There was nothing he could do. Even if he had been free, he had no control regardless. He had had none since he had entered the hospital, and indeed, had had none before. It had only been an illusion. His life was a gilded cage. His dreams of freedom were flights of fancy. 

Doctor Roxanne pressed hard, grinding her palm into his cock, and David choked on his own sexual bliss. It was all so clear. He wasn’t in control and never would be. He just let go. 

Suddenly it was all so much easier. 

The cresting of his orgasm was almost painful, with only the sounds of Doctor Roxanne’s intimate throes to drive him on. Yet when it came it seared through his consciousness, the sheer gravity of it, the inevitability of it, hit him with a force that shook him to his core. 

Doctor Roxanne doubled over in pleasure, pressing her tits in as tightly as she could in the process, and screamed in ecstasy. Shivering, shuddering, she heaved and twitched in the aftershocks of a colossal climax. 

For a while she merely lay there, basking in the glow of her own sexual release. The pair of them, bound as one, luxuriated each in their own way. 

She slowly, gently, ran her hands over the top of her clothes, caressing David’s bound form possessively. Nothing made her cum like knowing there was a boy trapped within her bodice, desperate for release. 

Delicately, she massaged his cock, and felt his stiffness softening - albeit not entirely. Boys didn’t always cum when she did that. Sometimes it was better to leave them on edge for a while. Sometimes the feeling of her body against them would set them off.

She just loved the control. The feeling of knowing they were utterly at her mercy. Knowing from the outside nobody would even know he was in there - although the other staff were all too aware. 

“Roxanne, hi.” Came a voice from nearby. 

David barely registered it in his sweaty prison, her breasts clinging to his face. 

“Oh hi Sarah.” Doctor Roxanne made no effort to disguise her recent sexual escapades, she may have kept going even with an audience in fact. 

“How’s your day been?” The voice came again, from closer now.

“Mmmmm… marvellous.” The sheer sexuality of it dripped from her tongue. 

“I can tell.” The voice, Sarah, sounded closer now. “I think I might have to find a spot to myself soon. I’ve been on teasing duty all day and seeing the boys get so excited… mmm, fuck. I can’t help myself. Every time their cocks spring up at the sight of me it makes my heart flutter. When I walk into one of their rooms and they immediately get hard…”

“It’s association. They’ve come to associate your presence with sex.”

“Yes. I think I’m close to proving my theory. Daily conditioning, ensuring their arousal in my presence, I’m pretty sure even just looking at a picture of me would be enough to get them hard soon.”

“Sounds like a fun test.”

“Hmmm. It does, doesn’t it…”

The pair chatted as if David wasn’t even there. In a way, he wasn’t. Totally invisible under Doctor Roxanne’s garb, buried within the avalanche of her tits, he was practically invisible. 

Yet some part of him felt that even if he had been sat there beside them, he would have been an after thought. Not ignored, just simply not relevant. They were talking about things that were above him. 

Wincing, somehow that didn’t feel right. They shouldn’t be ignoring him… but they were. That was normal, though, right? Doctor Valnurana had said so. Hadn’t she? This was… normal. All of it. 

A gentle touch at his now semi-erect cock made David take a sharp breath. Someone was stroking him. Yet their conversation didn’t stop. 

“So what method are you using?”

“Oh, the Pulawski grip. It drives them nuts, especially when they’re already desperate to cum. Just holding their head, peeling back their foreskin… and then letting go. Oh I do love watching their faces. The way they rock their heads back and forth, as if they can get away, as if somehow the next time will be different…”

“How delightful…”

At that, the fingers on his cock began to emulate what was being discussed. They ran down over his head, and then just let go, with no satisfying upwards stroke. 

“Mmmm. You can see the hope in their eyes. That pleading stare. Every time I stroke down, they think that this time surely she’s going to keep going, this time she’ll stroke me properly…”

The pair were quiet. 

“But I never do!”

They erupted in giggles, and for a moment, David’s entire world shook as Doctor Roxanne’s massive breasts jiggled around him. 

“Oh Sarah you’re so evil.”

“All part of their treatment. They need to learn that they’re not in control.”

“Quite right. It’s only what’s best for them.”

“Not my fault if I enjoy it.”

They giggled again, and David felt his vision swimming in the sea of titflesh shaking around him. 

Their conversation continued for some time, David’s cock never short of attention, with a tickle or touch always a few moments away. Yet all the while he lay there, trapped, his arousal plateauing and never fading, he felt an odd sense of calm come over him in spite of himself.

The conversation between the two women faded into background noise as his sense of touch slowly overtook all of his other senses. His body, so desperate for stimulation of any kind, now focused on the one source of external stimulus it had. 

His poor, tired mind was utterly defenceless against the merciless teasing assault upon his mummified cock. 

That very notion, the utter futility of resistance, so thoroughly embedded itself within his mind as to overlap all other thoughts. Not only was it useless to fight back at that moment, it had been from the moment he’d realised the truth of the world. 

In fact he was slowly beginning to accept, deep down in a quiet part of his mind, that it always would be pointless to fight it. Pointless to resist. 

A slight smile creeping across Doctor Roxanne’s face was the only sign that she felt the steadily growing wet patch atop her waist where David’ was trapped, exhaling slightly in satisfaction that her prisoner had ejaculated twice against his will. 

There was nothing he could do… he was just there to feel pleasure.


David wasn’t sure how long he spent in there. It could have been an entire day, perhaps longer, or as little as an hour. Nor was he quite sure how many times he came. He was fairly certain he had drifted in and out of consciousness during his internment between that immense pair of breasts larger than himself.  During fleeting flashes of consciousness he was dimly aware that the stimulation of his cock hadn’t ceased, and his fitful dreams had been lurid to say the least. 

While he was fairly certain other people may have come into the room at some point, it all bled together in his memory as he had floated on a cloud of simultaneous total sensation and deprivation.

When he awoke the first thing he noticed was how cold he was. He shivered involuntarily, opening his eyes weakly as he was blinded by light. As his vision slowly cleared though he saw the smiling face of doctor Roxanne not far from his, evidently having noticed his rousing. 

The room was still, silent. The air felt so close. David winced. It felt like he’d awoken from the longest and most satisfying rest of his life, in the most comfortable place he’d ever been, and now he was exposed to the outside world once more his silken clothing and sheets suddenly felt like sandpaper against his skin.

“Hey there sleepy head, I’m sure you’re thirsty. Most boys are after immersion therapy.” She smiled as she reached a hand down across her naked body to pull on a hardening nipple until a bead of white appeared at the tip. 

David opened his mouth to protest, almost instinctually, but no words would come. He felt his dry and chapped lips crack open and a small cough came from his parched throat. The sauna of her unimaginably close tits had no doubt left him dehydrated. He was hardly in a position, either mentally or physically, to turn her offer down. 

Smiling, she pulled his unresisting form closer to her as she sat by his bed, leading him to her breast. He drank like a man dying of thirst, the thick, creamy milk so satisfying to his parched lips and coated his dry throat in cloying wet sweetness. 

Soundlessly, and without complaint, he obedienty drank from her breast. A cool hand touched his cheek, and he sighed. Doctor Roxanne was content to just give him his space, it seemed. His utter supplication to her bosomy domination seemed to have satisfied her for now. 

A familiar lethargy came over him as he drank. That fuzzy, cottony feeling that spread from his tummy to fog his mind and tingle at his finger tips and toes. The scratchy feeling of his satiny smooth clothing lessened as he sated his all-consuming thirst. 

It was obvious to him now that it wasn’t just normal thirst. He wasn’t just thirsty. Water would have done nothing for him. He needed their milk. Their cream. Even had his stomach not groaned for it, desperate for just one more drop of their liquid bliss, his mind rolled in a creamy white ocean as he drank. It soothed not just his body, but his thoughts. His worries drowned out in the sheer delicious chemical cocktail their milk released in his mind. 

Yet he didn’t care. Or rather, he simply didn’t feel the urge to care anymore. Neither did he have the strength to. In that moment all he cared about was the soft press of her breast, the pillowy flesh against his face, the sweet succour of her milk. The intoxicating feeling her milk gave him made it so much easier to just ride the waves of hair-bristling euphoria. 

All he wanted was to feel like this forever.

When Doctor Roxanne saw David’s vapid smile and felt his suckling slow to an eventually stop, she allowed herself a contented smile of her own. For a little while she just enjoyed one of the many perks of her position, a slight shiver travelling through her as she luxuriated in the warm feeling she got from warping a younger man’s mind with her body. Feeling his slow descent into silent obeisance physically developing before her eyes. 

At length, she quietly called in a nurse to take him back to his room. Nurse Bella was just outside the room, and collected the comatose milk-sapped young man in her arms at the Doctor’s request.

She collected herself, straightening her uniform and her hair, before walking down the hall to her next assignment. A new group of men from the breakaway colonies had been brought in and was in need of softening before being assigned to a handler. She could truly say loved her work. 

David slept deeply in Nurse Bella’s arms, not waking once as he was carried through the building and tucked gently into bed. The boy’s twitching in his sleep brought a silent giggle to her lips as she left the boy to his undoubtedly erotic imaginings. 

Just a short time later, a familiar form slid into the room looking down at the sleeping form of David as he slept. Smiling to herself, she reached over to the panel on the side of the bed and turned the lighting up to daytime very slowly. 

She gently sat on the edge of David’s bed, allowing her weight to create a divot that subtly sent David sliding into her side, until his slight form was nestled against her prodigious thigh. Without ceremony, she reached down to open her nursing smock, before she descended upon the passed out young man at her side.

As he slept, David’s dreams had wandered. A vista of pure sexual arousal met him. Mountainous breasts, sensually shaped valleys and the ever-present mocking grins of thick, pouty lips towered over him from all angles as he traversed a truly incredible world. Air thick with cloying scents of feminine sex and odour made his breathing short and shallow. 

His wandering seemed to be without end, lost amidst an immeasurable plateau of sex. Yet suddenly from wispy pink clouds above he saw a vision of Doctor Roxanne, a giant form of her towering over the landscape, kilometers tall. Her massive body slowly descended, smothering the land in front of him like a tidal wave of flesh. He made to run but his feet wouldn’t move. Closer and closer, her titanic body pressed down, until everything went dark. 

Unsure if he was still dreaming, he felt the tremendous weight of the collossal heavy breast covering his entire torso as he was dragged out of his fitful sleep brought on by sheer bone deep exhaustion. Opening his eyes he found most of his vision obstructed by the swell of her immense breast, even as struggled and pushed to see the face of the woman who was smothering him in his sleep. At last saw the familiar, warm face of Dr. Amme.

Confusion clouded his foggy mind as he tried to orient himself in time and space, so recently roused from slumber. “M-mo… I mean D-doctor Amme?” 

Dr.Amme giggled as she reached underneath him to gather the still reeling young man into her lap, depositing him delicately before positioning his mouth near her already leaking nipple. A thick white stream of her cream was following the curve of her breast, only to disappear out of his sight as the immense swell of her bosom covered most of his body. 

“Mmmm, I know what you were going to say. I don’t mind if you call me that little one.” She smiled as she gently but firmly hugged him  closer to her soft body. “For now though, I have a better use for that thirsty mouth of yours. It’s time for your bliss therapy”. 

David tried to recover from her gentle hug, feeling himself sinking into her soft flesh, but struggled to pull his thoughts together. Surely she couldn’t expect him to nurse so soon?

“But Dr. Roxanne she… I’m… full?” David almost asked plaintively, looking around the windowless room in vain for a sign of how long it had been. There was no time in this place, no way of orienting himself. 

Dr. Amme laughed at that, and gave him a kiss on the forehead as though he were a confused child waking up from a nap. 

“Sweetheart, that was days ago… don’t you remember? Oh my sweet, confused little boy. You’ve come along so well in some ways, but in others I can see we still have work to do.” 

David frowned and frantically tried to look past her ominously encroaching breast as its sheer mass slowly began to creep up his chest. No… it hadn’t been days… had it? Come to think of it, how long had he been here at all? Trying to remember made his sleep deprived head swim. Yet he felt so full… 

“Sweetie we’ve talked about this… you need to trust that mommy knows best.” Her condescending tone tugged at the remnants of his pride, simultaneously seeking to evoke his ire for any excuse to belittle him, whilst reminding him of his place. 

“That’s why you are here. You were so confused, so many big boy thoughts… but with our help you don’t get confused. From now on you should just let us worry about things like that. We don’t want you straining yourself. It’s so much for a sweet little boy like you to worry about” 

She smiled as she gently stroked his cheek. David wanted to say something. felt like he should. but he found his words failing him as a tear began to form in his sleep deprived eye. It wasn’t true! How long had it been? What time was it? Dimly, he wondered if it even mattered anymore. 

As one tear became two, soon they flowed down his face. Doctor Amme merely grinned, and gently but firmly moved his lips to her protruding and throbbing nipple.

“Oh sweet boy, you must be delirious from thirst. Come to mommy, sweetie. She’ll make it all better…”

He opened his mouth to object only for her to seat her massive nipple between his lips, cutting off his half-formed protests at the source. 

“Shhhh, good boys listen. Good boys don’t try to speak. Good boys obey… now be a good boy, and drink your medicine.”

David felt the torrent of rich milk hit his already overtaxed stomach. He had consumed a massive dose of bliss not more than an hour ago, in spite of her insistence. Heaving for breath, he found himself becoming faint.  As his eyes fluttered and his consciousness began to wink, out he had a vision of some small part of himself clinging to a rock in a dark and stormy sea conjured from the slowly fading memory of his beloved books. 

All around him the sea raged and roiled as his arms steadily grew numb from holding onto the rock. The cold, slick stone was increasingly difficult to keep a hold of. He looked around in fear as he felt something tugging at his ankle looking beneath the waves, and could just make out the curvy feminine forms beneath the waves. They were reaching up, grasping through the inky water to gently tug at him, beckoning him to let go and join them in the endless abyss. 

Crying he desperately tried to hold on… but slowly, inevitably he felt his grip weakening. Their grips upon his feet, his legs, their hands slowly moving up to grasp his waist, became ever stronger. Finally, he felt it all slip away at once. For a moment he hung mid air, his stomach leaping as gravity reasserted itself. Before he even hit the waves, hundreds of feminine hands had grasped his virile young body and were lecherously pulling him down, to the depths that waited to consume him. 

Doctor Amme watched his evident internal struggle with fascination. Grinning with contented malice, she saw some small part of David’s very soul drowning in the loving flood of her milk. She had seen this look on the face of dozens of boys. She knew that it ment that she was making progress. Soon he would begin to accept his place in life, to accept that this was his fate. He would come to love it. To long for it. He would soon come to fear this way of life ever being taken from him. 

Soon he would understand that reality was what mommy said it was. He would accept ttat no matter what his other senses might tell him, Mommy knew best. Mommy always knows best. 


“Good morning, David.”

David looked up to see Nurse Bella peering down at him, smiling into his sleep-weary face. 

“Let’s get you dressed. You have an appointment.”

David didn’t argue. He didn’t fuss. He felt that same sense of inevitability like an icy clutch around his heart. It wouldn’t make a difference, it would just earn him some chagrin inducing motherly attentions, or worse. 

“How do you feel this morning?”

“I’m…” He began, reaching for an answer, but he swallowed them down. “I’m tired.”

“Oh I’m sure. You had a very big day yesterday.”

David didn’t say a thing. He just let his massive minder dress him, and obediently took her hand when it was offered. 

As they left his room, he clung to her hand. In fact, he pulled himself to her arm and clung to it with both of his hands. 

Nurse Bella just smiled. David was coming along well.

In the end, they all changed. In the end… they all wanted to. 

David had no idea what the room he was entering was until the doors opened, and this was no different. His heart raced and he gripped Nurse Bella’s hand a little tighter in anticipation, wondering what lurid sexual fate awaited him behind the opaque pink wall ahead. Nervous… and not entirely in a bad way - though he wouldn’t admit it to himself, not quite yet. 

As the door slid silently open, ahead of him he saw the by now familiar sight of Doctor Valnurana at her desk. 

She didn’t have to say a word. Nurse Bella didn’t have to nudge him forwards. He walked in of his own accord. Part of him told himself he was going to maintain some dignity by walking on his own rather than being ushered around like a child, or that he simply wanted to get it over with. Neither was the case, though the poor boy didn’t know it yet. 

As he approached Doctor Valnurana’s desk, his feet moving almost automatically, Nurse Bella closed the door behind him and he was once again trapped with the voluptuous doctor. 

She was resting her elbows on her desk and staring directly at him. Analysing him. His posture. His movements. His behaviour. His stance. His breathing. Where he looked, where he didn’t. In just those short moments she had gathered enough information to start taking notes, scribbling away for a little while and leaving him standing in front of her desk. 

Anxiety gnawed away at him. What would it be this time? He’d lost track of how many times he’d been treated to her ‘therapy’ sessions. A nervous thought at the back of his mind wondered if it might have been far more than he could remember. His memories felt so… fluid. So hard to hold on to, so difficult to recall. 

The longer he waited, the more she wrote. The more she wrote, the more anxious he became. Yet he had long since learned her patience had no bounds. 

“W-what do you want with me?”

Doctor Valnurana’s writing slowed to a stop, and she put down her pen to fix him with a delighted grin. 

“To help you, of course, David. That’s why you’re here. But I am very happy to see you volunteering yourself to me. It’s only natural for a boy to do so.”

He grimaced at her words, she always found the least charitable way to interpret his actions, twisted everything he said or did to her own hyper-sexualised ends. 

“Today I’ve compiled many of my notes into a report.” She said at last, patting the mountain of papers in front of her, at least two inches thick. “I’d invite you to read through it all, but I think that might be a bit beyond you. Boys don’t tend to understand the complex language of a medical report such as this very well.”

Wincing, he wanted to disagree, but as he craned his neck up to be able to see over the lip of the table he saw just how thick the paperwork was. It would take hours, maybe days for him to read through all of that… even if he could understand it. 

“So instead I thought I’d sit you on my lap and… explain things to you.” She ran her tongue along her lips for a moment, savouring what was to come. “Then you can sign it to show you agree with my findings.”

“B-but-” he stammered, but caught himself. 

The look in her eyes told him she was just waiting to pounce on what he said, and he could already imagine how she would pave over any complaints he had with accusations of infantile stubbornness. He swallowed his pride, what little remained, and remained silent. 

“Mmmm, I’m glad to see you’ve learned to be polite in a woman’s company, David. Those outbursts of yours are a sign of just how unhealthy your thinking had become. I’m so happy to see you are recovering.”

Her gleaming white teeth shone from her smile. He could only glare. 

“Come sit up on my lap like a good boy, and I’ll start explaining my findings.”

She patted her lap and, feeling he had no other choice, moved around to her side of the desk. With little effort, she easily hoisted him up. Once he was rested atop her thighs, each one thicker than his entire body, she pulled him back against her with a single arm. 

A sinking feeling collected in his throat as he felt her soft, squishy body begin to envelop him once more in its cleavage. Tugging her shirt up she unleashed her monumental breasts to drape across his arms, cementing his place against her stomach as their mass easily swallowed his entire upper body. 

“Mmmmfh!” He groaned in exasperation, fighting for any room at all in the close confines of her cleavage. 

“Nice and comfortable, hmmm?” She bit her tongue between her teeth at the delightful feeling of his tiny body being so easily consumed by her own flesh. 

Eventually he was able to push his head out of her cleavage, but found that he could see nothing below him. Gasping for breath, all he could see were her humongous breasts. They filled his entire view. 

“I can’t see!” David managed to get out as he desperately fought against the tides of titflesh pressing in on either side of him, slowly entombing him as he had been so many times before. 

As their sheer mass came to its inevitable resting point, David’s body barely a dent between their colossal size, she tittered and sent the globes jiggling slightly around his body. 

“Oh now, no need, remember? I’ll be telling you what these big important words mean, so you don’t need to read them. You just need to listen to Mommy, agree with Mommy, and obey Mommy.”

He whimpered defeatedly as her words hit him, spelling his doom as clearly as the physical mass of her breasts had already done. As her hands began to lecherously prise his thighs apart, he couldn’t get his arms past the swell of her breasts - pinned as they were beneath their sheer size. In short he was once again helpless to whatever torments she decided to deliver upon him. He couldn’t even see what she was doing to him, and so every touch sent jolts of shock and sexual thrill through his immobilized body. 

“Now, David, let’s start at the beginning.” She began tugging down his tight fitting shorts to unceremoniously expose his already hardening cock, responding automatically to the feel of her flesh, the scent of her body. “When you were a child, your father taught you many things. Some of those were good things, and some… were bad. They weren’t just bad, they were wrong. Those old books of yours talk about a world we don’t live in anymore, but he taught you that you should think the way the people who wrote them did. That’s silly, though, isn’t it David? We live in the future now. Things are different. What those people said doesn’t apply anymore.”

“It does!” He managed to squeal, before her teasing fingers found their way to his cock and interrupted him. 

“No, David, they were writing about a very different world. A bad world. The way things used to be was bad. Now they are good. Everything is better now. You don’t need to question anything. You just need to listen to what your Mommies tell you.”

She tweaked the head of his cock with one finger and thumb, just gently stroking the head at a casual pace, but it was more than enough to send the by-now hyper-sensitized organ into a throbbing mess. Whatever fractured mental barriers remained to the lad by now were easily crushed under the merest feather-light touch of her experienced matriarchal hand. 

“You’ve been misinformed about so many things. I’ve reviewed your school records and it’s not your fault. Your teachers failed to teach you correctly. They failed to inform you of the truth, to frame your thinking appropriately for the modern day.”

As she spoke, she slipped her fingers around his cockhead, forming a gentle ring to tease at the very edge of his corona.

“It’s perfectly natural for women to be so much larger, so much stronger than you.” She droned, a soft and gentle but even tone, that wore away at his mind like the endless drops of water against the rocks slowly wore away at the shore. “And thus its normal for women to be in charge. If they’re so much bigger and so much stronger, and smarter, and so beautiful, it’s only natural that they make decisions for you. They make better choices, and they know what’s best for you. They know you better than you know yourself.”

He rocked his head from side to side, but found that no matter what he did, he couldn’t block out her voice. He couldn’t escape the endless tide of her tirade. Her menacing fingers didn’t let up, constantly teasing his helpless exposed cock, rotating slowly back and forth as she stroked ever so slowly over and around and back down over his now slick and dripping head.