Infernal Academia 

Part 1

Life has a way of making the fantastical seem ordinary. The University at which Xyleris had so recently arrived was truly ancient, so old in fact that the further back one went the harder records came to be found. Infernal University was easily the oldest centre for learning, at least on their plane of existence, among the many institutions one could attend.

Xyleris grinned. It was curious how quickly the transition between entire planes of existence became so… common. When she had been young she had rarely had a need to do so. 

Not that the charm had worn off; far from it. Not only the journey, but the destination as well, held quite a wonder to her. The realm in which Infernal University lay was a kaleidoscopic dream. Weird and wonderful landscapes stretched undisturbed endlessly in all directions. 

Xyleris was very much enjoying her surroundings. Especially so the wide variety of people she got to meet, all from so many places, and of so many races and creeds. Hell, there were even a few prominent humans in attendance, much to her surprise. Admittedly it was a little odd to meet someone whose entire lifespan she had already outlived.

As a succubus, she had already lived for more than 150 years. To her though the time didn’t feel that long. She felt just as much trepidation about attending University as anybody else there did. Among her own kind she was considered young, just as those around her would be among theirs… yet she couldn’t deny feeling a certain wisened difference. The sheer body of knowledge she had brought with her set her something apart. 

Of course, she wouldn’t have been attending University if she already had all the knowledge she needed. Rather it was perhaps the products of a life comparatively long-lived. The learned differences made themselves known. She couldn’t help holding herself with a bit more confidence than her more-mortal peers. 

Though that outward confidence belied a rather more personal lack thereof, one which she kept hidden as best she could, from others and even other succubi. Her strength disguised a weakness. As a result she felt all at once well prepared for University life, and yet at the same time she fretted. Something was just… missing. 

It was no big secret to her, of course, although only when alone could she admit it to herself. Despite being a succubus, she wasn’t just a virgin, but totally inexperienced in sex. Not a touch, not even a kiss. Yet she was now surrounded on all sides by classmates of increasing attractiveness and sexual experience. As a result, especially when seated beside them in small classes, or worse packed in amongst them on the school’s ageing darkwood benches in lecture halls, her sexual fixations only grew ever more frenetic. 

Indeed it was only made worse by her succubi instincts. Even if it hadn’t been obvious from the smug, satisfied smiles on the faces of her fellow students as they exited each others’ dorm rooms, she could practically smell the sex on them. It hadn’t taken her long after arrival to realise how bordello-like the student accommodation had become. The students around her were fucking like, well, demons. 

The University had no shortage of sexually promiscuous students either, infernal in nature or otherwise. Indeed, ever since she’d arrived she’d been bombarded on all sides by their erotic auras. 

There was only one, however, who occupied the majority of Xyleris’ thoughts - even to the exclusion of her studies as of late. From the moment she had laid eyes on Elise, the Vampiress, it was hard to deny to herself she had been quite taken by her. Elise was similarly an infernal creature, yet in 150 years Xyleris had never been quite so fascinated by another. 

The vampiress had the appearance of a mature student, around 25, yet as a vampire she may have been much older. As it later transpired, 200 years old - decades older than Xyleris. Her fit, toned body was curvy in all the right places, and a bubbly butt blossomed out just enough under her dark clothes to be visible. Black hair, black nails, shockingly pale, and she was always so quiet. Her eyes, though, were practically hypnotic. In the day it was hard to tell, but when it was darker in the evenings those red eyes of hers had a faint glow that sent chills down Xyleris’ spine… and elsewhere. 

However, her fascination regarded one part of Elise in particular. Xyleris was practically unaware of sex prior to her arrival, as odd as that seemed to others. She simply wasn’t a typical succubus, having spent far more time in libraries than bawdyhouses. She’d explored herself sexually before, of course, who wouldn’t by that age, but she’d never even thought about sex with another - let alone romance. Sex didn’t appeal to her quite the way it did others of her kind. 

Or at least it hadn’t until she met the vampiress for the first time. Having never really explored her own sexuality, Xyleris hadn’t realised until she’d been around Elise, relaxing barefoot by a fountain, gently swaying her sole in the beaming midday sun, that she wasn’t only cripplingly attracted to the girl - but also her feet. Indeed, before Xyleris had found an excuse to leave, she had been glaring at Elise’s feet out of the corner of her eye. Her heart was pounding as her brow sweated. She smiled, but behind that smile was anxiety the likes of which she’d never known. Was this how others felt about sex? This all encompassing obsession? However did anyone ever get anything done? 

As she’d left though, she could have sworn she’d seen the vampiress catch her eye… and smile.

After a few weeks at Infernal University, seeing Elise more and more often as classes wore on, Xyleris was well used to by now hurrying back to her dorm room between lectures to feverishly masturbate, mind clouded by visions of Elise and her pretty peds. Her womb tattoo had come in a few decades earlier, but only now was it beginning to practically glow with heat. She’d masturbated countless times before, yet now it was so different. Rather than something she’d enjoyed at her leisure, building up to it when she felt like it, now her libido was practically out of control. It was a necessity rather than a luxury. Indeed she had to jerk off constantly now simply to keep her head straight. 

Her dorm mate was rarely around, which was lucky for her. She and Rachea, a fellow succubus, had been best friends for quite some time, and had been delighted when they had found out they would be attending Infernal University together. However given her recent self-discovery Xyleris was glad to have their shared space mostly to herself. 

As a fellow succubus, her dorm mate Rachea was prone to late night wanderings - though as a far more typical specimen of their kind, Xyleris had no delusions as to what her fellow succubus was getting up to while she wandered. Xyleris rarely saw Rachea outside of the few classes they shared, or when Rachea came back late in the evening practically thrumming with post-coital bliss. As such, however, Xyleris was usually free to jerk her modest, cute, four-inch cock to exertion in what gaps she could find in her busy schedule.  

That said, when Rachea had come back to their dorm the night of the first day Xyleris had met Elise, it had practically ebbed with the sexual energy Xyleris had embedded in its walls. Despite her best efforts to clean up after herself, the other succubus had been grinning broadly. 

“Finally coming out of your shell, are we?” She’d asked none-too-subtly, yet Xyleris had hardly been fraternising with the fraternities as Rachea had since they’d arrived. 

It was quite irksome to her that so many expected her to be a stereotypically sexually ravenous monster; which in fairness most succubi were, but that didn’t apply to her… at least not until recently. While not exactly an introvert, she was far from wandering the halls and looking to tug the next available warm body (or even cold) into a closet for a blistering fuck-session like Rachea was. When Xyleris was out walking she wanted to be in the wilds, exploring the forests around the University grounds. 

Connecting with nature had held far more appeal to her than connecting pelvises with her classmates. Until she had met Elise. Now that thought was, admittedly, far more appealing.

Even so, Xyleris was here to study first and foremost. She had never exactly been a bookworm; studying and homework were hardly her forte. Indeed she more often spent much more time invested in the video games console she had brought with her. Yet she was determined to make the most of her time here, romance be damned. 

It had occurred to her before she left for Infernal University that possibly, just maybe, there might be romantic options in her future - but that had been a distant consideration until now. As such, it was a growing issue for her that she could barely concentrate in the vampiress’ presence. Indeed, she’d already missed more than one class, having to fuck herself silly on her bed just to clear her head for a class she would no longer be attending. 

Even by the standards of her race and given how relatively young she was by comparison, it was more than a little unorthodox to still be a virgin after 150 years. It was the source of no small amount of ridicule from her peers. Rachea, at least, did so in a congenial way. They had been best friends for as long as she could remember. Yet even so, she was constantly aware of herself, that it set her apart from her fellow succubi. 

Perhaps that was why this sudden revelation and fixation to herself had left her so… well, fixated.

It didn't help that she seemed to share almost every class with Elise. Unsurprising, given they were both doing the same degree, yet it meant that after her first week Xyleris was practically unable to avoid the girl, all the while being unable to meet the vampiress’ eye. Yet that only meant her eyes roamed her fairly stunning body instead. 

As a succubus of course Xyleris was well used to seeing the female form, and quite tremendous examples of it at that. Yet somehow Elise simply stood out from anything she had seen before, and it made every class with her almost an exercise in futility. Xyleris would spend the majority of her time either furtively glancing at the vampiress or otherwise daydreaming about her - and more than once she could have sworn that the vampiress was looking back. 

Today had been just such a fruitless day. In fact, Xyleris was almost sure Elise had gone out of her way to sit directly in front of her, where every breath she took was filled with the sweet, heady scents the vampiress evidently used when she bathed. Xyleris was glad to have a short window to head back to her dorm and take a well earned ‘break’, or rather to work off some pent up frustration. 

Or rather she would have, had their dorm’s door not been open and boxes piled outside. 

Xyleris leaned around the door uncertainly, only to see her dorm mate Racha packing her things. The succubus’ grey-toned tail swayed behind her in curiosity as she stalked into the room. 

“Everything okay, Rachea?” She asked, yet the bottom had fallen out of her stomach as she suspected the news. 

Rachea smiled, a little sadly, over the top of a box as she placed it by the door. 

“I’m afraid I only just got the news. I would have told you last night when I got back from fucking that absolute beast of a guy, you know the one with the…” Rachea brushed her hair aside, momentarily lost in lust-filled recollection. “Uh, anyway… I have to move back in with my parents. They need me at home.”

Xyleris’ chest fell; she was crestfallen. 

“Will you be coming back?”

“I’ll still be attending class. Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you, my parents just need me to be there. Family emergency.”

Xyleris sank into her friend’s shoulder and squeezed her tight. 

“Don’t worry about me Rachea, I’m sorry. I just hope you’re okay.”

“Awww, it’s fine. I’ve loved being roommates with you for these last few days, but I can’t pretend I won’t enjoy having my own room back. Maybe we can move in somewhere together when things are better back home?”

“I’d like that.” Xyleris grinned, squeezing her friend’s shoulders again. “So I guess I have my own dorm room? Lucky me.”

“Oh, no, I forgot to say. The university can’t leave a room half empty, someone’s going to take my place. They’ve been looking for accommodation all this time, ever since the year started.”

“Someone… else?” Xyleris asked cautiously.

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be fair to have an empty bed when someone needs it. Although that reminds me. Regarding your ‘private time’, they might be a little less… hmmm, understanding than I?” Rachea bit her tongue between her teeth cheekily. “Your new dorm mate might want to use this room sometimes. You may need to find somewhere else to… study.

She giggled as she dodged a playful shove. 

“So I’ll be living with a stranger now?” Xyleris bit her lower lip. 

Not only was her best friend moving out, but someone she’d never met would be taking her place. The implications were beginning to make themselves clear. 

“It’ll be good for you to meet new people.” Rachea reassured her, massaging her shoulder. “But this girl’s not exactly a stranger. You know her actually. She’s on the same course as you. It’s that vampire, uh, vampire-ess I mean. What’s her name?”

The entire world around her seemed to darken as Xyleris processed Rachea’s words. 


The question was almost unheard, as Xyleris voice was barely more than a squeak. 

“Yes?” Came a cool toned voice from just behind her. 

That by contrast got a yelp from the poor succubus. 

Standing in the door was the creature who had haunted Xyleris’ every frenetic fantasy for weeks. Her lithe form seemed almost poured into the jet black gothic ensemble she always favoured. What skin she showed was pale, creamy, faintly blue. Toned calves fed into her petite, slim, yet robust body. Every curve, every nook of her body seemed utterly sublime. 

Xyleris only realised she was staring, openly, when Rachea patted her on the shoulder from behind and made the poor girl jump. 

“Elise! That’s it. Sorry this is so last minute, but I’m glad you found a place to stay!”

Elise smiled. She wasn’t looking at Rachea. Her eyes were fixed squarely on Xyleris. 

“Mmm. Yes. I’m glad I found it too.”

At last, she turned her head ever so slightly to face Rachea, who was leaning casually on her friend’s shoulder. 

“It’s much closer to campus. Very… convenient.”

“Mmmm, yes, isn’t it just.” Rachea beamed, placing her last box on a pile. 

With a snap of her fingers, the boxes disappeared into the floor in a puff of blue fire.

“Do you need a hand with your things?” 

The vampiress just smiled sweetly, unmoving, as an old wooden chest appeared from behind her and - floating silently - came to rest by her feet. 

“Cool. Vampire magic.” Rachea observed, before handing Elise her key. “Xyleris is a little bit sheltered for a succubus, but I think this will be good for her. Do take care of her, won’t you?”

Rachea dropped the key into her hands as she walked out the door, waving to Xyleris with Elise's smile broadened ever so slightly. 

“Oh, I intend to.”


Elise was a model roommate. In every possible way, any other student would have found her a dream come true to be sharing a room with. 

As it happened, Xyleris was the sole exception. 

Xyleris was doing her best to disguise her total hormonal turmoil, yet deep down she worried she might be overcompensating. Maybe she was being overly-sociable to disguise her true feelings. It was maddening - Xyleris had never felt like this. She’d had crushes before, but never had she felt such total absorption, total obsession with another. 

Now Xyleris was in a dorm with her, and Elise had gone from a distant object of admiration to an unavoidably close companion. Although, the vampiress hadn’t really opened up that much yet. Ironic, given she was less than twelve feet from Xyleris most of the time. Not that she didn’t like Elise. Indeed, Xyleris was rapidly discovering that beneath her mind-consuming lust, there was… more. 

Not just lust… but love; not the kind born of lust-filled fantasies. Something about her meant everything she did caught Xyleris’ attention. She moved so elegantly that her every action seemed as graceful as that of a professional dancer, muscles taut and honed to perfection. Perhaps on some level it was the fact that the slim but stunning girl remained elusive, somehow out of her reach emotionally despite being so close. Whatever it was, it was just driving her wild. 

Xyleris had had only had one outlet until now. She would have been using it, jerking her modest little cock to the point of extremis, had her dorm mate Elise not always seemed to find an excuse to be there precisely when she needed the room to herself. That, or she would always happen to come back at just the wrong moment. More than once the succubus had had to feign illness, or pretend to be asleep, hiding under the covers of her bed as her turgid cock throbbed all the harder now that Elise was there, absolutely demanding attention she could no longer give it. Each time Elise had seemed unaware… yet Xyleris could swear the girl always sported a little smile when she was interrupting the succubi’s private time. 

As a result, Xyleris hadn’t had an orgasm in three days. 

She told herself it wasn’t on purpose; it couldn’t have been, right? After all, their schedules were so similar seeing as they were doing the same degree, of course they would be around each other. Yet even so, after several days of being unable to masturbate at all, the succubus was at her breaking point. It was getting difficult to walk, let alone focus, and it wasn’t like her mind would have been clear even had she been able to jerk off. Hell, thus far it had only seemed to make things worse. Indeed she had begun to think of only Elise and nothing else when she touched herself. 

Their shared dorm was a nightmare for Xyleris. It was full of Elise’s things. She could smell the girl’s scent on the air even on the rare occasions when she had their dorm to herself for a few minutes, so she could never truly escape her tantalising presence. Sharing a room now as they did, the succubus exposure to Elise had flipped. Instead of seeing her during class and fantasising erstwhile, she now spent most of her time in the same room with her, and only during class did she get any time to herself - albeit far from private. 

Elise was certainly genial. Cordial, if reserved. Yet Xyleris could sense that there was more there, something held back. That is, in what free time she had between ogling the vampiress’ body. Every second in her presence was a mix of bliss and torment for the succubus. 

Eventually it had simply become too much. By the middle of the third night since Elise had moved in, Xyleris had reached her breaking point. Her cock simply demanded attention and she could hold back no more. Hell, even given its modest size, it was throbbing and aching with such ferocity that it was tenting out her bedsheets and gently grazing the fine material across her rock hard nipples each time her cock rose and fell with every sweaty, beaded breath. 

Squeaking in shock at just how incredible it felt after days of constant torment and denial, Xyleris guiltily encircled her fingers around her cock, reflexively bucking her hips into her own grip at the sheer catharsis of finally doing so. All the while her eyes were fixed on Elise, looking for any sign of movement, of arousing her… 

However, all that did was arouse Xyleris in the worst way. 

Chewing hew lip, Xyleris began to frantically fuck her fist, desperate to squirt out the days worth of frustration she had been building up. Going from masturbating five or more times a day to the stunning girl lying inches away, to being trapped in a room with her unable to do anything about it, had been utterly unbearable. 

Forcing her pillow over her mouth, Xyleris reluctantly muffled her groans, and the tell-tale frenetic shake of her hips was the only sign of anything untowards - though if the lights had been on, anybody would have been able to tell what she was doing. 

It was difficult to stay quiet, though. It had never felt like this before. Masturbation had never felt so… thrilling. So wild. She had never felt so alive. Xyleris was having to force down groans of agonised pleasure as she humped her now heavily pre-cum slickened fingers. The wet slap of her pelvis against the tight ring of her fingers sounded deafening to the succubus mortally afraid of waking the girl lying just a short distance away. The very girl who had swiftly become the idol of her every fantasy. 

The vampiress sighed, and Xyleris froze, despite every instinct in her body screaming at her to keep fucking her hand no matter what. Then it happened. The covers slipped… and Elise’s pale, delicate feet appeared from underneath, poking out to hang over the edge of the mattress - and directly in Xyleris eyeline. 

Seconds ticked by as disbelief set in, before she simply lost all control. Soon she was just a beast, rutting into her hand with wild abandon, any pretence of restraint dissolving. In mere seconds, she was spurting rope after rope of cum into the underside of her sheets until they clung to her thighs. 

Xyleris shivered and twitched, grateful at least that her orgasm had been so powerful that it had almost entirely silenced her cries. It was almost ten seconds before her chest settled and was able to take a deep, shuddering breath… 

For a while she just lay there, her cock and body both gently shuddering and twitching as she slowly rode down upon the waves of her orgasm as her hammering heart slowed to a not-quite-normal rhythm. 

Yet when her gaze drifted up, she saw that Elise was smiling broadly. 

Was she… awake?

Her heart skipped one beat, then another. Xyleris was too afraid to breathe even as her cum-coated fingers held her demure member, twitching in fright.

Silently as she could, Xyleris gasped for air as she tried to stifle herself, eyes fixed on Elise for any sign she had been woken by her frantic masturbation… yet aside from the vampiress’ smile, there was no outward sign she had noticed her roommate’s feverish jerk-off session just a few feet from her.

Slowly her breathing returned to normal, as she crept to the bathroom to clean herself up. Well, not quite back to normal. After all, she could never quite calm down fully around Elise.


Elise merely sighed in satisfaction - feigning sleep. She kept her eyes shut so their faint red glow wouldn’t give her wakeful amusement away. Even if she hadn’t been a vampire, she doubted even a non-magical human would have been able to miss the utter erotic eruption which had just occurred in the bed across from hers. Even so, the sheer sexual energy radiating within their room was like a roaring fireplace. The soles of her feet had practically basked in the heat radiating from Xyleris’ body before the girl crept away to wash herself. 

It had been obvious from the first moment she caught the succubus staring that she was infatuated with her. Again, even without heightened senses it would have been obvious. She had had no shortage of attention from others at the University of course. Indeed that first time she’d met Xyleris she had been practically fending off suitors as she sat by the fountain. One or two had been charming in their own way, but none had been quite what she was looking for.

By contrast, so far Xyleris was everything she had ever wanted and more.

The girl’s pink hair and gentle curves, slight body and timid behaviour had set her predatory instincts alight from the moment she’d caught the girl staring. She was so unlike most succubi; flat chested but curvy in all the right places. The cute nubs of horns she sported were just adorable, too. Her body was lovely, and the clothing she wore - so modest by succubus standards - was of still further intrigue. Xyleris’ timid behaviour was also unlike other succubi she’d met, certainly unlike those who had none-too-subtly approached her up until then. Indeed, in two centuries of un-life Elise had never met a succubus quite like her.

Perhaps that was why she was so interested in the girl in turn. She was… a curious specimen.

Elise was more than curious, she admitted to herself. She had begun to wonder if she would be able to find any companionship at Infernal University. Now she couldn’t believe her luck. It hadn’t taken long to figure out which buttons to push, but that night had merely confirmed it. Soon she’d have the girl wrapped around her finger… or maybe a toe. Elise bit the inside of her lip not to smile at her own joke, hoping to spare the succubus some embarrassment… at least for now.

As Xyleris tried her best to move to the bathroom and tidy herself up, sodden bed sheets rolled up under her arm, Elise was content to simply pretend to sleep, barely cracking one eyelid to watch the succubus’ cute butt sway as she moved away. Elise licked her lip slightly. 

Yes… Elise was more than just a little curious. 


When she awoke the next morning Xyleris had been tentative at first. She’d been walking on eggshells, convinced at any moment Elise was going to clear her throat and tell her she wanted to talk about the night before.

No… she must have been asleep throughout it, Xyleris assured herself. Surely the girl would have said something by now if she knew, right?

Xyleris knew she hadn’t exactly been paying much attention to how much noise she’d made towards the end, though, or even to whether Elise had heard her. No, her fixation had been rather squarely focused on those feet so finely displayed for her - almost deliberately. 

She bit back the thought, a pang of guilt washing through her as she once again realised she had been vigorously masturbating to her dorm-mate without her knowledge. She likely had no idea how Xyleris felt. The vampiress Xyleris had come to fantasise about constantly was no doubt blissfully unaware that just a few feet from her at any time was someone who would love nothing more than to fall to her knees and confess her unbridled adoration for Elise.

As her mind wandered to thoughts of Elise naked, her cock throbbed and ached beneath her skirt, swiftly tenting it. She tugged idly at the hem, trying to bring it down a little lower as if that would somehow disguise her otherwise prominent arousal.

Those images were soon shattered by reality, however, as the vampiress opened the bathroom door, unveiling herself in a cloud of steam; revealing herself to be totally naked save for a skimpy towel round her waist. Xyleris choked on her food as her dorm mate casually strolled into the room, gently stretching her arms behind her back as she went to her bed to dry her hair. 

Xyleris’ cock made a gentle thud as its meagre mass impacted the underside of the table they ate breakfast at, barely audible, yet sounding like a hammer blow in Xyleris’ ears. When she heard another thud, then another, she realised that sound was her heart beating in her ears.

Elise’s eyes flashed for a moment, as if she could hear her blood flowing… which, being a vampire, she likely could. Yet the vampiress gave no indication of anything amiss. Indeed, she seemed for all the world oblivious to the fact she was half naked, even as her room mate was on the verge of painting the underside of the table white from the sight of her alone. 

“Did you study the next chapter last night?” Elise asked politely as she ran her silky black hair through a towel. 

“Uh…” Was all Xyleris could manage.

She watched in utter rapt fascination as the vampiress gracefully moved the towel slowly across her toned body, tracing every contour delicately as if trying to show it off more than dry herself. Xyleris’ lips hung open as she watched each bead of water trail down her body, across her stomach, or down her arms to curl under her armpits as she held her arm up. 

Being so distracted she didn’t notice the tiny, coy smile Elise was sporting before turning her back to her, ensuring the succubus got a tasteful view of her ass. As the towel slowly slid down, it revealed a little more of her butt at a time, until - practically drooling - Xyleris could only gawk in awe at the body on display just before her. She dropped her spoon and didn’t even notice as it slowly sank into her food. As Elise’s hair hung over her face, droplets cascaded down over her breasts, and Xyleris stopped breathing for a moment at the sight. 

Elise dropped the towel to her chest, smiling as she deliberately fixed her glowing red eyes on her roommate, and Xyleris suddenly became extremely interested in fishing her spoon out of her bowl. 

Her smile broadened. 

“The chapter on conjuration?” Elise offered helpfully, stalking silently over to the chest she had moved in with. 

“Oh… uh… no…” Xyleris trailed off. 

Her gaze was naturally drawn to her roommate’s slender legs and firm thighs as the vampiress bent over. Now the towel which had been slipping before was rising higher and higher, and in turn causing the succubus’ own thighs to clench. Elise was fishing inside her chest for something, and despite deliberately delaying the process, she did grasp it at last, halting the towel’s ominous upwards progress just short of making Xyleris faint. 

Yet Elise couldn’t help but bite her lip as a delicious idea occurred to her. As she bent over to retrieve whatever it was she’d been looking for, she tucked one leg back and lifted her foot into the air so that her reddened, shiny sole was on full display. 

Coughing furiously as she struggled to cover up a libidinous rush as memories of the night came flooding back to her, Xyleris got up from her chair to turn and begin to make her bed. She hoped to disguise her now staggering arousal, yet it was utterly transparent. 

Elise seemed unfazed, taking her time to achingly slowly dry herself, ensuring every time Xyleris looked back there was some new more breathtakingly erotic sight for her to see. 

Xyleris cursed herself. Surely the girl wasn’t trying to be erotic, right? Elise was her room mate. This was her room too. Of course she would be naked around her sometimes. Hell, Rachea had practically never worn clothes unless she was required to. That had never been an issue, though. She hadn’t been hopelessly infatuated with her friend. 

Swallowing hard, Xyleris turned round to discover that mercifully, or perhaps regretfully, Elise had begun to clothe herself at last. She was mostly done, yet Xy was breathless to see the vampiress sat upon her bed and slowly, ever so slowly, pulled a pair of jet black socks up to clad her feet. As she was tugging them well up her calves the material was so soft and silky, and Elise’s own feet so smooth, that they slid on effortlessly.

Xyleris’ eyes didn’t leave those feet for a second. The vampiress at last wiggled her socked toes in the air triumphantly, appearing unaware of the effect it was having on her erstwhile roommate. 

“You really should try to keep up with your studies.” Elise spoke softly, tongue curled behind her teeth with glee. “I do hope you’re not getting too… distracted.”

The question sounded innocent enough, but it formed a lump in Xyleris’ throat. 

“Uh, well… it’s just nerves, I guess.” She answered, evasively. 

The vampiress flashed her fangs for a moment in a polite grin. 

“I’d be more than happy to help with your studies, and with whatever it is that’s… distracting you?” 

Elise crossed her legs, bringing one socked foot up into the air and twirling it back and forth, side to side, as if inspecting the job she’d done of clothing herself. It took all of Xyleris’ willpower not to follow it like a hypnotist’s watch. 

“Th… thanks. That means a lot.” Xyleris groaned internally, knowing how dearly she would love for Elise to help her with what was really distracting her. 

“No problem, Xyleris… hmm, though I do think that is a bit of a mouthful…”

Sitting down at the table as she spoke that last word, Elise dipped her finger into her bowl. As Xyleris watched on with lips pursed in arousal, she brought a thick, creamy lump of her porridge up to her lips and slowly, gently, pushed her finger between them, leaving white rivulets dripping down her chin. 

“W-what do you mean?” Xyleris asked dimly, entranced. 

“Xyleris.” She swallowed, before moaning in relish, making the poor succubus practically squirm with sexual friction. “Your name. Zaiii - Layer - Esss. We’re going to be getting to know each other very well in the coming years. I think a… pet name is in order.”

Nodding as the vampiress spoke so casually, yet authoritatively, Xyleris was still rewatching watching the vampiress push her creamy finger between her dainty lips on repeat in her mind. That image would be making quite a few comebacks in her nightly masturbations to come, no doubt. 

Only after she ran the girl’s words back through her head a few times did she realise what she’d missed. 

“Pet name?” She asked, unsure just what Elise had meant by her choice in words. 

Elise however had long since pressed on. 

“How about… Exie? No, too crass… Xy? Mmm, I think it suits you - Xy.”

Nodding meekly, unable to find the words nor will to refuse; instead Xyleris just stared into Elise’s beautiful red eyes. Hell, she knew vampires were capable of hypnotising others to be their thralls, but Elise didn’t have to bother. Xyleris was already utterly enchanted with her, perfectly willing to do whatever the vampire said as her cock throbbed traitorously below. 

“Thanks…” Xy spoke breathily, biting her lip as the vampiress licked her finger clean of another thick load. 

“Oh, my, look at the time.” Elise said at last, letting the rest of the porridge on her finger drop down to her breasts, pooling in her cleavage. “We simply must get going if we’re going to catch Professor Alamar’s lecture!”

The succubus could practically feel her cock beating against her abdomen at the sight. Yet now she had absolutely no way to relieve herself, and swore under her breath. Elise, however, seemed perfectly delighted with the morning’s events as she scooped the last of the porridge from her breast to suck her finger clean. 

“Let’s walk together, shall we?” Elise offered, yet it sounded far more like a command, and made for the door. 

She took Xyleris’ hand and grinned, and the moment the girl looked away, licked her lips. 

Xyleris swiftly tucked her now raging erection into the waistband of her skirt, hoping against hope that her shirt would hang low enough to cover the head of it poking through.

Had Elise meant what Xy thought by a pet name? Surely not, she hissed to herself. That didn’t stop her cock from loving every moment of it, though. Indeed as they walked, every step made her sensitive cock twitch from the vibrations. It didn’t help that Elise was walking directly ahead of her, butt sashaying gently with each agile step.

“Oh I know, we should sit together. I can show you my notes before the lecture if you like!” 

Xy knew she would be doing very little learning. 


Mind-bending attraction aside, Xyleris couldn’t deny there was much more than just burgeoning love at play. Elise was such a wonderful person - she was quickly becoming a great friend too. After all, with Rachea absent so often now she was now the friend Xyleris spent the most of her time with. 

It was hard for Xyleris to square away her conflicting emotions. Love. Lust. Friendship. They each swirled in her mind until they coalesced each time into a morass of pure fascination. Of course said fascination only had one outlet - and Xyleris hadn’t had a chance to utilise it in some time now. That only made everything so much more… intense. 

While her fascination was perhaps more physical, it was hardly one-sided. Indeed, as time wore on Elise was certainly growing more… comfortable around her. She showered at least once a day, much to Xyleris’ simultaneous delight and dismay, and each time went through the agonisingly slow process to dry herself in front of her roommate which left Xyleris practically watering at the mouth. 

Elise was perhaps more aloof, but couldn’t deny a growing obsession of her own with the young succubus attached to her at the hip.

Lust played much of a role, of course, but it was much more than that. Elise wasn’t just sexy, she seemed to embody the very ideal of sex to Xyleris. Everything Elise did seemed to accentuate some part of her body. When she read she laid flat out, feet raised in the air, or on her back with her toned tummy exposed. Whenever she reached for something, which always seemed to be on the highest shelves, she would raise her feet and show off her soles, standing on tiptoes for far longer than should have been needed. 

Every morning and evening the vampiress went through extensive yoga stretches, her alarming flexibility becoming immediately apparent as she went through increasingly more erotic poses. Each seemed more deliberately than the last to cast some part of her body directly into Xyleris’ view. Her toned ass would catch the sun, her smooth armpits and lithe sides made Xyleris’ head spin, but of course above all else she seemed to have an endless repertoire of poses which resulted in her soft feet being on full display in some way or another. 

Hell, if she didn’t know better, Xy could have sworn Elise was doing it on purpose. She couldn’t have been, though… could she?

The result was the same regardless. Xyleris thought at one point she might have a full nervous breakdown. She was so pent up that Elise’s feet were all she saw when she closed her eyes, and her dreams were simply madness, herself wandering adrift in a sea of soles. Her libido, until now so unexplored, was simply becoming too much for her. 

One evening she writhed in bed having been unable to relieve herself in two days, sweat dripping down her, all while unconvincingly stammering to Elise that it was just a fever. 

Yet Elise, ever helpful and smiling all the while, had fetched a cooling, soothing balm, and rather than allowing Xyleris to apply it herself had insisted on doing it for her. 

Soon her heated writhing had turned to subtle yet far more meaningful squirms as the vampiress’ expert touch worked the cooling liquid across her body. She started with the forehead, collar, and neck… but had soon worked her way down the succubus’ body under the pretence of medical necessity. 

Elise was massaging it into her stomach, working her hands lower, and lower. Yet soon she was but an inch from discovering the modest but thriving erection scarcely hidden below, and so Xyleris had had to jump from bed and similarly insistently make her way for a cool shower. 

Her faux-concern masked her wry grin. Stalking closer and listening silently at the door, she soon heard the frantic lotioned slap of fingers on skin as Xyleris stroked herself silly. For her part, she was hardly free from arousal either. Indeed she was amazed that Xyleris hadn’t noticed it herself, given succubi were so attuned to the arousal of others. Perhaps, the vampiress noted, the combination of lust and friendship… and maybe love… was just too much for the poor girl to process. She had seemed oblivious to the arousal inches from her due to the inches of arousal she was sporting herself before she ran to the bathroom. 

It was hard to tell. Her emotions were awash, mixing together with Elise’s own. Perhaps Elise could help her… sort them out. She did have a knack for putting someone’s mind in order, she giggled to herself, relenting at last as she . 

The vampiress’ own heart fluttered at the thought, and her fingers crept down between her own thighs, soon taking up an identical rhythm to the wet slaps echoing against the bathroom door. For a moment, her fangs pressed down into her lip as she bit down in pleasure, curling her fingers beneath herself as she laid back against the door and was at last able to savour the frenzy she had worked the poor succubus into. She felt a little guilty for keeping the poor girl guessing, but from the sounds of it she was enjoying herself greatly as the steaming water hardly covered the guttural throaty groans of Xyleris fucking her hand to exertion. 

Indeed, those needy moans were now echoing her own stifled, breathy ones as she pinched her clit between her fingers to grind against them as she rode her own digits. Elise gripped her own thigh, squeezing it tightly as she brought her knees up to her chest, savouring the cathartic sensation as she bit her lip again. 

Idly, she stretched her toes, before curling her feet beneath her. There certainly was something cute about Xy’s fascination with them. It certainly did no harm to her ego, she thought, stifling a moan of her own by biting down on her finger.  

As the succubus’ groans approached a rising crescendo, Elise too found herself quickly reaching her own peak - far swifter than she usually would have. Perhaps it was simply the sheer sexual frisson at play or… maybe Elise had stronger feelings for the girl than she’d thought. 

Keeping pace with Xy in such illicit circumstances, covertly for now, was certainly doing more for Elise’s libido than she had anticipated. It seems that making the girl so absurdly aroused and flustered had done more than the same for herself. 

Only when the cries of the succubus turned to whimpers, followed by choked groans of utter elation, did Elise allow herself to similarly abandon reason. Her legs swung in fitful arcs across the floor as her nails dragged down the bathroom door which separated them for now. 

Panting softly, a little giddy at the taboo of it all, Elise collected herself. She straightened out her black attire and made an effort to dry her now sodden thighs. As she did so, she listened to the succubus cleansing herself in a now necessary conclusion to the facade of a shower she had sought to begin with. 

Suddenly Elise was struck with a delightfully devilish idea. Falling back on her bed, she tossed her socks aside, and waited like a predator for her prey to emerge. When at long last Xyleris - rather sheepishly - exited the bathroom, she was reclothed and towelling her hair, hoping Elise hadn’t heard the barely-contained frantic masturbation session over the sound of the shower running. Yet the sight which met her stopped her in her tracks. 

Elise had one foot held aloft and was massaging it, running her thumbs up and down her arch and groaning softly. The vampiress barely managed to hold in a laugh at the look on Xy’s face. 

“Feeling any better?” She asked, innocently. “A shower does do wonders when you’re feeling ill. I’d love one myself but my feet are so sore from walking all over campus today…”

Xyleris’ eyes were utterly hooked to the thumbs pressing into her soft soles, gliding across them. 

“Uh huh…” she nodded, mumbling. 

“Maybe I should ask you to give me a foot massage, hmmm?” The vampiress asked sweetly, holding out her foot and wiggling her toes invitingly. 

Xyleris merely stepped back into the cloud of steam behind her and closed the door, before the sound of running water could soon be heard once again. Elise cackled into her pillow, trying to stifle her laughter. She didn’t want the succubus to think she was being cruel… Well, at least not out of malice. It was just too much fun to tease her, especially when the girl wasn’t sure if it was deliberate. 

Poor thing… now Elise was sure of it, though. Despite how it seemed, it was far from just lust guiding her foot-fascinated fey roommate. That girl was utterly besotted with her… and Elise was starting to realise she felt the same way. 

Tomorrow she’d make the girl’s dreams come true. 


Xyleris had her nose buried in a book. It was a choice between frantic masturbation or equally frantic studying in the brief windows where Elise wasn’t around; those short bursts when she could have their dorm to herself. She didn’t want to be ungrateful. Elise had been extremely helpful, sharing her notes and helping Xy catch up on whatever she missed class when she was ‘sick’. 

Of course Elise was well aware of the cause of her supposed illness. 

As usual Xyleris found herself struggling to focus. She could try to relieve herself, but there was no way to know when Elise would be back, and it was torture to have to stop when she was always so close to finally cumming. Somehow… somehow Elise always seemed to walk in at just the worst possible time. 

Thus she had to get in as much studying as she could before… well, before just being in the girl’s presence would be enough to leave the succubus a shivering and hormonal mess. 

Groaning in exasperation, Xyleris dropped the book onto her chest as she fell back on her bed. It was hopeless. Indeed, it was becoming increasingly apparent that the longer she was in Elise’s company, the less progress she was going to make. Even with the vampiress’ tutoring help - help which sadly only seemed to make her other problem worse - she was just not able to take in all the information that a first year student was expected to. Not when all she could think about was Elise. Elise and her stunning body. Long, lithe legs… and…

Slowly her hand drifted down her stomach, trailing gently across it just as she had imagined Elise doing countless times before and as she imagined her doing now. The vampiress would lean across her, breathing into her neck, slowly reaching down to her modest cock… or maybe she’d sit by her side and let her feet trail up and down her thighs, getting closer and closer…

Biting her lip, Xyleris knew she should be trying to study, but her shoulders sank in defeat. She wasn’t getting anything done either way. At least if she jerked off she’d be able to relax for a while, and perhaps be able to function a little more normally when Elise got back. 

Huffing in resignation, she fished her hand into her panties and encircled her cock in the well-practised grip which she had as of lately become so expert at. It didn’t take long for her pace to become frantic, her hand a blur beneath the sheets, swiftly staining them with her excitement. Yet just as she felt her rapidly approaching release soon arriving, she heard the telltale click of a key in their door and - with practised dismay - withdrew her hand from under the sheets.

How? How did Elise always come back at the worst possible time? She wanted to weep, but managed to keep both her tears and something less savoury in check. Lifting up her book to disguise her face and the sweat streaking down it, she tried her best to look casual without looking like she was trying to look casual. 

“Hey, it’s me!” Elise announced. 

“Hi.” Xyleris mumbled, sounding decidedly non-casual. 

“That lecture always seems to take forever.” Elise lamented, but grinned knowingly. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Oh… uh, no. Just… studying.” She chewed on her words as she chewed her lip in frustration. 

“So you’re not busy.” Elise announced with some finality as she grew closer. “Good.”

Xyleris waited a few moments, wondering what Elise was up to but not wanting to lower the book she was hiding behind. Then a black, shiny digit crept over the top of the page and hooked the top of the binding before tugging it down, revealing her face. Elise was standing beside her, one foot outstretched and holding Xy’s book flat so she could see her face. 

Speechless, Xyleris could only stare open-mouthed up and along the black-stockinged leg which led to Elise’s toned thighs, firm ass, tight hips… and up to her smirking grin. 

“Isn’t it hard to read upside down?” Elise asked, giggling a little behind her hand. 

Xy however was rooted to the spot, unable to even process what was going on. Yet as her gaze drifted back down, she dimly realised that her book - now pinned under Elise’s shiny foot - was in fact upside down. She must have flipped it in the hurry to use it as a shield - one which Elise had so effortlessly disarmed her of. 

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something…” 

Elise gently ran her smooth sole down Xyleris’ body through she sheets, making the girl shiver. 

“How would you like to go out with me to the University Cafe?”

Her innocent words clashed so dramatically with her unsavoury demeanour that Xyleris couldn’t discern quite what she meant. Go out? Did she mean like… a date?

“I think we should get to know each other better. More… intimately.” Elise said, finishing her thought for her as if she’d read her mind. 

Quivering breathlessly, the succubus felt her cock practically screaming for attention, but she was utterly paralysed to do anything about it. Frozen. A mix of fear, shock, and a dozen other emotions she couldn’t name had left her practically a statue. Indeed, as Elise’s foot trailed down her thigh, one part of her in particular was hard as rock. 

“B-but-” was all Xyleris managed. 

“It’ll be fun.” Elise cooed, her voice taking on an even more sultry tone as she leaned in closer. “It doesn’t have to be serious, just two roommates… talking.”

The vampiress paused her foot’s advance just inches short of total impropriety.

“Enjoying each other’s… company.” She insisted, pressing a little firmer with her sole. 

“Y… yeah…” Xy squeaked, and felt her cheeks burning. “Sure.”

“Good.” Elise grinned. “Meet me there. I’ll be along once I get ready.”


Xy had her knees clenched together beneath the cafe table. She sat totally upright, not even touching the booth’s backrest, her fingers interlaced as she twirled her forefingers around one another. For the dosenth time, she craned her neck around to look as the door opened to see if Elise had arrived. Yet again, though, it was someone else. 

What was this? A date? Xy was still reeling from the way Elise had… well, asked her out. No, she just wanted to talk… at least so Xyleris though. About what she wasn’t yet sure. 

For a moment heat prickled across her forehead as what Elise had said flashed across her mind, and the way Elise had said it. That cool attitude, her calm confidence… it made her shiver all over. 

But… talk about what? Did she know? Was this going to be a kind but firm confrontation? Xyleris wasn’t sure she could handle that. Were the girl who had so swiftly come to dominate her every thought to reject her… she wasn’t sure what she would do.

The longer she waited, the more nervous she got. She tugged anxiously at the hem of her skirt, bringing it down to her knees as best she could. Xy had considered ordering drinks-

“Sorry to keep you waiting, dear.”

Xy froze in her seat, head turning slowly to see Elise stood right next to her - having somehow arrived without her notice. 

As opposed to her normally prim and proper attire, Elise’s outfit was far more revealing than any Xyleris had seen her wearing before. A black shoulder crop-top left much of the girl’s waist on show, and her jet-black mini skirt - despite being far longer than Xy’s - seemed far more revealing on the usually so appropriately dressed vampiress.

Sliding into the booth opposite Xyleris, her legs brushed against the succubus’ own. The feeling of her cool skin against the succubus’ body alone was enough to rob what little breath the girl had left. 

“Thanks for waiting, I’m sorry it took so long.” 

Elise let a coy smile play over her lips.

“S’fine.” Xyleris croaked, her forced smile doing little to disguise her nervousness. 

Elise set down a pair of drinks. Xyleris was stunned that not only had the vampiress managed to enter without her noticing but had had enough time to fetch refreshments. Was she not a nervous wreck, she might have taken a little more time to ponder how that was possible; as it was, her mind justified it as simply having been too preoccupied with her anxiety to notice. 

“How did you find my notes?” Elise inquired, gently blowing into the cup she cradled just in front of her black-painted lips. 

“Oh… uh, very useful. Helpful. Very helpful.”

Xyleris kept speaking over herself, relieved to think that perhaps Elise had meant what she said. They were just here to talk, to get to know each other like roommates.

“Oh good!” Elise grinned, and took a small sip. 

Maybe her attitude before back in their dorm, perhaps that had just been a joke, Xyleris thought. The girl showed no signs to the contrary, politely sipping her drink and seeming for all the world totally unaware of Xyleris’ anxiety. 

Yeah, that had to be it, she reassured herself. Staring into her own mug, Xyleris took a gentle sip of her own drink. Hot chocolate - her favourite. How had Elise known? 

“So, Xy…” Elise began, as casually as anything, “is there anything you’d like to tell me?”

Xyleris almost spat hot chocolate back into her cup at Elise’s words, but the vampiress pretended not to notice her perturbation. 

“T-tell you?” Xyleris coughed. 

“Yes, anything to tell me… or ask me… anything on your mind?”

Elise had begun to gently twirl a finger through her own long black locks, eyes on her hair rather than the succubus before her. 

Xyleris’ anxiety rose back to the fore with a vengeance. Of course this was more than just getting to know each other. How could she have been so naive!? 

Did she know? How much did she know? Was she upset? It was so hard to tell! These questions and more raced through Xyleris’ head. 

“It’s just I have noticed you seem to be a little… nervous around me.” 

Elise dropped her hair and fixed Xyleris with a stare that sent shivers through the demoness’ body. 

“O-oh. Yeah. So.” She stuttered, but had been thrown through so many loops in the last few moments she could hardly collect herself. “About that…”

Elise just sipped her drink, her eyes not deviating from Xyleris’ for even a moment, and neither did her smile dim even slightly. 

“W-well, it’s just… I think that, uh-”

Xyleris knew what she wanted to say. She also wanted to lie. Pretend that Elise didn’t rob her every waking thought, dominate her every dream. Pretend she didn’t constantly daydream about the vampiress’, seeing her even when she closed her eyes. 

Somehow though all those words just got lost amongst each other, and the succubus simply trailed off into silence. 

“Hmmm, you know if I didn’t know better I’d think you’re a little… shy.”

The word struck home like a hammer blow, but Xyleris pounced on it. 

“Oh! Y-yeah! That’s it!” Xyleris nodded, clinging to the lifeline. “I’m so shy around new people. Especially new people.”

“More than others.” Elise stated, evenly, placing her cup on the table between them - the gentle thud sounding like a gavel striking a block. “You’re shy around me specifically.”

Biting her lip, Xyleris suddenly found it necessary to look at anything and anyone but Elise. 

“So, I’ll ask again… is there something you want to tell me?” 

Elise’s visage never wavered. She seemed to be having the most delightful conversation to an outside observer. Nobody looking in would have known that to Xyleris it felt as if her entire existence was being slowly dragged into the sun. 

“E-Elise… I… I am… I was…” 

“Would it be easier if I asked?” Elise spoke a little more softly now. 

She placed her hand on Xy’s wrist reassuringly. The cup had been shaking in her hands, but it stilled at her touch. Xy gave a tiny nod. 

“Alright.” Elise kept her hand there as she spoke. “Do I make you shy?”

Xy nodded. 

“But it’s not a bad kind of shyness, is it?”

Xy shook her head. 

“It’s a good kind?”

Xy nodded again. 

“You find me attractive.”

Xy paused for a moment. 

“No? You don’t? Or is there more?”

The succubus was silent, eyes fixed on her mug, but those jet black nails around her wrist were always in view. 

“So… More than just attractive, hm?”

A tiny squeak from Xyleris’ throat was enough to answer that. 

“I see.” She spoke softer, pretending she hadn’t already known. “There’s more, though, isn’t there. You’re interested in more than just sex, aren’t you?” 

Blushing furiously, the succubus felt a tear well in the corner of her eye. 

“Mmmm. Unusual for a succubus. I can see why you must be feeling so confused. Tell me, has your imagination been running wild these last few days? Have you been thinking about me?”

A nod.

“More than that though. You’ve been thinking about us. 

Another nod.

“Hmmmm. Well, I wonder then, what are we going to do about this?”

Elise took another sip of her drink, and Xyleris felt like curling into a ball and hiding away from the world for the rest of her life. Obediently, however, she remained there, sat across from the object of her desire as her fate was decided. 

“We’re going to be living together for at least a year. Maybe more. Sharing almost every class. If being around me is causing you to be this… distracted, then I think we’re going to have to do something about that. We might need to come to new arrangements.”

Xyleris was so confused. Had she ruined everything? Had she ruined her chances with the girl of her dreams? 

“You know, I’m getting the impression I’ll have to be the one to ask you.” Elise grinned into her cup, trying not to laugh, before putting it down. 

The succubus looked up, confused, as Elise took her hands in her own. 

“Xy. I don’t think I can be your roommate.” Elise said sweetly. “Would you like to be my girlfriend instead?”

The words passed over Xyleris as if like water, flowing past her before she even registered them. She just blinked into Elise’s gaze, still waiting for something she didn’t realise had already come. 

“I said…” Elise squeezed her wrists gently, “would you like to be my girlfriend?”

Xyleris’ lips moved, repeating the words silently. 

“I asked you first.” Elise said softer, leaning in closer. 

“Girlfriend?” The succubus said at last. 

“Not interested? I was expecting you’d be more eager.” The vampiress offered with faux disappointment. 

“Yes.” Xyleris said, surprising herself when she heard her own voice, but then repeated it. “Yes. Yes!”

Elise grinned triumphantly. Xyleris was almost vibrating in her seat, eyes glowing as she beamed at the girl across from her. Suddenly every hope, every dream she’d had of the two of them together came flooding back to her. 

Playing with the lining of her crop top, Xyleris tried to keep her eyes from drifting to the vampiress’ chest - at least too openly. She was a succubus, sure, yet for her romance and lust were at least intertwined. 

A tiny thud underneath the table barely registered with Xyleris. Yet it got her attention when, reaching down, Elise sighed in relaxation as she massaged her now naked sole.

“Feels so good to take off these sandals now and then.” 

Blushing slightly, Xyleris could only grin. Everything was perfect. Elise didn’t know just how perfect yet, but… well, she’d tell her eventually. Yeah. Things were finally going to be okay. Better than okay. Perfect. Xyleris finally drank her hot chocolate with some gusto, her nerves melting in the face of such overwhelming relief. 

However, moments later she spat it back into her mug in shock as she felt something make contact with her inner calf, and slowly begin to trail up and down. 

The vampiress’ smile hadn’t wavered; though her eyes - firmly locked on Xyleris - had narrowed. Xyleris’ was confused for a moment, reading Elise’s expression, before her shocking pink eyes widened in realisation.

Elise’s toes traced across her knee before slowly inching their way up her inner thigh, running up and down, pushing a little further up each time. Xyleris froze as the pieces began to fall into place as recognition set in. She was doing this on purpose. She knew what it would do to her. Elise knew everything - or at least enough to have connected the dots. 

The vampiress politely took the cup from Xyleris’ hands, which had now begun shaking, before she spilled her drink. 

“Something the matter?” Elise asked, innocently enough.

Xyleris felt her breath catch in her throat, eye twitching slightly as her mind short circuited. 

“Wow, it really is that easy, huh?” Elise smugly declared, leaning forward slightly even as her foot continued its lazy path up towards the hem of Xy’s skirt. 

The girl was at her wits end by that point, however. After only momentary relief her nerves were simply shot. With a stifled cry she shivered all over, and threw her hands up to her face, blushing furiously. 

“Awww, such a cute little thing you are…” Elise cooed at last, drawing her voracious toes back and relenting their endless onslaught.

Panting softly into her hands, elbows on the table, Xyleris could feel her heart pounding as waves of a wild mix of emotions hit her. 

“My my, a succubus so easily subdued by such a simple thing…” Smugly summising the situation, Elise placed a finger to Xyleris’ lips. “You’re so sweet.”


The next week flew by for Xyleris. She hadn’t been sure what to expect, but when they got back to their dorm things were just as they had been before - except now she knew why Elise was always smiling. 

Although now Xyleris was aware that Elise’s teasing was intentional, the vampiress held nothing back. From the gentle sigh she’d make as she stretched up to find things on the top shelf, raising to her tiptoes as she did so, or just always seeming to find a reason to be barefoot and showing off her peds, she was undoubtedly going out of her way to drive her roommate stroke girlfriend wild. 

At first the succubus had been uncertain how to respond. It was all going a bit too quick for her. Yet Elise always seemed to know just what to say to comfort her. 

In the end the vampiress had sat her down and made things clear - or at least as clear as Elise’s mildly cryptic behaviour ever was.  

“Listen, I know you like my body. One part in particular. I don’t mind if you want to take care of yourself. In fact I’m flattered. I just want us to get to know each other a little before we… get to know each other.

Blushing as she always did when Elise spoke to her in that sing-song maternal tone, she slid her chair out and made for the bathroom. 

Elise however took her hand, and she paused. 

“You don’t need to hide away in the shower. I want to see. I want you to show me how much you love my body.”

She looked at Elise in shock, but melted under that knowing grin and crimson glowing eyes. A little giddy, Xyleris couldn’t help but smile sheepishly as she laid back on her bed. 

As her roommate went about her routine, she went out of her way to show off Xyleris’ favourite feet as much as possible. The succubus could only bite her lip, admiring the girl’s figure, especially the delicate inclines of her soles. 

Yet when she reclined on her own bed and began to give herself a truly luxurious foot massage, complete with breathy moans and parted lips, Xyleris felt any semblance of control flee from her. Even without Elise’s implied permission Xyleris doubted she could have helped herself given such a sight. Her fingers found her nipple, tweaking it gently at first until it firmed between her fingertips. Her other hand was anxiously gripping her skirt, though was inexorably moving closer to the small protrusion making itself known. 

The vampiress feigned ignorance, but cast a glance back Xyleris’ way for a moment, her red eyes glinting. Only then did she truly begin to put on a show in earnest. She groaned in pleasure as she ran her thumbs deeply up her sole, pressing in to find every spot of tension. 

Xyleris let out a heavy, shuddering sigh as she grasped her cock, watching the utterly erotic scene unfolding before her. The involuntary jerk of her body in response to the pure catharsis of that simple action, at long last the relief both physically and emotionally hitting her all at once, was enough to set her hips bucking into her fist before she’d even begun stroking herself. 

Elise responded by lifting one foot over the other knee, giving Xy a perfect view of what she was doing. As the succubus’ groans of pleasure grew, so too did Elise ensure to encourage her by elaborating her performance ever more. The more excited her observer became, the more vocal Elise endeavoured to be, and it was not entirely for show either. She was increasingly getting worked up by the pure rapt attention her admirer showed her. There was a certain charm to being in such total control of someone through doing something so simple. Beyond that, though, she would have been lying to herself if she said she wasn’t enjoying the attention, in more ways than one. Not all of those breathy moans were just for the other girl’s benefit. 

Lifting from the bed, Xyleris’ back curled as she rocked forward, body wracked with waves of pleasure luring her whole body inwards. Elise moved in for the kill, bringing both of her soft soles directly into the succubus’ view. The poor girl’s eyes practically crossed as she shuddered in orgasm, coating her stomach as a climax far more powerful than any she’d felt before - no doubt brought on by the sheer intensity of the moment - rippled through her. 

Xyleris collapsed back on her bed, panting, sweat pooling on her neck as she half-heartedly reached for a box of tissues to clean herself up. Elise, however, was standing over her with the box in her hands. 

“That was…” Xyleris murmured, blushing once more as her arousal-induced-bravery fled in the face of post-orgasmic realisation. 

“I enjoyed it too.” Elise cooed sympathetically, and laid down next to Xy. 

Xyleris tried to shuffle away, cleaning herself as best she could, but Elise froze the girl in her tracks with a single fingernail under her chin.

“Where are you going?” She spoke coolly, and wrapped an arm around Xy’s. 

Wilting under the red-eyed gaze and curled lips of the vampiress, Xy shrunk to her side, as her new girlfriend handed her another tissue. 


Xyleris felt Elise’s fingers squeeze hers before they interlaced. Walking together they had to take care on the uneven cobbles as they moved between two ancient and overbearing buildings on campus. 

“Careful on these steps,” Elise said, waiting for Xyleris at the bottom. 

Of course it would have been much easier had the succubus not been blindfolded. 

“You still haven’t told me where you’re taking me.”

“I know.” Elise answered, smoothly. 

A nervous grin tugged at her lips as the succubus’ heart fluttered. The sound of gentle running water filled her ears as the air cooled around them. 

“Careful, come sit down next to me.”

Elise’s words came from behind Xyleris and she jumped a little. Feeling behind her, Xy found the cool stone of a bench, slightly wet from the water in the air. She sighed a little in relief as she took in the delicate spritz of moisture cooling her skin. 

“I wanted to give you something.” Elise said softly, leaning in closer. 

Xyleris turned to Elise, but unable to see her, remained upright and quizzical. 

“What is it?” The girl asked, unsure. 


Their lips locked, and for a moment Xyleris had no idea what was happening, until the vampiress’ breath cascaded down her chest, and her body’s closeness was felt against her own. 

Xy melted into the kiss as there was no sound but their breathing and the trickle of water for some time, their lips moving together, speaking a language without words. 

When Elise pulled back at last, a trail of saliva connecting them breaking to leave a thin sheen on the succubus’ chin, she took the blindfold with her. 

Blinking in bewilderment, not just from the sun, Xyleris crooned into the vampiress’ neck, softly panting. 

“Do you know where we are?” Elise asked after a short while. 

Xy looked around properly, her weary eyes opening, having been so lost in the other girl she hadn’t thought to notice where she’d been led. 

“The fountain…” She murmured. 

“Where we first met.” Elise finished her thought. 

Xyleris cuddled up to Elise at that, wrapping her arms around the other girl’s as if afraid to let go. 

“I…” She whispered, but the rest got caught in her throat. 

“That was our first kiss so I wanted it to be special.” Elise cooed, stroking her pink hair. 

The succubus merely nodded into her shoulder, evidently overwhelmed by the situation. 

“Awww, it’s okay.” She cuddled the succubus girl closer, yet couldn’t help a wry grin spreading as a thought occurred. “So when you first saw me… what was it you liked?”

Xyleris’ nodding paused as her mind flashed back to those first moments, the sun glinting off the water of the fountain now in front of them. Elise had been sitting with a few other students, but above all, she had been barefoot. Her sandal had been hanging delicately and precariously from her toe. The water had shimmered in the air as her feet soaked up the heat of the sun-baked stonework beneath them. 

Heart pounding in her throat, Xyleris merely buried her face ever deeper into her new girlfriend’s shoulder. 

“I thought so.” Elise said softly, giggling into the back of her hand. “Want to know a secret?”

Xyleris poked her eyes above the vampiress’ clothing for a moment, wearily. 

“I saw you. I saw how you reacted, and I knew right away. Or, well, I suspected at least. Want to know something else?”

Blushing furiously, Xy could only nod as those piercing red eyes looked down at her own. 

“From that moment I wanted you, too. I was going to do whatever it took to have you all to myself.”

Xyleris hid her face again but half-tackled Elise with the force of her hug. Giggling, Elise cuddled her close and kissed the top of her head. The succubus busied herself by nuzzling into Elise’s respectable bosom, much to her girlfriend’s amusement. Even so, they couldn’t stay forever.

“It’s getting late. Want to head to the dinner hall?”

“Yeah… okay.” Xyleris mumbled into her breasts, utterly at peace with the world. 


Elise loved her. It was pretty clear to her now. Indeed, she felt it as strongly within her as she did all emotions, as vampires so often did. Indeed, it was in Elise’s nature to enjoy toying with her new girlfriend. Keeping the poor girl just a little on edge was deeply satisfying. Not on edge in that way, of course, though that idea did have its own appeal she had to admit, giggling to herself as she did so. 

Nothing too cruel. It was simply in her nature to tease, though she only did so enough for them both to enjoy it. She had metaphorically sunk her claws into the girl, and her covetous nature would not allow her to ever let her go. 

Elise was no monster - at least not by the standards of their kind. She was deeply moved by Xyleris’ affection. She was already feeling a closer bond to her than most people she’d ever known. They had ever since making things ‘official’, sat down and talked openly and honestly, with Elise being ever patient with Xyleris shyness. They had discussed what they liked, what they didn’t, and they had most importantly both settled on and agreed upon a relationship dynamic. 

Xyleris hadn’t seemed to mind. The demure and decidedly submissive girl was practically wilting at her every word, every look, every touch. Elise had swiftly begun to figure out what made the girl tick. It was inevitable, and again, in her nature. So far a sultry yet slightly aloof demeanour seemed most effective, yet Elise varied it up. Some days a little more distant, some days a little more domineering. It all kept Xyleris guessing. But then what was love without a little excitement? That mystery, that uncertainty, that was what had captivated Xyleris about Elise to begin with, and indeed, Elise had been just as intrigued about her admirer. 

Indeed now the girl was studying again Elise began to see just how unlike so many succubi she was. Deeply diligent, quite intelligent, and aside from her cute fixation on Elise she was far more interested in love than sex. Not that the girl lacked a sex drive. No, far from it, Elise chuckled to herself again.

Xyleris gave her a nervous grin when Elise caught her staring, as she always did whenever the vampiress was giggling to herself. Always a little wary of just what the girl might be thinking. Anxious about what she might be planning. Anxious… and excited. 

Stretching out for a moment, Elise lifted one foot aloft while keeping Xy in view from the corner of her eye. As the girl’s eyes widened, the vampiress couldn’t help another giggle. 

She had decided at last. It would be tonight she’d make her move. Sighing, she leaned back, smiling broadly. 

Her succubus sweetheart could only bite her lip, looking across at Elise, wondering just what the vampiress who was the sole focus of her world had in store for her. 


The vampiress had been out for a short jog. Xy would have joined her - taking any excuse to see the bombshell in a pair of jogging shorts - but her University assignments beckoned. She had more or less caught up on all the work she had missed by now and wanted to be done. 

Xyleris was nearly done with her last assignment. A short thesis on the interactions between summoning circles and runic symbology. Fairly dull stuff but Elise had been a great help. Indeed, to Elise the subject matter they were covering was practically rudimentary, and her notes were deeply insightful on the subject.

Yet she had stopped making any progress whatsoever when Elise had come back, dripping with sweat. As she had stretched and groaned, Elise felt her pen drop from her hand and stopped caring entirely. 

Elise closed with her and grinned, before she kissed her out of nowhere, sending her heart fluttering and - a little below - her skirt tenting itself. The sheer aroma of her sweat was momentarily overpowering. 

“When I get out of the shower, we’re going to do something fun.”

That was all Elise had said, a single finger keeping Xy’s chin up to stare into her deep, red, glowing eyes. 

Since then Xyleris had been utterly beside herself, not knowing what to expect. The heavy hiss of their shower, occasionally dimming or shifting in tone, hinted at the alluring thought of Elise herself nude and cleansing herself not too far away. Hot steam poured out beneath the gap in the bathroom door, the heavy spray making the room just a little hotter and more humid. Not that Xyleris wasn’t always just a little hot and humid around her girlfriend, especially when she knew that behind that door was a sight that almost went beyond erotic as far as the succubus was concerned. 

Grinning nervously, she repeated the word to herself. Girlfriend. She still had trouble believing it. 

That humidity of course was acting in addition to the heady atmosphere of Elise’s scent which had embedded itself into the room, their belongings, and even Xyleris herself. 

The water suddenly stopped, and her heart skipped a beat. 

A gentle hum arose from the silence, and the succubus squirmed anticipatorily. Elise’s voice was musical, and - likely literally - magical. There was some wild magic in music, in an unfiltered voice. Nothing intentional or direct, it had no focus, but then that was its beauty. It touched everything that heard it and lifted the soul. 

Xyleris, however, was not prepared for what she saw. 

The vampiress’ body was gleaming in the evening light pouring in through their window. She sauntered silently, soundlessly into the room, as if her feet weren’t even touching the carpet. 

The wave of aroma which hit Xyleris was almost overwhelming. The heat and body scent of her recent jog had been replaced by the most wondrous bouquet. Xy found herself inhaling deeply as Elise grinned her way, breathing in her lavender and strawberry fragrance. 

“Do you like it? It took quite a while to work it into my whole body…” Elise said softly, sauntering ever closer.

Xy clung to the sheets beneath her on her bed. Elise was practically glowing as the heat of the water radiated from her, and she was a vision of sexuality. 

“Although,” the Vampiress continued, as she trailed her fingers along Xy’s bedpost, “I seem to recall you were quite eager when I mentioned a foot massage.”

Her deep breaths became much more rapid as, with a single motion, Elise lifted one bare foot into Xyleris’ lap. 

“After such a long day I really could use one…”

Elise bit her lip slightly, if only to keep up the pretence. She was almost as giddy as the girl beneath her sole. Almost, as she could practically feel the poor girl shaking with arousal. 

Without a word, Xyleris gently grasped first Elise’s ankle, and then more gently the pad of her foot, before a shuddering exhalation made her whole body quiver. 

“Mmmm, you’re such a sweetie.” Elise said, lifting herself onto Xyleris’ bed opposite her and placing her feet squarely atop the girl’s stomach. 

With two blossoming soles filling her view, the succubus was practically beside herself, an almost manic arousal gripping her. Any apprehension was lost as, tentatively at first, she grasped one sole and began to gently work her thumbs up and down. 

Elise groaned in satisfaction. She hadn’t actually needed a massage, of course, but she might be demanding quite a lot more of them from now on. This was heavenly. 

Her submissive succubus was almost salivating if not for her lips being so pursed in concentration. The silky skin was intoxicating to her as she worked Elise’s peds, massaging deeper, trying to find every point of tension. 

It took quite some willpower not to outright writhe in ecstasy. Elise had of course had a massage before, but never one quite so… passionate. She could feel how Xyleris’ arousal was driving her motions. 

At such close proximity now, Xyleris could tell that Elise had spent much of that shower working the lion's share of her fruity fragrant oils into her feet. Indeed as Elise pushed them even closer, resting them on her chest, every breath was a bombardment, as if she were strolling waist-deep through an aromatic meadow. 

Wriggling her toes invitingly, Elise toyed a finger at the corner of her own mouth. 

“Would you… give them a kiss?”

Heat rose up Xyleris’ neck until she felt sweat prickling across her head, but such an inviting offer was too much to resist. She gently placed her lips against the soft skin, leaving a barely audible smack of her lips behind as she did as asked, before doing so again, and again in earnest. 

Biting her lip, Elise slid forward just a little further, pressing her toes against Xyleris’ lips directly as she kissed away, her hands massaging the foot now primely placed in front of her. With her other foot, however, Elise trailed it down Xyleris’ body, tickling gently at her side, until it found what it was looking for - and she ran it in circles just atop the girl’s abdomen suggestively. 

“Be a good girl… and you’ll be rewarded.” Elise said with finality, her voice curling around her tongue. 

All apprehension evaporated as the succubus’ urges overrode anything else. Her eyes glazed over as she was lost in a haze of arousal, mouthing around, kissing, licking and sucking on the beautiful appendages which were all too eager to push themselves just a little between her lips. 

Elise was hardly without arousal either. Indeed, had she known just how luxurious a massage plus a hungering mouth upon her toes would feel she’d have demanded one every night prior, and with a slight quiver, decided she may do just that from this point on. As Xyleris moved down, kissing her way across Elise’s sole as her fingers worked their magic on the rest, she could easily imagine happily spending every night this way together. 

Yet there would be time for that later. For now she wanted to make this a night to remember for both of them. Indeed, as expected, she saw the succubi’s skirt tenting as prominently as her cock could allow. 

Sighing in contentment, she withdrew her foot slowly but surely, the panting succubus clinging to it eagerly as the glassy look in her eye demonstrated the unadulterated lust coursing through her. It was admittedly adorable - but Elise had bigger plans. She steeled herself to the puppy-dog eyes Xyleris gave her as her feet were drawn away, but a gentle stroking of the girl’s thigh was suggestive enough to let her know there was more in store. 

“Get out of those clothes for me.” Elise whispered, and bent over for a moment to kiss the girl, running her hand through the succubus’ shocking pink locks.

She eagerly complied, throwing her clothes into a pile as she hugged her legs to her chest, sat upon the bed, saliva coating her chin as she grinned sheepishly. 

“Such a good girl… I did say you would be rewarded, didn’t I?”

Nodding slowly, she stiffened as the vampiress grasped her knees for a moment, but melted as another kiss robbed her of her breath. Slowly but surely, Elise prised her legs apart, laying by her side until at last the girl was naked beside her. 

The moment was intimate enough that Xyleris could barely move, just cuddling up to her new-found love for all her worth. Elise ran her hands across the girl’s skin, exploring her body slowly. 

That was their first time truly naked to each other, not just without clothes but without anything at all between them; open to the world and each other. 

Elise at last moved to the girl’s waist, running her fingers down. Xyleris hid behind her hands, and in so doing every phantom touch made the girl twitch. Closer and closer Elise’s fingers came until they found their prize, and delicately hefted her cock as it swiftly stiffened, as did the rest of her. 

The vampiress had gotten the impression it wasn’t exactly much to brag about, not that she minded. Indeed, it was around four inches in total, perhaps a little more when as excited as she was. She grinned - it was just another way Xyleris was unique. Succubi’s bodies so often tended towards the extreme, the outlandish. She was by contrast so modest, so demure, practically bookish. 

Her vampiress lover kissed the girl’s neck, and her hands fell away from her face as she did so. 

“It’s so cute.” Elise murmured into her collar, not wanting to upset her - no doubt for a succubus it was quite a sensitive subject, not to mention physically sensitive. “I love it.”

Whimpering, Xyleris rolled her hips slightly, pushing the modest length out to protrude as far as it could, while Elise’s fingers delicately handled it like a fine vase. 

Elise giggled under her breath. She literally had the girl wrapped around her little finger…

Xy blushed for a moment at her reaction, but a kiss on her lips quelled any worries.  

“You’re beautiful…” Elise breathed into her lips. 

The succubus’ eyes glistened as the first hints of tears made themselves known, and Elise felt her heart groan. In that moment she knew for sure, she truly loved this girl. She let the moment linger a while longer before composing herself at last. Her cock-sure grin returned, and she set her shoulders. 

“Now for your reward,” she huffed softly, and stood up beside the bed. “Get up. Lie on the floor.”

The succubus did as instructed. As Elise loomed over Xyleris, the girl could only stare up in awe at the nubile form of the vampiress above, every curve of her pale skin gleaming in the dim light. Elise lifted a foot up, ensuring Xyleris’ watched it move, before slowly bringing it down. Elise’s big toe was now stroking up and down the firmness which was standing upright and already drooling arousal. 

Xyleris mewled in sheer sexual bliss, chewing her own finger as wave after wave of eroticism flooded through her, as her entire body squirmed at just the smallest touch of her lover’s foot. 

“Such a sweet little thing… and so easily controlled. It’s adorable how easy it is, you know. How readily you react.”

Elise encircled her cockhead between her big and second toe, before pressing it down a little to her abdomen, feeling it twitch. She peered down through lidded eyes, only her gleaming red irises showing, feigning indifference as she seemed to be inspecting the cock grasped between her toes, tilting her head to one side then the other. 

Xyleris’ breath came short and sharp, hips rolling as she pressed her meagre cock into the girl’s toe-hold. Only when the poor girl beneath her was practically hyperventilating, though, did she at last press her foot down, ever so gently encompassing the entire length beneath her sole. 

With a heart-wrenching moan, Xyleris almost wept with bliss, feeling her silky sole press in across her cock as she mouthed a dozen different thoughts she couldn’t put words to. 

“Adorable.” Elise said with finality, her smug grin returning. 

The succubus could hold back no more. Her hips twitched, rolled, then ground against the underside of Elise’s foot. Soon she was thrusting eagerly, while the vampiress stood imperious above her, hands on her hips. 

“So easy…” she cooed softly, emphasising it with caramel words. “Such a good girl.”

She varied the pressure, pressed her pad a little further forwards to pin her cock between the girl’s own stomach and her foot, and grinned devilishly as her lover’s eyes widened at the newfound sensation. However, just as Xyleris’ hands moved up, Elise tutted and the girl froze. 

“Now now, hands by your sides. Be a good girl for me…” 

She spoke with saccharine sweetness, and just a hint of vanity. Xyleris hung on her every word and - obediently - moved her fitful, anxious hands to her sides, where they grasped at the air. 

“That’s better.” Elise pressed down on Xyleris’ cock just a little more firmly, earning a groan from the girl beneath her. “Such an obedient girl. I think I’ll be rewarding you like this more often…”

She began to gently roll her toes across the crown of Xyleris’ cock, and in response the girl practically yelped in bliss. In moments her hips were bucking, grinding her cock needily against the underside of Elise’s sole. 

“Uh uh,” Elise admonished, wagging a finger in front of her waist, “good girls don’t hump without permission.”

The succubus let out a strangled groan but, with some effort, was able to bring her twitching hips back to stillness.

“Much better…” Elise cooed, and winked to her erstwhile roommate. “I can see training you won’t be too hard.”

A low moan was Xyleris’ only response as Elise began to slowly, glacially rub her sole up and down Xy’s cock. When moving up she pressed her pad down, pressing the girl’s cock to her stomach, but on the way down she would let off most of the pressure, ensuring only the upwards strokes were at all satisfying. 

Grinning deviously, she watched with relish as the succubus fought against her every instinct. It was utterly frustrating, no doubt, but she could tell the girl was loving it. Beneath that shy exterior beat the heart of a deep-seated masochist waiting to get out. 

Every time her foot pressed in, Xyleris’ butt tightened involuntarily, sending a knot of tension through her cock and amplifying the sensations of Elise’s silky sole gliding up and down almost frictionlessly now it was practically coated in her copious precum. 

“My my, I can tell you’re enjoying this…” The vampiress spoke down to the girl below. 

Xyleris tried her hardest but couldn’t help shifting her hips, squirming in place, desperate to move if only slightly. 

“Oh dear… is someone a little pent up? Wouldn’t it feel so wonderful to just buck those hips of yours, to thrust, to rut and hump my foot like the good girl you are?”

Xyleris wailed pitifully as the mental image almost sent her over the edge alone, and her hips twitched in anticipation. 

“Wouldn’t it just feel so wondrous…” she continued, emphasizing her words by speeding up her strokes, a wet slish-slish-slish emanating from below as she did so, “to surrender yourself completely… and fuck my foot?”

Xyleris was almost beside herself with need, her whole body writhing as that slick sole slid at a staccato pace, until at last Elise relented. 

“Gods… you’re perfect.” She said softly, and bit her lip with glee. 

Resting her foot atop Xyleris’ cock firmly, she cleared her throat. 

“Such a good girl for me. Now for your reward, you can hump as much as you like.”

Like a girl possessed, Xyleris went berserk, like a beast in heat. She didn’t care how debased it looked, how embarrassed she felt; the way Elise smugly gleamed down at her was pushing all the right buttons in all the right ways. She held Elise’s ankle firmly and ground her cock into that soft, plush sole relentlessly. 

Her firm, toned calf felt like steel in Xyleris’ grip, and her athleticism no doubt contributed to the sheer power and dexterity with which she had been tormenting the poor girl with that foot. Now, though, Xyleris felt freed. Not just from her momentary disciplinary restriction, but truly free. It was as if a part of her which had been eating away had finally broken out, and she could be herself at last, who she truly was, who she always wanted to be. 

As she ignobly humped Elise’s proffered ped, in that moment, in spite of the sheer maelstrom of emotions she was experiencing, deep down what she felt was total contentment and peace. Both with the world, and with herself. Elise had given her something she hadn’t known she needed, and which she now knew she could not have lived without. 

Xyleris’ cock throbbed and ached, and Elise huffed behind her hand haughtily, feeding into the character her foot-addled devotee was so enamoured by. 

“I can feel you throbbing, you must be so close… Do you want to cum?”

The succubus was well beyond words. Hell she was close to tears, and she nodded frantically. 

“Awww, well since you have been such a good girl for me… you may cum whenever you like.”

She needed no further encouragement. Indeed she was barely holding back as it was. Elise pressed down more firmly, and leered down.

“Cum for me. Cum like the foot addicted slut you are.” She whispered, and pursed her lips in a faux-kiss. 

Utterly frenetic by now, Xyleris’ hips were a blur as she bucked with every ounce of strength she had. 

“So desperate… so eager to cum… what a good little pet you’ll make for me.”

Elise’s eyes glowed hungrily. She may have been feigning her haughty character, but her hunger was all too real. To tease, to toy, to control, that was her true passion, and now she had found someone who fulfilled her every possible wish in that regard. 

“Cum for me.” She repeated, and Xyleris felt her entire body throb. “Cum for me.”

Xyleris’ back arched from the floor as her very being felt entrapped within her cock, as if nothing else in the world existed but Elise’s foot and her own throbbing member. 

“CUM.” Elise demanded at last, and pressed down just firmly enough that she could feel Xyleris’ cock twitching and pulsing beneath… 

That was all it took. Xyleris was so worked up, so close to the edge, she didn’t even realise that the height of ecstasy she had reached was barely the cresting of her orgasm. Her whole body stiffened as she cried breathlessly into the ether, cock throbbing madly as first one, then more and more jets of cum sprayed against the underside of Elise’s sole. 

Indeed, her orgasm simply would not dim. Soon a messy pool of ejaculate had formed on Xyleris’ stomach, and no small amount had dripped to the floor. It was a truly impressive amount for an otherwise modest cock. 

Elise’s own breathing was nearly as rapid as that of the girl below her, who was practically hyperventilating. Licking her lips, Elise reached down to kiss her newfound mate. 

She would never let her go. 


Xyleris sat down and handed Elise her mug. The pair had decided to read in the library. They were well ahead in their course work, but since they had so much spare time they could prepare for future assignments well in advance. 

“They had no more milk.” Xyleris said softly, and winced in apology. 

“No problem.” Elise whispered, and picked it up, blowing on the surface. 

As Xyleris settled into her seat, she reached for her book and prepared to find her place once again. Yet a cool sensation on her thigh made her freeze. 

“You’ll just have to provide some cream, I suppose.” Elise whispered into her mug, disguising her truly devilish grin. 

Xyleris buried her face behind her book, but Elise grabbed her hand as she giggled, baring her teeth in a broad grin. 

“I love you.”

Xyleris melted into her hand as it caressed her head. 

“I love you too.”