Number Six Ch. 5

David awoke to find himself sitting in a comfortable chair. Everything was blurry at first, and his head was swirling. He went to pinch his nose but found his wrists strapped to the chair he was in. As he tugged alarmedly at his restraints, he paused at the sound of his mother’s voice. 

“Just relax David, everything’s fine.” His mother offered sweetly, in that same casual tone she always used. “Don’t be difficult David…” 

He could just about make out through blurry vision his mother sitting in a far larger chair beside him. He relented in his struggles at her insistence, however reluctantly, and began to look around the room he was in which was so unfamiliar to him. He hadn’t realised how long it had been since he had left his home. Perhaps months… had it been years? 

This new room was softly lit and a bit cold, but decorated with many pictures of smiling women holding men in their arms, embracing them tightly, or in their laps. In each case, with growing concern, David noted the blank expressions and vacuous bliss on the men’s faces. 

Wincing, David tried to remember how he had arrived there. All he could remember was resting on his bed and as usual being buried between, or perhaps beneath, Cara and Melissa. No… he could remember them letting him up for something. Someone had given him something to drink, right? They said it was to rehydrate him since he’d been so warm… and then he’d felt so drowsy…

Looking down again, he saw he was wearing pale pink clothing he had never worn before. Had someone… dressed him in his sleep? The clothes were altogether quite revealing. The silky material was fairly elastic and hugged his form, leaving nothing to the imagination at all. All he had been given to wear was a fairly skimpy pair of shorts and a vest with sleeves that barely got past his shoulders. 

A door opened behind them and disturbed his recollection before he could truly regain his senses. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” 

Blinking away the fuzziness in his vision, David saw someone take a seat behind a massive and ornate wooden desk in front of him. As they came into view, however, he thought he must be dreaming. He recognised her. She was the doctor from that advert he’d seen so many times… 

“Welcome to the Valnurana’s Institute for Male Rehabilitation. I am Doctor Valnurana.” Her voice was calm and soothing, yet tinged with a coolness that spoke to depthless patience. “This must be David.”

As she finally came into focus, David realised he wasn’t dreaming. Before him sat the same woman he had seen on TV. Her jet black hair framed a kind face with firm features. Her sienna toned skin seemed to catch the light, though that might have been a product of his continued drowsiness. She was, like so many transformed women, massive. Her blue coveralls did little to hide her truly ample proportions, framed by a white doctor’s coat which he doubted she could ever have buttoned up given the sheer size of her body. Especially given her truly absurdly large breasts. David had thought he had seen the largest bosoms modern science could create, and yet evidently Doctor Valnurana had access to techniques which even the wealthiest could not yet take advantage of. 

He blinked again. It really was her, which in turn meant he really was in her hospital…

David involuntarily jerked at his restraints again in fear, suddenly very eager to leave this place and any and all decorum be damned. When he discovered it was again quite useless, the restraints far stronger than he could ever dream of being, he audibly gulped. 

The doctor smiled slightly at his display of fear, and inhaled deeply before turning to his mother at last. 

“What seems to be the problem?”

“Oh my, well it seems so silly really…”

“I assure you,” Doctor Valnurana spoke confidently, “there’s nothing you could tell me I haven’t heard before. Our facility specializes in… difficult cases.”

David made to speak, trying to interrupt, but his mother and the doctor seemed to simply ignore his presence altogether. 

“Well, David here is adamant he does not want to undergo transformation. We’ve tried everything I could think of but he refuses to even listen.”

“My my, that certainly doesn’t sound healthy at all.”

“I’m perfectly healthy, I just-” David mumbled, but was soon cut off. 

“From what you’ve told me it sounds like David has more than simple apprehension regarding the transformation. Indeed it may take some time to diagnose the issue, but I suspect there is far more to this than a simple case of reluctance.”

David bit his lip, frustrated at being ignored, but as the two spoke over him - both figuratively and literally given their height - he resigned himself to a begrudging silence. He in turn chose to largely ignore the giantesses who so casually discussed his fate as if he wasn’t even there. As such when Doctor Valnurana finally spoke to him directly he didn’t hear what she said, and hadn’t even noticed she was speaking to him until he realised she was staring directly at him for the first time since she’d entered the room. 

“Oh… um… sorry. What?”

“It’s quite alright. I’m glad to see you are polite, David. So many of our patients can be… less cooperative. It makes it so much harder to treat them. Not that that is a problem, of course. We have a 100% success rate.”

“That’s very impressive!” His mother said in awe. “So David is going to be okay?”

“More than okay. He will be the best version of himself he can be. As all boys should be.”

“W-wait… but… I don’t want to change. I don’t want to be… like everyone else.”

Doctor Valnurana paused for a moment, analysing David. She didn’t speak for a short while. When she did, it was in the same even tone as before, but once again David detected that subtle chill to her voice. 

“David, I’m sure you are aware it’s perfectly normal for boys to undergo transformation.”

“Yes, but… I don’t have to. I don’t want to. You can’t make me, right? Well, surely I don’t have to do it. I just don’t want to, and that’s all there is to it. Everyone keeps trying to convince me to but I like who I am as I am now!”

David breathed a few times before realising just what he had said. It had all just come out so quickly. A lifetime of anxiety rushing out in moments. 

Doctor Valnurana just smiled. 

“Of course, David. You are absolutely right.” Her eyes glinted a little behind her thickly rimmed glasses. “Boys do not have to undergo transformation if they really don’t want to. Nobody can, should, or ever will force you to. All boys who opt for transformation do so willingly.”

“Then why am I here? There’s nothing wrong with me!” David protested, tugging at his restraints. 

“See what I mean?” His mother spoke dismissively. “He’s just so strong willed.”

“I’ve met stronger.” Doctor Valnurana said with a little smile. 

It gave David pause, wondering just what she meant by that.

“Well David you are here because first of all your mother, your family, your friends are worried about you. Your behaviour tells me that they may be right to be concerned. My only concern is to discover what is causing your behaviour and to help you get better.”

“B-but… you said guys don’t have to get the transformation if they don’t want to.”

“That is correct, David. However, you can’t tell me why. Indeed I doubt you even know why yourself.”

“That’s not true!” David exclaimed, but the pregnant pause that followed spoke volumes. He struggled to put together the complex thoughts that a thousand pages from his father’s books had conveyed to him but it was simply impossible in so short a time. He had had no time to prepare for such a meaningful discussion. 

“I see.” Doctor Valnurana said sweetly, but with an air of bemusement that sent a shiver up David’s spine. “You have been entered into my care and I will find out what it is that’s troubling you, David. I am here to help you. However, I can only help you if you accept that you need help.”

Dejected, David’s eyes moved to the floor, if only so he didn’t keep accidentally fixating on her massive breasts as he looked up past them into her eyes. 

“It might take some time. But I promise that when you are cured, you will leave here a healthy and happy boy.” Doctor Valnurana licked her lips slightly. “They always do.”


Two orderlies, massive transformed women who were perhaps the largest David had ever seen, arrived soon after to escort David away. His mother put on a brave face, but in that moment David truly saw her for the first time. 

Her vapid expression spoke volumes, or rather, it spoke to the volumes she had never read. Never would read. The sheer scale of the emptiness within her, potential forever unused. A sad goodbye and a promise that David would feel better, to do as he was told, was all she could muster. 

Only then did it finally become all too clear to him. His mother wasn’t a mother at all. She was just a person who had been in his life who had by chance of causality and genetics become the woman with authority over him. Authority which, it seemed, was as easily transferable as the ease with which he was being physically transferred to Doctor Valnurana’s ‘care’. 

When he had been left alone with her, losing his father, it hadn’t been easy. Yet only now did it dawn on him that he had been alone since he had gone. He had never had a mother at all. Just a jailer. 

The orderlies tenderly released David from his bonds, yet always kept a firm hand upon him as they worked. One was a blonde and pale with a kindly smile, the other an auburn dusty-skinned beauty. They worked with such effortless efficacy that he had no doubt they had done this countless times before, and he could practically feel the confidence radiating from them. Indeed, once they had David in their gentle but firm arms, hands upon his shoulders, he felt more restrained than he had in the chair. 

“Come along, we’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” The blonde said in an almost saccharine tone, yet combined with the firm grip on his shoulder there was a very clear undertone that it was not a request. 

David took one last look back at his mother, or rather the woman who had claimed to be her, and saw not the slightest regret in her eyes. She wasn’t even looking at him as he was led away into the arms of strangers. She was smiling at Doctor Valnurana as they spoke to one another. However, Doctor Valnurana’s eyes didn’t leave him for a moment until the door closed and he was out of sight. 

The halls were a chalky pink pastel, softly lit and with the faintest sound of music playing at just low enough a volume as to be unable to be heard when David tried to focus on it. It seemed to creep back into his hearing the moment he stopped trying to listen directly to it. 

The roof was abnormally high, even compared to buildings which had to accommodate transformed women. Had he stood on one of the nurses’ massive shoulders he still wouldn’t have been able to reach it. The halls were also empty, save for the occasional rounded glass globe fitted into the walls, behind which a tell-tale glint spoke to a security camera following his every move. 

As they walked the nurses kept a very slow but deliberate pace. Of course even at their glacial speed his far shorter legs had to move much quicker to keep up. He was in no danger of tripping, but their speed ensured he was moving at a pace set decidedly by them. The message was clear - he was not in control here, they were. 

The carpeting was oddly soft. Indeed a quick look down showed that the massive women to either side of him were leaving an imprint of their soft soles in the material which took a few seconds to reassert itself after they moved on.

David had the distinct impression that this was far less like a hospital, at least as he had imagined them, and far more like a nursery. Everything seemed deliberately designed to project as much of a calming influence as possible. He couldn’t help but feel soothed by it all somehowm in spite of himself. He had once read in his father’s old books how a placebo pill works regardless of whether you know it is a placebo or not. In the same way he felt the tension in his body slowly but surely being drained from him. 

The air around him seemed warmer, thicker somehow than he was used to. Like a stuffy room on a winter day. Soon it was becoming a struggle to keep up with the two women flanking him on either side as his feet seemed to sag into the floor. 

That combined with the heavy sedative he assumed he was still recovering from made it seem like the world existed through a heavy blanket which was ever smothering him in its easy softness. A siren call seemed to lure him to relax in spite of everything happening to him. 

He yawned, fighting urgently against the growing drowsiness this place seemed designed to induce. He felt a soft hand correct him as he almost crashed into the wall and, through blurry eyes, looked up into the smiling serene face of one of the nurses as she gently helped him back to his feet. If nothing else, the stumble had flooded his system with some alertness, and he blinked away the fatigue for a short while longer. 

“I’m nurse Abby.” The brown haired goddess who had helped him said at last as they progressed. “We’re showing you to your room soon, where you’ll be staying with us.”

“For how long?” David demanded quickly, but wilted at the suddenness with which the pair of women fixed him with a kind yet determined stare. 

“For as long as it takes to help you get better, David.” The blonde said sweetly from behind a knowing smile.

“But… but there’s nothing wrong with me…” 

His words lost strength as he spoke, intimidated by the sheer confidence with which his captors carried on, as if interning a boy in a hospital against his will were the most natural thing in the world. The very building, as well as those within, seemed to be doing everything possible to impress their authority upon him. 

“Nothing that we can’t fix.” Nurse Abby corrected, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly… yet it didn’t feel very reassuring.

“I’m Nurse Bella.” The blonde said with the same sugary sweetness as before. “Nurse Abby and I have been assigned to you for now. You will likely see other… specialists while you’re here. Of course, Doctor Valnurana oversees much of the treatment here personally. However, we are responsible for your wellbeing.”

“Do you… care for a lot of patients?” David asked, struggling to find something to ask which could assert some level of control on his part. He didn’t want to be a meek child being led along by the hand, regardless of how apt that seemed. 

“Oh yes…” Bella said softly, almost wistfully, reminiscing over the joy of her work, before looking back down at him, “but only ever one at a time. Every boy has at least two nurses assigned to him for the duration of their stay. One of us will always be here for anything you need.”

As they walked, David found himself listening to their words rather than objecting at all. He told himself he was just trying to gather information, but deep down he knew the true reason. He was afraid. 

“Doctor Valnurana is one of the most incredible people working in her field. We’re all very grateful for the opportunity to work here. She believes as we all do that boys need to be shown, not told, how they should feel. That’s why every boy has their own personal nursing team. We aren’t just nurses, we are your nurses, David.” Abby sounded as if she was reading from the back of a pamphlet, but David had to admit it didn’t sound rehearsed. She seemed to genuinely believe every word she spoke. 

“Trust us, David. You will be very well taken care of for as long as you’re here.” 

The trio came to a stop in front of an elevator as Bella fished around in her chest as Abby did the same. She reached up to a panel which David noted was well out of his reach with a keycard at the same time as Abby which soundlessly opened the door.

He tried to get a read on either of his escorts, but could glean nothing more than the fairly obvious notion that they knew more than they let on. He was sure they were right and that he would be well taken care of, but he had no intention of trusting them or anyone in this place.

Given his head barely came up to their chests, David was unable to help himself but admire their bodies, especially given the close proximity. In order to look up at their faces he was by deign of his perspective practically forced to drink in their sculpted forms. 

Abby’s hair was tucked into a curt ponytail, but he got the impression it was much longer than it looked. Her broad shoulders supported characteristically massive breasts. Given the option, David had rarely seen any woman opt for anything smaller than tits halfway bigger than the boys who would inevitably be suckling from them. Even so, Abby had a tremendous pair to boast of under her soft, pink, silky uniform which matched so much else about this place. Her body filled out so fully that David could hardly ignore that every time his shoulder pressed into her side it sank into her flesh with effortless ease. 

Bella had a very similar build, albeit slightly more svelte. Of course she was still massive even when compared to most transformed women David had met. Her hair was cut to a short bob and gave her a very kindly appearance. Her breasts were perhaps even more impressive than Abby’s. It was getting hard to even wrap his head around the measurements involved anymore, especially from his waist-high perspective. 

Their hands were warm to the touch, soft, but their grip was very firm. Despite how cuddly and pliable both of their bodies seemed, beneath it all there was evidently a solid foundation of muscle. 

In the elevator there were two further card readers, again both well out of David’s reach and at opposite sides of the massive lift. A flush of worry hit David as he realised just how difficult escape from this facility would have been, and how well-thought-out their security was. 

As the elevator doors began to slide closed he panicked, and suddenly had the feeling that he would never leave this place. Adrenaline hit him all at once as he considered making a break for it now while he still could, correctly assuming that once he was above the ground floor escape would be nigh impossible without Doctor Valnurana’s approval. 

Yet as if reading his body like a book, the pair of nurses demonstrated their lengthy experience. The moment the doors began to close, their hands tightened almost painfully around David’s shoulders, holding him firmly in a vice grip. He suspected he wasn’t the first boy to attempt an escape at that precise moment in the process of being admitted to the facility. 

The next floor was much like the first. Identical, in fact. Had he not felt the sway of gravity beneath him as the elevator had risen, he would have suspected they hadn’t changed floors at all. Only then did he notice that there had been no display or buttons in the elevator. There was no way to know which floor he was on. It was quite disorientating, especially as he looked down the hallway in either direction to see no windows. 

Grimly, he suspected that too was an intentional design. He had no way to know what floor he was on, or even what time it was. This was confirmed to him when after a laborious journey down several hallways they arrived at a nondescript door, the same pastel pink as the rest of the facility, and they gently but firmly ushered him inside. Much like the elevator, two card readers far too high up for him to reach, and on opposite sides of the door, were the only visible method of opening it. Once they were inside, he realised there was no method to open it from within aside from two more card readers mirroring their out-of-reach positions in the hallway. 

David’s room was comfortable, but painted the exact same monotonous soft shade of pink as everything else. Every fitting and facet was the same tone of pastel as the uniforms the nurses wore. Had the lights not been casting shadows he would have struggled to differentiate the surfaces of objects apart. 

Notably, there were still no windows. The bathroom was entirely automated, and the shower and bath were both massive - just the right size for two giant nurses to accompany him, he concluded grimly. 

They showed him how to operate a few of the amenities. There was a small vidscreen by his very large and oversized bed fitted into the bedside table, which allowed him to control many aspects of the room. There was a far larger screen which would offer, according to Abby and Bella, ‘Programming tailored specifically to your regimen of care.’ While he could turn it on and off whenever he wanted, it would turn on automatically for several hours a day as part of his treatment. 

He could lower the lights to be comfortably dim but, he noted, they could never be entirely turned off. There were also several rather conspicuous glass domes fitted into the upper walls of the main room and bathroom - security cameras even in his room. 

They opened a few drawers to reveal identical articles to the tight, silky ensemble he had already been dressed in. 

“You’ve had a very long day.” Bella said at last, guiding David to sit on the edge of his bed as she knelt in front of him and took his hands. “I know you have a lot of questions. I’m sure you’re nervous. That is a very normal reaction to being in a new place. But we want you to know that we only want what is best for you.”

David swallowed, discontent bubbling in his stomach, but he couldn’t find the will to give voice to his skepticism. 

“Every boy who comes here is a little scared at first, but Abby and I are only ever a few moments away if you need us for anything.”

Abby nodded. 

“We’re going to go to our room, which is very close by in case you need us. However, if you want one or both of us to stay here and keep you company and cuddle you tonight-”

“No.” David blurted it out in sudden fear, not having realised he’d said something until he heard his own voice. 

The pair smiled patiently. 

“Thankyou…” he added shortly after, as his fear shifted to worry of what outright rejection might earn him in a place like this. 

They seemed entirely unphased, however. Bella’s sweet smile didn’t flinch. 

“That’s fine, David.” She said, her tone even. “We would never do something that isn’t in your interest. If you aren’t ready for that yet then only you can decide when you are.”

Unsure what to say, David simply nodded, and with that Bella moved to the doorway next to Abby. 

“If you change your mind, you can call us at any time. We’ll always be able to see you, and hear everything you say.” Abby said as they opened the door by the use of the same card readers as before. 

“You’ll change your mind eventually, David. They always do.” Bella said in a solemn tone as the door opened, before the pair walked through and closed it behind them. 


David settled into his new surroundings as best he could. No matter how calming everything was designed to be, something in the back of his mind was perpetually unsettled. Even so, he couldn’t deny that it was comfortable, if not exactly comforting. Thinking back to his father’s books, he struggled to frame himself as a prisoner. It was a hospital, nominally, and no matter his misgivings he hadn’t been mistreated… right? No, he mused to himself, he was hardly Ivan Denisovich. 

As he was so often left to do, he was alone with his thoughts, and being so alone had only himself to turn to for counsel. Ruefully he somehow doubted the merits of the counselling they would offer him here. For some time he recounted his own life. Thinking over memories; time at school, time as a child, he placed himself in the context of a character - stepping outside of himself. He sought to view himself objectively. 

Was this how Winston had felt, tucked in the corner with his hidden diary? His paper had been found, in the end. It had damned him. Had David been betrayed by his thoughts? No, he shook his head. It had been his words. His actions. Yet how easy it had been to be fooled. The streets were clean and the people were smiling. Orwell hadn’t warned of that. 

Perhaps he was wrong. Was he arrogant to feel like the one sane man in the room? John Stuart waxed poetically about ‘the enemy’, yet they only had Stuart’s account of things. When everyone around you thinks something is fine… maybe it is. 

It didn’t work, though. That hope he had clung to so many times before simply wasn’t compatible with the thoughts and words of so many people his father had sung the praises of. He couldn’t just convince himself he was crazy and accept life as it was. This simply wasn’t how things were meant to be, no matter how many people insisted it was.

David was the only person he knew now who had ever read Huxley. How Brave and New did the world he inhabit seem now? What would the man have said to him, could he see David now? Certainly David had seen far more in that time reflected in what he saw outside than the others. 

No one else did. No one else knew who Huxley was, at least among those he knew. It hadn’t been taught in school, and he wondered if his teachers had even known the names he had quoted to them.

It felt so obnoxious to feel this way, to be so at odds with the world and feel like the one enlightened man left. Yet he couldn’t help it. The world felt so fake and plastic now. A lifetime of female authority figures choking his malcontent up to teenage hormonal opposition to authority simply couldn’t account for the disparity he had seen between the world outside his window and that which he knew used to exist. 

How sorely he missed his father’s books now. How sorely he missed his father, he added, with a pang of grief. 

The exhaustion of the day was overtaking him. Bella and Abby had been right about one thing, he had been through a lot. He felt his view glaze over. It was not quite sleep, but certainly rest. 

A gentle rapping on his door came some time later. He had no way to know how long it had been, and the minutes really seemed to meld together without a window or a clock. David rose from his pillow slightly, curious as to whether one of his jailers had forgotten something - or perhaps some new fresh degradation awaited. 

As he approached the door he looked up in confusion for a moment at the card reading panels well out of his reach. Looking around for any other kind of mechanism, yet knowing well he wouldn’t find one, he nearly stumbled back when it suddenly slid open to reveal what to David’s mind looked like a solid wall of soft pink fabric. 

He was confused for a moment until he craned his head back, then further still, until he was looking up into the smiling face of the largest woman he had ever seen. He stepped back further and further, before his back collided with his bed behind him. 

The towering woman made no ceremony as she entered the room, turning sideways slightly to fit the massive breasts that were currently concealed by a lightly buttoned smock made of the same pink silky material as all the other nurses’ garb. She smiled, evidently enjoying the dumbfounded look that spread across David’s face as his brain struggled to comprehend her body. It was a look she had seen many times before and rather indulgently allowed him a moment to take her in. 

Her round face and kind smile seemed to speak to a deeply rooted core of David’s mind, helping to put him at ease despite her monumental stature and mind-boggling assets. Her red hair was gathered in a simple braid and dangled elegantly across her shoulder, resting on the massive shelf of her bosom. Her skin was pale as fresh cream, and her blue eyes were deep as sapphires. As David began to breathe again, not having noticed he was holding his breath until it ran out with a gasp, she finally spoke.

“Hello, my sweet boy. My name is Doctor Amme. I’ll be your ‘bliss’ therapist for the duration of your stay here.” Her voice was sweet as honey, and flowed just as easily into his ears. “I know it has been a very tough day for you. However, Doctor Valnurana likes to start bliss treatment immediately with new patients, as it is going to be integral as part of your rehabilitation.”

For a few moments David didn’t quite comprehend her words. He was still trying to process the sheer mass of the body in front of him. Her utterly incomprehensible tits simply defied any laws of biology or physics he had come to understand, even in a post-transformation world. Yet one word lingered in his consciousness until the alarm bells finally rang. Bliss

David began to hyperventilate as he considered the sheer size of the woman that stood before him, and the implications of her words. She was simply enormous. At least ten feet tall if not more, and her breasts were simply impossible to wrap his head around, though he had no doubt they could easily wrap around his head. He wouldn’t be able to embrace a single one in his comparatively tiny grip. He could only imagine how much milk they held.

For a moment he contemplated escape, glancing down at her thighs and the small gap between her calves, hoping he could maybe dash through the legs of this utterly massive woman. 

Yet like Abby and Bella, she seemed to almost read his thoughts, easily anticipating his plan. Moving with a speed that belied her massive size, she quickly bent down and closed the distance between the bed and herself. She effortlessly grabbed him under the arms, David being stunned by her sudden movement, and lifted him into a truly suffocatingly warm hug. 

“Oh, sweet thing, I know it all seems scary sweetheart but please understand we are here to help you. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. We can take things as slowly as you like.” While not exactly what he wanted to hear, her words were at least somewhat reassuring. 

With practiced ease she held his relatively smaller frame against her, his head over her shoulder as she began to delicately run a reassuring hand up and down his back. 

David felt the massive swell of her breasts underneath him as panic threatened to overwhelm his mind. He saw an image of himself hanging on for dear life at the edge of a cliff, hanging over an endless abyss that threatened to swallow him whole. Given the cavernous and unending cleavage nearby that wasn’t far from the truth. 

At the same time though her expert touch was soothing him. Hell, his exhaustion was beginning to overtake him. It had been a physically and emotionally draining day to say the least. He had been pulled from his home, stripped of his delusions about his mother and had had his entire self concept of his own freedom and agency melt away. 

Yet what little adrenaline remained in him was being quickly drained, particularly as her expert touch seemed to stroke out every ounce of tension from his back. He had been poked, prodded, tested, and manipulated by a team of professionals; and he now realised that had been going on for much longer than he had known. Something inside him begin to break. 

Tears welled suddenly in his eyes as it all just became too much.

Sensing the subtle shift in his demeanour, and feeling the delicate hiccups of his silent sobs, Doctor Amme walked over to his bed, rocking him gently against her all the while. 

“Oh my sweet one… tell Doctor Amme whats wrong… hmmmm?” 

With a practiced motion, she laid David comfortably across her lap. As tears flowed, he craned his neck sideways to look past the vast and overwhelming shelf of her tits to see the kind motherly face of the latest in a series of large and powerful women who sought to control him in one way or another. 

She looked like some ancient fertility goddess made flesh, her impossibly curvy form coupled with her gentle demeanor and warm smile triggered something primordial in David’s mind. He struggled to hold back the dam of emotions that were threatening to down him. 

Looking down at him as she gently stroked his cheek with a delicate touch. 

“Tell mama what’s wrong, baby.”

The dam broke. 

David couldn’t help himself. Years of endless frustrations, fears, anxieties and sadness poured out of him. Dr. Amme simply listened patiently and sympathetically. She nodded understandingly whether he was coherent or a blubbering mess, no matter if she understood his words or not. It all came out. Whenever his speech hitched, unable to overcome she sheer emotional strife tearing him apart, she would pause just a moment to allow him to get it out before encouraging him to continue. She made little miens, expressions of sympathy and understanding. 

Occasionally Doctor Amme would reach down to gently wipe away a tear, but otherwise she just listened. 

When at last his wracking sobs had quietened, when his shaking had stilled, and his well of worries and concerns had run dry, she simply smiled and held him. When at last he seemed to be finished, David felt more exhausted than he could ever remember feeling. All his tension, along with every other feeling in his body, was simply gone. All that was left was emptiness, vulnerability, and overwhelming exhaustion. 

Doctor Amme brought him in for another hug against her warm breasts, a move that easily covered most of his body as his slight form sank into just one of her massive globes. 

“It’s been so hard for you my sweet boy… so difficult.” She whispered reassuringly to him. “I think you need a good rest, and then maybe then things won’t seem quite so bleak. Hmmm?” 

David nodded into the wall of flesh that wascurrently blotting out the world to him. Through even the endless mass, he could hear the steady beat of her heart and her breathing. As he slowly felt his own breathing matching hers he slowly calmed. 

He felt her subtly shift and then gently draw him away from her prodigious chest. For a moment he was confused, slowly his eyes readjusting to the light of the room after having been buried in her monumental chest for who knew how long. Blinking, he realised that as he had laid there she had unbuttoned the smock that had previously been stretched across her chest. With a slight tug, she revealed her naked breasts. 

As David looked closer, dazed by the sheer emotional exertion he had been through, he noted with idle curiosity that her nipples were covered in strange pads he had not seen before. He parted his lips slightly, thinking to ask about them. That notion seemed perfectly normal as he floated atop a bed of surreality and titflesh. 

However before he could ask she reached up and delicately peeled off the left pad, exposing the sheer size of her nipple beneath. The pink, rosy skin blemished her otherwise creamy breasts, and a turgid two-inch teat. Tiny droplets of white milk dotted the entire surface, beading together as the pad - which he now understood must have been absorbing her milk - was removed. Soon the beads became drops, until a steady dribble of milk was leaking from the pendulous tip of her nipple. 

The smell of her milk flooded his nostrils, its powerful scent grasped his senses as if by the throat. As he watched the drip drip drip of cream endlessly leaking, he was utterly transfixed. 

“This is an important part of your rehabilitation, David, but I won’t force you. It’s important that you learn this is what you really want deep down. It has to be your choice. We can sit here as long as you like until you feel ready…”

David could only stare in awe as her massive nipple dripped over and over without pause, hinting at the sheer unimaginable quantities of milk her tits contained. The teat jutted out proudly in the open as its creamy white liquid continued to pool at the tip, only to fall onto her lap near his face. Tiny droplets splashed against his cheek, ensuring his senses were utterly enveloped in the scent, until he was certain he could taste it. 

He wanted to object. To claim he didn’t want to. That he never had wanted to in the past and never would again. He wanted to say all of that… but as he opened his mouth to do so his throat suddenly felt unbearably dry. He simply couldn’t drag his eyes away from the warm, massive, swinging breast in front of him and the liquid bliss leaking out of it.

Even in his daze, he was well aware what awaited him if he drank. Bliss. Oblivion. An end to all the thoughts that had assaulted him, and any other thoughts as well. It sounded so promising. 

Yet another part of him knew it was poison. Poison of the mind and body. It would only weaken him further, wear him down and erode him into nothing. He warred within his own head.

Doctor Amme brought her index finger up to catch the latest drop forming on the tip of her nipple, and then with that same kind smile, ever so gently used it to wet the dry lips of the dazed young man in her lap. 

Almost automatically, without thinking, David closed his mouth on her fingertip and tasted the milk on his lips. 

“Ohhhhh…” David groaned involuntarily, as even that barest of drops was enough to send a wave of relaxation though him, a dreamy smile forming on his face. 

The matronly doctor giggled in familiarity at his reaction, having seen it so very many times before in treatment rooms and interrogation sessions alike. 

“Boys are so easy.” She thought to herself with a condescending sigh, smiling as his eyes began to glaze and she drew him unresisting to her breast. 

They always needed to be shown what they really wanted…deep down inside. Women knew what was best for them, they just had to be led to understand that fact. She smiled with satisfaction as she now easily slid her nipple into his little mouth, her fat teat filling the space and depressing his tongue as he latched both out of instinct and necessity given the intruder’s sheer size. 

David had never tasted anything like it before. It was like Instant Smile but every aspect of it was ramped up to a factor he had never imagined. Richer, creamier, sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted. Liquid love was spreading through his body, a warm soporific effect flooding his rapidly filling stomach to reach every inch of his body. The slight pressure of his mouth was enough to trigger a deluge of cream from her breast, and all too soon the flow was far too much for him. He was distantly aware of a wet dribble leaking from the corner of his mouth. 

It felt like every care, every worry, ever ounce of pain was simply melting away. 

Then, as if it were the most perfectly natural thing in the world, Doctor Amme reached down to gently grope his cock through the near skin-tight material of his shorts. With a very practiced hand, she slowly teased him to a full erection, delighted that he was already semi-hard from the taste of her milk alone. 

“Thats it my dear… let mommy take away all those bad thoughts and replace them with love.” 

Her voice was as soft and sweet as her milk, and like so many times before David found it just so easy to listen to what she was saying. 

“No more worries, no more big boy thoughts. Just listen to mommy… I want you to take all those bad thoughts and push them down to your lovely cock as Mommy gets ready to milk them right out of you.” 

With a featherlight touch she peeled his shorts down, David’s cock springing needily to attention now it was free of its confines. 

“See? Your body knows what it needs. This cock is so ready and eager, it springs up into my hand…”

With the same delicacy and gentle touch as one would pet a kitten, she curled her fingers around his shaft lovingly and began to slowly stroke. 

“All that worry, all that negativity… Let it all out so Mommy can replace it with her love…”

As her gentle ministrations of David’s cock became more insistent, he began to feel his body sagging in her grip as he lost all control of himself. His willpower waning, he tried to bring a hand up to futilely push against the inconquerable bulk of breast which now dominated his entire world, but only succeeded in a pathetic nudge into the forgiving flesh which was easily mistaken for enthusiasm, and had little more effect than the kneading of a kitten. 

Even the gentle pressure his hand applied was enough to send a strong jet of milk rocketing down his already over-taxed throat. As he gurgled slightly, trying to swallow the liquid faster than it pooled in his mouth, he was soon beyond caring. After a short time he was willing to let himself be taken away on an ocean of bliss, and let her words flow openly into his unguarded mind.

“Thats it my beautiful boy, suck - suck - suck. I’ll help you get rid of all those nasty thoughts. Just fill your head with Mommy’s love. That’s it… I can feel you getting closer.”

Again she demonstrated her astute experience with boys. She felt the telltale stiffening and throbs in his shaft before it had even occurred to David he was growing closer to orgasm. Or perhaps it was her insistence that was driving him closer. 

“Be a good boy for me… be a good boy and cum for Mommy…” She cooed, leaning closer to him as she spoke so her sweet breath gently caressed his cheeks. 

Yet in pressing herself closer to him, her nipple forced itself deeper between his lips, and the pressure on her breast caused the flow of her milk to suddenly double. Inhaling in surprise, David struggled to swallow quickly enough to keep up. The scent of her skin, her milk, the feeling of her hand, and the coaxing temptations of her words were all swirling in his head and making it impossible to think. 

“Come on… cum for me… good boy…” Her gentle words were like feathers one after another slowly weighing against his orgasm which now balanced on a knife edge. 

He felt his heart beating faster as his breath grew more shallow and desperate, and ever keenly aware of a symptom, the doctor was easily able to spot the telltale signs of his imminent ejaculation. 

“That’s it… that’s it… you’re doing so well…” her reassurances felt like a soothing balm against the mental insecurity that ever raged within him. 

As his hips began to rock and buck, an instinctual response outside of his control, her delicate grip on his cock suddenly became an insistent milking motion. Her thumb pressed with the perfect amount of pressure into the underside of his shaft as she ensured to scrub the spot just beneath his head with every pass over it. 

David’s eyes widened, then glazed over fully as the ecstasy of a blissful orgasm rose and rose within him. 

“Cum for Mommy.” She commanded at last, triumphantly, and David erupted in one of the longest and most powerful orgasms his life. 

At first he was silent unable to vocalize the mind-bending pleasure coarsing through his mind as his lips merely wavered around her turgid nipple. He felt every ounce of resistance being drawn out of his body, any thoughts of anything but this pleasure and the woman giving it to him evaporating. He saw stars at the edge of his vision as the world went out of focus and darkness gathered in around him.

“Good boy… such a good boy….” Dr. Amme whispered as her lips curled into a satisfied grin as she milked rope after rope of cum from his cock, delighting as the hot liquid splattered across her. 

Watching lovingly she saw his eyes flutter, utterly overwhelmed with pleasure. She held him close as his body jerked and twitched in response to every phantom touch against his now absurdly sensitive skin - both imaginary and very real touches, it transpired, as she took the opportunity to possessively caress his delicate and vulnerable body. This was always her favourite part, when boys became delicate, fragile little things in her arms. 

Beyond exhaustion now, David settled into a gentle sucking rhythm, and Doctor Amme sighed to herself. Now his treatment could begin. 

She began to quietly whisper to him. At first it was just gentle shushing noises, but slowly she expanded this to compliments, and then gentle suggestions - punctuating every point she made with a delicate stroke of his overly-sensitive cock, or a gentle tickle of his tender balls. Slowly but surely she began the long process of eroding his sense of independence and self. 

Doctor Amme was an old hand at this. She couldn’t even remember how many boys she had done this to now. Every one of them started out so afraid, so worried of what would happen to them, and by the time they realised what was happening it was far too late. It would take time, some more and some less, but in the end she would break him down one little bit at a time. 

She couldn’t remember how many boys she had treated, but she could remember this feeling every time. Nothing made her happier than helping a boy find his place in the world. 

Being careful not to disturb him as David fell into a semi-conscious state, a waking dream, she casually laid him to rest on his bed and tucked him in. 

Casually she opened a hidden side panel on the wall next to his bed and entered the code to begin his subliminal treatment subroutine. It would repeat and reinforce many of the things she had said, and indeed, many of the general sentiments the subliminal audio playing throughout the building at all times had begun to implant within him from the moment he arrived. 

This would ensure the treatments he recieved would begin to be firmly ingrained into his now much more pliable mind. Her enhanced ears picked up on the change in the audio, too low for a male like him to normally hear. Nodding in satisfaction, she heard the subtle increase in repitition of the ever-present mantras being piped into the room and in turn his subconscious. 

She returned to her gentle cooing encouragement, soothing the blissed out young man beneath her with both words and touch as David’s mind was slowly but methodically coaxed, his psyche massaged to slowly become one more amenable to his society’s expectations.